1st grow ever! 150W X 2 CFL's....lavender kush strain....need help!

Hey all, been thinking of growing for awhile now and just got my HPS so here goes:

Lavender Kush

3x8' closet

150W HPS/12 inches from plant X 1 soft white and 1 cool white CFL

Black Gold all purpose potting soil...Seeds planted in 5 gallon pots

I have not picked up nutes yet, not until they are a week older than now. Plus they look a little on the small side. The temp stays about 77-78 degrees and I have a nice fan blowing a breeze. Sides of the closet doors seem to give them proper ventilation. These (girls hopefully) are two weeks old from seed tomorrow. Will be putting up mylar tomorrow also as to increase the light these girls are getting. Have them on a strict 18/6 light cycle and hope to veg them to 2 1/2-3 feet before flowering:weed:.

Do have a couple of questions though for u vets...My growth leaves are turning yellow and are shriveling, now I can swear that my plants have been losing a little of their green and turning a yellowish, but not very much at all. Generally they seem very happy and perky. Is this a sign of the top leaves robbing the growth leaves of nutes? or Do u think this is a sign of nute lock, even this early?
Sorry about no pics, I will take them tomorrow
DSCN1486.jpgDSCN1488.jpgDSCN1465.jpghey soDSCN1470.jpgrry guyz got caught up in with work...anywayz here are the pics. I lowered the lights to 10 inches and added a fan. Will be watering tomarrow.DSCN1489.jpg


Active Member
Do have a couple of questions though for u vets...My growth leaves are turning yellow and are shriveling, now I can swear that my plants have been losing a little of their green and turning a yellowish, but not very much at all. Generally they seem very happy and perky. Is this a sign of the top leaves robbing the growth leaves of nutes? or Do u think this is a sign of nute lock, even this early?
Sorry about no pics, I will take them tomorrow
nute lock is a possibility at any stage if the ph isnt in the correct range, have you checked the ph of your water, and growing medium? however i think its unlikely that they would be lacking nutes at this stage probably the opposite, the black gold potting soil is props a little too hot for the lil' ones, however they should get through it experiencing a slow growth rate perhaps. they look good though despite the minor yellowing, just keep an eye on it.

happy growing!
Ya i have been wondering if the soil has been a little high on the PH. Ive heard of ways to lower and raise the PH. Its called flushing? anywayz what is an effective but inexpensive way to check the PH and then adjust it accordingly? Also should the organic nutes start after i get the PH adjusted? Its almost like they are calling for the nitrogen lol. Had a bad experience with my timer, it malfunctioned and it ran 24 hours straight with no light, hopefully it didn't turn them male. They look a little droopy but are still in good health.
Just wanted to let everybody know that my girls are fine and loved the light that I gave them after the blackout they had. Really impressed with the growth my bigger girl had today. Already getting a half an inch taller. Still need an answer to my PH question I had earlier though.


Active Member
flushing does effectively clean the soil of any nutrient's however you might need to put a hell of a lot of water through it to flush a pre-fertilised soil mix. Flushing does stress the plants slightly and is best kept to a minimum. So, if you feel like your soil is still hurtin ur girls then id say give em a good flush. As for determining ppm and ph, it can only be done accurately with a meter, or a test kit of some sort. the cheapest way is to buy a little liquid test kit from walmart in the aquarium section, these are relatively inexpensive around 5-10 bucks.

As for the timer thingy, it shouldn't really matter too much in the veg stage, any light problems in flower can be far more detrimental than veg. Causing sex changes, and hermaphrodites, which obviously sucks!
flushing does effectively clean the soil of any nutrient's however you might need to put a hell of a lot of water through it to flush a pre-fertilised soil mix. Flushing does stress the plants slightly and is best kept to a minimum. So, if you feel like your soil is still hurtin ur girls then id say give em a good flush. As for determining ppm and ph, it can only be done accurately with a meter, or a test kit of some sort. the cheapest way is to buy a little liquid test kit from walmart in the aquarium section, these are relatively inexpensive around 5-10 bucks.

As for the timer thingy, it shouldn't really matter too much in the veg stage, any light problems in flower can be far more detrimental than veg. Causing sex changes, and hermaphrodites, which obviously sucks!

Wow thanks for the advice! Now my plants would be stressed if i flush the soil because of overwatering right? if i do anyway...how much water for 5 gallons worth? Should i test my water and then my runoff?
Ok so i tested the PH of my runoff. I had two flower trays I set them on when I watered them. My Ph is 7.4 and thats a little hot for them but I don't want to flush the soil risking the poor girls. They look healthy and havent seen any more yellowing of the leaves so I will continue to monitor the PH as I water. The faster growing girl is on her third node and is showing grow for the fourth. The other girl is on its second node and growing the third. Will have pics on thursday on their three week birthday. Also had a question about nutrients...when should I start?
Dude my leaves were kinda yellow too at first but i just watered them no nutes and they just held up strong turned green again!! and nutes.... when your plant starts looking saggy and sad :(
Ya after watering them with the water having a PH of 6.8, they perked up already looking more green. I am watering at 500ML at a time and watering in a circle(not on top of the plant) to stimulate root growth to the outside of the pots. This lavender is already really fun to grow!

Sorry about the bad picture quality, I will be plagued by it lol.

So here is where they stand three weeks and a day since poking their head out of the earth. My little girl is very droopy and a bit yellowish and has a weird purple stem and the growth leaves are about dead. My big girl is also looking droopy and yellowish but her new growth seems to be more perky but still getting that yellowish tint. Also her stem is purple and growth leaves are dieing.

I've checked and checked for pests, Adjusted my PH from 7.4 to 7.1 and my temp and humidity remain 77-79 degrees and 22% humidity and Lights are 10 inches from my girls. Found out my potting soil has relatively no nutrients its .09-.02-.06
I am starting to think my girls are running out of nutrients so I have been researching and decided to go with Fox Farms Grow Big and Big Bloom. Let me know what you guys think and lend me some advice for +rep Thanks in advance.
Oh I forgot to ask about my watering. So I have been watering with 6.8 PH spring water at 500ML at a time. Now with 4 gallons of potting soil do you think 500ML is enough? In my research it says if I don't get enough water my roots will come back to the top. But what if I water to much? When I water I get a little drainage out of the bottom of my pot but I would blame that on my perilite.


Active Member
looking good, they're gonna start taking off soon!

as for watering man, just water until there's a little runoff, let the soil dry out almost completely between waterings, then saturate the soil completely at watering time!
Not bad .... yea 4 gallons is plenty of soil ... if its draining out the bottom... your good no chances of the roots running upwards... what kind of soil are you running again??
I'm running black gold all purpose potting soil and I got it before they started adding the multicote so there is virtually no nutrients. Waiting for my fox farm nutes cause the girls need it badly.