1st Grow - Guerrilla Style


Well-Known Member
Firstly, I'm a noob :)

Secondly, I've always wanted to grow and now that I am, I've decided to start this journal. I'm doing a guerrilla grow because certain aspects of my life do not allow me to pursue growing indoors (as much as I want to :P).

With this grow I'm using some decent bagseed (yeah I know) because nothing else is available to me. For soil I got some nice organic from the Depot as well as some organic nutes for when my planties ready to accept them. I didn't think to get perrilite but I plan on getting some if I can ever find where Home Depot hides it, and I plan on adding some when they're big enough to transplant. I've picked a grow location far far away from my house but I am still able to do a good amount of checkups. It also gets a good amount of sunlight from what I've observed. I germinated the seeds a while ago and I put my first 6 babies in the ground on the 11th. Sadly, I've already lost one but my others are growing pleasantly (I think/hope!).

Feel free to add any comments, critiques, or questions if ya'll have any.

Now for some pics!

Day 4

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4

Plant 5

Any thoughts on the yellowness?

I believe some of the stems on my babes are purple because I got a little water crazy and felt like they didn't get enough, so I'm guessing I over-watered them a little.

The reason the plastic bottle end is on a few is because it's been slated to rain soon and I was told if I cut off the end of a 2L bottle, poke some holes in it and place it over my babes, they would still be able to get any sunlight and air without getting over-watered from above. It seems to be working but if anyone knows if it's a bad idea please tell me :)

Also, does anyone know if there are devices that can record how much sunlight hits a certain area, like a light meter of sorts. I think my grow spot gets a good amount of light, but if there was such a thing to record how much sunlight my spot is getting, that would be great so I could know if I should move em to a better spot or not.
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Well-Known Member
No comments as of yet, but I figure I'd keep updating cause I like to keep tabs on things :)

Day 6 and the sun is-a-shining! I just went to check on my babes and I think I'm gonna move them to a location a few feet away to get better sunlight.

Anyone know anything about a sunlight meter that checks how much sun hits a certain place?

I also just PH tested my soil using a lame little pill device (why Home Depot doesn't carry legit PH testers I'll never know) and based on the chart I'd say my PH is Alkaline Neutra, which apparently is around 7. I know a good soil PH is 6.3-6.8 so do you guys think I should add some iron sulfate to make it more towards 6.8?

Now for some pics!
(Note: The reason there is a 6th plant is because I planted him in a place I wouldn't think he would grow (for kicks) and it turns out he is. :))

Day 6

Plant 1
This guy got rained on pretty heavily as I was unable to protect him, but he still seems okay.

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4
I was also unable to protect this guy from the rain, but he seems to be doing fine!

Plant 5

Plant 6
Anyone got any ideas on how to help this guy? He can't seem to grow straight. I think I'm going to get a small twig or piece of plastic and lightly tie string around him so he quits growing awkwardly. Thoughts?

Anyone else love the feeling you get when you don't see your plants for a while then when you do you see they've grown? It's such a great feeling to have. I wish I could describe it better. Happy growing/smoking!

Comments, questions, advice, all welcome!


Well-Known Member
Haven't been able to see my babes in a while but now it's Day 11. I don't know if you guys read my other thread, but something knocked down one of my plants a while back and I was scared to death so I moved them. I went to check on them again, and once more, one plant was knocked down. Sadly, she was too damaged to keep alive. I'm guessing it was an animal because it was exactly what it looked like when the first cup got knocked down.

They got limited sunlight/water due to my 2L bottle set up and me not being able to check on them, so I said fuck it and finally took them off. They're 11 days old and it's time they got used to not being protected.

I also decided to get rid of the cups and put them in the ground. I dug some holes and added a mix of organic potting soil and miracle grow moisture control.

Now for some pics:

Day 11

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4

Plant 5

I know, 2 of them look like shit. I couldn't water them for 5 days, their air supply was terrible (my dumb mistake) and I'm guessing the 2L bottles didn't help them get as much sun as they could have. Do you guys think it could be a N, P, or a K deficiency? I've been reading up on plant abuses and it seems entirely possible it could be one of those. I haven't started any nutes yet, also. Suggestions/comments/complaints are greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
If anything, you should have started this grow in-doors until they reached a few weeks old and able to survive the harsher conditions that a seedling has problems with.

But, its too late for that.

You cant really do anything to save them, the ground is wet, so you cant water it anymore.

Just leave em alone I guess, thats the main emphasis on outside mostly until feeding.


Well-Known Member
Haven't updated in a while so I figured I would. I also haven't seen my plants in a while so I went out yesterday and took some pictures. I still have not started any nutes yet, but when I do, plan on going strictly organic. (FYI, the plants posted are not always in the same order/have the same number, I just post them as I upload them)

Tell me what you think!

Day 15

Plant 1

He seems to be doing the best - been in ground since day one and I've had no problems. I thought he would be the first to die but he has been proving me wrong.

Plant 2

This guy still looks like crap. Almost the same/if not worse from last time I updated. His leaves are yellow and shriveled. There is also some white color on the leaves which I noticed. Any thoughts?

Plant 3

Looks alright, but he's not as full bodied green as the others are (the flash on my camera kind of highlighted that).

Plant 4

His leaves seem to be dying...but I don't really know why. I've watered him plenty and he receives awesome sunlight. Thoughts?

