1st Grow Experiment

Hey guys, first time poster here and more importantly soon to be first time grower.

My friend and I recently have been fed up with trying to acquire bud on the street where we live, so we decided to grow our own.

Now, we're both pretty much broke haha. So we're trying to spend as little as possible.

Here's our plan, and I want you guys to tear it up and let me know what would be best.

We're going to grow 2 plants (one for each) in his closet, which is about 4 1/2 ' x 4 1/2' and about 8 feet tall.

We aren't too concerned about humidity with only 2 plants in such a space (Colorado climate right now is 56%, should we be concerned?)

We plan on buying and planting 10 seeds and growing the two healthiest plants from there.

We would like to use a 250 watt HPS lamp (will this be enough for 2 plants?)

Also, is there any way possible to speed up the whole process and get the plants to flower sooner, since this is personal use and we want to turn to the street as least as possible. On top of that, if it is in fact possible to do so, does speeding the cycle up affect the harvest adversely? Less yield? Less potent?

I'd really like feed back on this, ask any questions, comment all you want, but remember, I've never done this before so go easy :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yea, 250 watt HPS is fine. You may want to get a conversion bulb for MH, so you get a better veg stage, and more yield. You can speed up flowering, by increasing the hours of darkness every day. But you loose a lot of yield. Im sure potency is the same tho.


Active Member
Also, don't save the "healthier" looking ones, save the two that are female. you won't know till they are in flowering. It would suck if only one of your guys' plants was a female.
Healthy looking doesn't mean a female either. my least healthy plant out of 4 was a female. not only did it look worse than the rest it was the runt and my cat ate some of of it while vegging. Don't buy femanized seeds
KingOfBud - How much are we talking?

888 - So should we grow all ten seeds? How early can you tell whether they're male/female? Once we have two females we can clone them, and therefore not have to worry about whether or not their male/female correct?


Active Member
you wont know if there female until 2 or 3 weeks into 12/12 :(

Yes, if you clone a female you will get a female :)

Good Luck
Thanks for the comments guys, keep em coming.

I had another question though, or maybe I just didn't make it clear enough the first time.

What I meant by ("is there any way possible to speed up the whole process and get the plants to flower sooner") is I guess, can I just let them veg until I feel they are a good enough size then switch them to 12/12? Or is there a period of time that I actually have to let them veg?

Obviously I will get less bud than if I were to let them veg as long as possible, but will the plant yield a decent crop for the size I let it get to, if all goes according to plan?


Well-Known Member
You can switch them whenever you want but expect them to at least double if not triple in size during flowering.


Well-Known Member
You were on the right track when you said you want to clone,,,,, you can veg for 4 or 5 weeks,, then take clones,, put clones into 12/12 to find out if male or female,, just keep the females vegging and take clones,, youll never have to buy weed again..........:peace:..................


Well-Known Member
And certainly you can clone plants in flower-even budding. It takes a little while to grow out, and you will see some weird leaves that seem to have no place on a Cannabis plant but it works.-You have a good space (about the size of a Budbox) and the same light I have. I also have a clone/mother area. For me it's not quite enough for self sufficiency, I am getting another tent for vegging/part flowering-the three months between harvests and waiting for the outdoor season kind of drags.
anyway, best of luck.