1st grow, how does it look?


Well-Known Member
She looks great, I cant bring myself to clear out the fan leaves on the bottom but it does look good and clean and probably would help tons when watering :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it makes it much easier as i water by hand.
It is hard to chop her back after you put all your heart into making her the best you can but i think she actually seems to like it ....... kinky bitch :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Red, those buds are filling out nicely for 16 days, looks super healthy and happy

+ rep (if I could) for sure, if you get a chance, take a look at my Strawberry Dream, flipped a week before your girls


Well-Known Member
Photo update, 3 weeks since flip, i got a bit of light bleaching cos i forgot to lift my tube :( i think she will be ok though.

2013-08-15-885.jpg 2013-08-15-886.jpg

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Well-Known Member
I call dibs on the future walking sticks! :weed: Looking good in there, and to see its your first run is just amazing :shock: ! Keep up the great work and those girls will show you much love come harvest time.

(Also I added the rep you couldn't hbbum :clap: )
Thanks for the +rep :) as you called 1st then there yours :joint:

I only have the 1 plant but i have 2 clones from her that i am keeping small until i have room to flower, as you can see my cupboard only has room for 1 or 2 depending on how many times i top.

View attachment 2779959


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple of pics in normal light so you can see the bleaching, i actually think its looks kinda cool :twisted:

This was directly below the centre of the cooltube which was approx 8" away.



Well-Known Member
3 1/2 weeks since flip.
I took a few more pics this morning, they look funny colours cos it was under the hps but i had the flash on my phone turned on. Starting to get a nice sugary coating :)

2013-08-21-909.jpg 2013-08-21-911.jpg 2013-08-21-912.jpg

2013-08-21-914.jpg 2013-08-21-915.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not a lot changes now, hopefully she will just get fatter so just gonna do weekly pic updates.
5 weeks from flip :)

2013-09-01-998.jpg 2013-09-01-1000.jpg 2013-09-01-1001.jpg

2013-09-01-1002.jpg This is the same pic zoomed in so you can see the frosting coming :)
2013-09-01-1002 zoom.jpg

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