1st Grow Ever! Tell me what you think.


Hey guys, im new to growing and i'm finally doing my first grow. i'm attaching pictures, tell me what you all think, thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Looks good. The soil is a little woody and I don't see any perlite but I wouldn't trip just something to think about when you transplant. Sprout looks happy though. good choice on growing your own! good luck


Well-Known Member
Yep, good start! I wouldn't bother with misting though, it may maker her rot away. Give her roots something to do; search down for food and water...(In the meantime, invent a time machine so you can check her out in a month! :-) It's all about self restraint at the moment says I who messed up their first seedling.:wall:)


Active Member
add som eperilite that dirt don tlook like it will drain well
He's right, the soil will drain much better if you add 1 cup perlite to every 3 cups of your soil. It'll also make it easier for your plants to spread roots. And be careful not to overwater. You should only be watering once every two or three days, or when the pots get light and the topsoil is dry to the touch at this point. Water until they drip from the bottom of the pot, and stop misting.

Cheers buddy:bigjoint:


Thanks to all of you for your replies. i'm looking forward to this plant being huge and full of the precious buds - i will be keeping all of you up to date! thanks!


Well-Known Member
more plants are killed by over care rather then under care, dont obsess over them i know it can be hard we have all done that. let the soil dry out complexly then give it a good water, its just a seedling so the root tap will be small, the watering will last it a while, stick to a consistent light cycle, choose some good nutrients, wait for a nice root ball to form and transplant ONLY when your plant uses up all its water in 2 days (meaning large root mass sucking up all the water),
-time(the most important thing imo)


Yeah thanks, it's hard sometimes not to look at them all the time, i have 2 right now, one is bigger than the other, and im just hoping they are both females.

i have a few questions, now that you guys talk about lighting.

right now i have 2 23 watt cfls lighting the plants, and i have them under 24 hour lights. i want to know if this is the way to go, well i know there's not an exact way, but i would like to know if for now the 2 23 watters will do me good for them at least until i can afford to get some more.

another thing is that the pots they are currently in are the pots in which i am looking forward to growing them just for the reason that i dont have the space to have big plants, or big pots. the space in my room is very limited. and yeah the diameter of the pots is around 6 inches and they are around 10 inches high, please advice!

in advance Thanks and also thanks to all of you that have already comment.


My guess is that you'll probably want bigger pots. If you want them to stay small, you might consider reducing the amount of time the light is on to something like 18/6. It may not make much of a difference, but if you aren't looking for huge growth then you aren't gaining anything by having the lights on all the time. Well, except maybe the convenience of not having to set up a timer :P


Well-Known Member
Well, it's not dead so you are better than half the idiots that post here.

There has got to be a common name or slang that needs invented for the act of new growers just staring at their crops needlessly, it's amazing how many of you guys admit to doing it. I'd call it the Grower Gaze, but I think to many Californians would get the wrong idea, lol.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend 24 hours of light. If you think about imitating nature, this baby would be sprouting in the spring. If you leave it in summer all day every day it's going to stress out, just like if you stayed up day in/day out artificially. Giver her some love and rest and let those roots do work in the dark, even if it's 20/4 cycle.
I might have missed something but where did you get your seeds from and what strain? :o I subbed... I have a good feeling about this particular grow...


the seeds i got from a half ounce that i got the other day, my plants are only 14 days old! as for the strain i'd say is all natural - i wouldn't give it a name lol