1st grow ever. Experimenting.


New Member

So I went out and bought some seeds, auto flowering pineapple strain, 5 seeds. Let see what happens here. I started out like this



They floated for a while then some dropped after about 24 hours, the rest i nudged and they went down. After about 48 hours I moved them to a wet paper towel and put them in a zip lock and then the cupboard for another 24 hours.


Two sprouted pretty good, the rest kind of cracked open but nothing came out yet. I was going to take a picture but I kind of...forgot. The two that
sprouted I planted in this



So I planted the 2 germinated seeds on the 20th, so 4/20/2013 which seemed kind of fitting. The other 2 of the other seeds popped and I planted them on the 21st in a seperate pot. I planted all of the seeds about 1 inch down in the soil and covered the holes the seeds were in. When I planted them I packed the soil too tight I think and I also think I watered the soil too much. It seemed wet on top, not moist, so on the 21st restless as I am, I kind of dug around the top inch or so of the soil, kind unpacking it and seeing if I saw anything. To my surprise I saw one plant starting to grow so I stopped and kind of loosely moved some soil back on top. and on the 22nd I had these 3 come out of the soil



Now its the 24th and I have they've gotten a bit bigger


I am growing these in a window sill. So just so you all know i'm not expecting much at all. Not even really expecting to smoke anything as I dont have any lights, and they are growing solely on the light coming in from this south facing window. Therefore I cannot do a 12/12 cycle, but they are auto-flowering, also I want to keep these plants short, so I am also going to be practicing my pruning abilities and am reading up on that. Will keep you posted.



New Member

All three seem like females so far. What do ya'll think? Also why do all my pics show up sideways when they are the right way on my computer?

I think you should invest $30 in some type of cfl light, hell take off your lamp shade on one of your lights and get it on those plants. Might as well try to finish them off as best as you can. get the warmer orange colored lights for flowering. Good luck! who knows, you may get a joint or two :D haha


New Member

So, I bought auto-flowering seeds, but i dont really know what that means. They are about 5 weeks old now, how long until they would start flowering? What do I have to do? The weather if finally nice where I live so I can leave them outside during the day to get some wind. The bottom few leaves are turning yellow, but the top ones look nice, although skinny.


Active Member
Your plants are flowering as they grow. Thats what makes autoflowers different from other plants, they grow buds as the plant grows instead of having a veg and bud stage. You have top buds on your plants already, they look pretty healthy. With my autos I gave them 2 weeks of just water after they popped from seed. Then they started to yellow a little so I gave them really light veg nutrients for two weeks. After that I give them light bud nutrients. Autoflowers seem to get nute burn really easy you have to give them a lot less than normal plants.


New Member

So here they are now, I havent given them any nutrients, just topped up the soil and give them water every 5-7 days. What do ya'll think of this little experiment