Plant 5

This one doesn't seem to know how to grow straight. Ive pushed some dirt around so he faces upward more as that was the only thing I could think of to do to help him.

Comments, questions, and critiques are welcome.


New Member
yeah .. i had my plants outside when they were that size.. came back the next day and some animal (80% sure it wasnt a deer but a smaller one) ATE THEM!! i was furious .. so im gonna set a trap with another seedling in it , i shaved my head to spread some hair, and im gonna set up a small fence for my other ones .. hopefully when they are bigger they will grow fine .. but as of now .. im growing indoors til i can get my shit straight .. good luck on ur grow hope its better than mine is going! and see what 'cock-eye' grows into .. maybe itll be a new twirlin' strain that everyone wants .. who knows


New Member
"His leaves seem to be dying...but I don't really know why. I've watered him plenty and he receives awesome sunlight. Thoughts?"

- watch for over-watering .. let the top inch of soil dry out then water again .. might not need much watering outside if it stays damp under there.


Well-Known Member
spread out rags with dog piss on them ... tie to your dogs fave spot and let him piss on it .. then throw near your plants .. use green rags


Well-Known Member
"His leaves seem to be dying...but I don't really know why. I've watered him plenty and he receives awesome sunlight. Thoughts?"

- watch for over-watering .. let the top inch of soil dry out then water again .. might not need much watering outside if it stays damp under there.
I haven't watered my girls in days and when I checked the soil was pretty dry. I watered them a tad today and I kind of wish I hadn't - (I forgot to check before I went out) it's supposed to t-storm tonight and tomorrow. Damnit, Janet.


Active Member
To the guy who said he shaved his head to spread his hair...that's a bit stupid. Just one more thing for the po's to link you to the site. Just pee around it a bunch, always keeps deer and other critters away.

Good luck on your outdoor grow TLR! I'm growing indoors now, at the same stage as you are. I had shitty seeds, so out of four only two have sprouted to about the same height as yours. I'll subscribe for sure.


New Member
To the guy who said he shaved his head to spread his hair...that's a bit stupid. Just one more thing for the po's to link you to the site. Just pee around it a bunch, always keeps deer and other critters away.

Good luck on your outdoor grow TLR! I'm growing indoors now, at the same stage as you are. I had shitty seeds, so out of four only two have sprouted to about the same height as yours. I'll subscribe for sure.
its not as drastic as it sounded .. cause i shave my head anyway and i needed a haircut ... so i just saved my hair this time .. trust me man . im not that desperate or stupid .. lol


New Member
i am using bag seeds too in the great outdoors .. about same size now and i think ur plants problem is just bad seeds .. idk .. i guess you'll have that.


Well-Known Member
It's Day 21 here and I'm sad to report I've lost another baby, but my other girls seem to be doing between great and okay. We just had a t-storm here and I was scared they'd get hurt, but other than some being knocked down (which I fixed by pushing soil around the base as support), they seem to be doing fine.

Picture time!

Day 21

Plant 1

I planted this chica for shits, using soil that was in the ground (pretty sandy if you ask me), and yet she seems to be doing the best! Go girly!

Plant 2

(Sorry about the lighting =P)

Plant 3

This girl is bent over a tad, she's having trouble growing upright.

Plant 4

This lass also is having some trouble growing upright, she was one of the 2 tipped over due to the storm (plant 3 was the other).

Tell me what you think! :D


Well-Known Member
I can't see my girls for a while so I figured I'd check on them before hand. I also decided to play with some nutes. I know during vegging they need something with a high nitrogen content, so I used a pinch or two of some blood meal. The bag said to use a cup for a 20 sq ft space so I figured a small pinch or two wouldn't be overzealous, and I know they're still young so that's why I used such a small amount.

Do you guys/gals think it was too early for a pinch or two? Tell me what you think!

Day 23

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4



Well-Known Member
I DO THINK ITS A LITTEL TO EARLY I WOULD SUDDGEST to give it nutes in about 2 or 3 weeks cause the pre mix alredy has nutes added to the soil and also i would suggest to put something on top of the plants cause those babies are going to die if u leave em like that with out checken on them....
so cut off the bottom of a gallon or less water bottel or coke bottel and make wholes in it like alot all overit and place it on top of the babies


Well-Known Member
Day 30

Plant 1

Do you guys think he's strong/old enough to transplant? I need to move him to a new location. He's around 5 inches tall.

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4

Just started adding more organic blood meal to them - hopefully it does some good as they are pretty small. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Nicoelement and gangja, it was bad planning I know. The transplant actually worked. Anyways...

My grow dreams are over it seems. I went to check on my girls yesterday and went I got there I immediately noticed something was wrong. All of my girls had been kicked/bent/knocked over. Someone definitely found them. I wouldn't think an animal would deliberately do such a thing to my four evenly spread out plants and not even take a nibble. I'm hoping my old dealer still grows and I could possibly salvage them one day soon and give them to him to look after seeing as how he grows indoors. I don't know, we'll see. The tallest two were 6 inches or so and working on their 3rd and 4th sets of leaves. This is such a sad day, all this time and effort, months of work...gone.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
woooooo ude wat the fuck man...thats mest up who ever did that......dont worry man karma is ganna get who ever did that.....and i hope your dealer still does grow......and if not your only choice is to grow indoors...its easier but u gatta have a littel more mulla