1st grow, epic failure. How to use non flowered plants?


Well-Known Member
Whats easier, making hash or cannabutter. I dont care, i mean if i get a gram of hash ill be happy. If its not worth it im just gonna toss em.

Long story short. my grow room is to hot even with ac unless i keep the door open and that wont do.

I dont have any more cash to invest at the moment. So i unplugged my shit for now.

If i get my disability or get better and am able to work. Im just gonna build a new grow cabinet.

I need to have it 100% sound proof so yeah and its in an attic.

So if u guys got a hash recipe plz share with me.

Thanks :wall:


Well-Known Member
Attic grows are very hard to control temps. What about flowering outside??? Or a friends house?? Don't waste those plants.


Well-Known Member
There is no shake...

and no cant flower outside or anywhere else.

:( thats life, only plants lol got plenty more seeds, it was just bag seed ne way
Well i couldnt do it.

I chopped down all but my short fat indica since it looked awesome. Im putting it back in 12/12 tomorrow at 7. Just for the luls. It seems to be the most resiliant of the plants and its nice and short.

Im gonna make hash with the rest of em. Found a nice tutorial on here really simple.

Im gonna get some Cad software and im gonna be making a new grow room in about 3-4 months, 100% sound proof.

About 8x3x8 with a spot closed off for cloning.

Ill be checkin back in with u guys every so often. Hope my little plant turns out to be female lol.