1st grow, indoor AK-48 (fem)/ Kiwiskunk closet (pics)


Active Member
Congrats on your first grow! You are really going to like that AK48. Saw an entire grow with it, tried the smoke too. The thing about the AK is thats its hard to kill. It survived, no, thrived in some poor conditions, such as high heat, low TDS, resisted root rot when others didnt. Also it really does finish fast. 48 days is an exageration but it was the fastest finisher in the room.

Oh yeah the smoke is real nice too!

By the way it kind of bushes out on its own, it is not main cola dominant, so you dont need to FIM it if that was the plan. It didnt get as tall as the others, it was medium/short.

Oh...btw... a plant can show sex before flowering, its called preflowers, the females will have a little pistil, although not all strains have obvious preflower indicators.

And yes you can flower a plant before it shows sex. The yield is not as great as if you veg but it will bud just fine. As a matter of fact, Im enjoying a bowl right now that was 12/12 from seed. I just did it as an experiment and it turned out pretty good quality, just low yield...got 10g from a bagseed.

Positive vibes to you....

Thank you for your words of wisdom and positive energy. You have helped put my mind at ease. I was stressed that I might have done some damage to my little lady. After reading your post I did some internet searches on the AK-48 strain and everything points to the fact that this strain is highly resistant to newbie errors like over-watering, root rot, and such. Thank you again for your post.




Active Member
Day 19

Well one of my pretty ladies is having problems and I don't know how to treat her problem. I thought it was over watering but she continues to droop. Her leaves are saggy , and now i've noticed that her leaves are turning a yellowish color. If anyone has any ideas as to what this could possibly be, please by all means say something, I am open to any and all ideas. My other plant got a little too close to one of the lights and burned the tip of her leave, other than that she is doing great. I am a first time grower and this is all a wonderful learning experience for me but at the same time I want it to be a successful grow as well. Here are the pics.





Well-Known Member
Possibly heat stress. Im not sure how good your ventilation is but try to make sure you have air movement at the plant. Also what are the temps at the canopy?


Active Member
Possibly heat stress. Im not sure how good your ventilation is but try to make sure you have air movement at the plant. Also what are the temps at the canopy?

The temp in the closet is within acceptable temps, just sometimes during the afternoon the temp spikes to around 88F. I have air movement over the plants and air movement on the plants to strengthen the stems. The temps at the plants are typically around 75F-78F.




Active Member
Day 20

The plants are growing but at a slower pace than before, I am wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that I have the lights on 24hrs instead of a 18/6 rotation. One plant is vigorous and the other seems to be struggling. Both plants are using the water i supply them. I gave the a cup of water a piece yesterday and when i went to check today both of them where in the dry range of the soil moisture checker. They are both about 5 1/2 inches tall and im wondering if i should start to flower them soon. Any suggestions are welcome. If you knows as to why one of my ladies is turning a light green / yellowish on the lower leaves, I would be forever grateful.

So far all the advice given has been very helpful. I check and recheck my lighting, my moisture levels and ph levels of the water they are getting. I adjust the lighting to help them get the most out of the lights everyday. Pics





Active Member
When feeding your plants make sure you get at least 10% run out the bottom of the pots!! mabe they need more veg food as well!!


Active Member
When feeding your plants make sure you get at least 10% run out the bottom of the pots!! mabe they need more veg food as well!!
You might be right baggins, the lower leaves on the sagging plant is yellowing and drying out. This is like a train wreck....you cant look away but you know whats going to happen eventually. I need to bring her back to thriving again. I am so confused. This is sure a learning experience for me.




Hey Nailz I've been away for a few days but I'm checking back in again. I read somewhere that drooping AND yellowing leaves from the bottom of the plant upward is a sign of nute deficiency. While yellowing/dry drooping from the top of the plant downward is a sign of nute burn. They have been in the soil for about 3.5 weeks now right? Maybe it would be some benefit to start introducing some nutes in. Also I've heard that AK48s are real nute hogs. I hope that helps. Good luck!


Active Member
Day 22

Sorry about yesterday , I was really busy and didn't have the opportunity to update the grow journal.

The situation is starting to become dire... :sad:
I went ahead and created a thread over on the plant problems forums and there was a overwhelming agreement that I have overwatered my plants. In an effort to save my beautiful ladies, I went and got some bigger pots because they had outgrown there old smaller pots and this would also allow for the soil to dry out some more. One plant is on the verge of dying while the other is not doing as bad. This is my first grow and everything is a learning experience. I just don't want to lose all of my hard work.

I think transplanting them to new pots was a wise decision, also on the advice of ClosetBUD here I went ahead and moved them both onto a 18/6 light cycle. Let's hope they bounce back.

Also I picked up some Plant food, Schultz 10-15-10 that you add to the water. Would this be a good idea to help the plants? I haven't used it yet and wasn't going to until they have recovered from the overwatering and transplant shock. Let me know. Here are the new pics.



Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Great job!!! everythin you did will help your plant
-the schults (i use schults flower nutes) nutes
-Bigger pots

You might be able to start the nutes soon though
A good tip about watering
Just fill up a pitcher or whatever you use to put the water in and water her intill you see
h20 dripping out of the bottom, than every day stick your finger down the side of the pot
and if its moist, wait another day to water...
sometimes ill go 5 or 6 days without watering!! Im in gallon pots though

Few Q's
What soil are you using??
Tap water or what??
How big the pots??
What type of plant you growing on the right side in pic three??

Sorry if you mentioned any of this stuff im just really lazyy


Active Member
Few Q's
What soil are you using??
Tap water or what??
How big the pots??
What type of plant you growing on the right side in pic three??
No problem

1. I am using scott's potting soil (there is a pic of it on the first page)

2. I am using reverse osmosis filtered water, got a rain soft system set up, it puts the water at 6.0 ph and then I raise the ph to 6.5

3. The plants the pots are in are now 1.5 gallon pots

4. You are the first to ask that, that plant is actually a tomato plant. I wanted to see if i could get some roma tomatoes.

Thank you for your positive energy. I need all I can get so my plants bounce back.



Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
yeah saw that pic but wasnt ssure if you still used it since you just bought new pits and needed more dirt....I use scotts also
everything is good so far, just use those nutes on your next watering and you should befine... Im also rooting for your plantS!!!!


Active Member
Day 23

It seems that my ladies are adjusting to their new environment. I just watered for the first time in 3 days. I made sure that the soil was completely bone dry before I watered.

Acting on the advice I got from here (TY hotpepper and Closetgrow(BuD)) I watered until just a little tiny bit of water was flowing out of the pots. both plants got 9 cups of water which is about 2.25 quarts which is about 1/2 a gallon. I also went ahead and added the shultz nutes as well to the water and we will see if that helps. Comparing the pics from day 22 to day 23 there are signs of improvement but its still to early to tell if one of my ladies will make it or not. They are on a 18/6 light cycle so they get a nice rest. Here are the new pics.





Active Member
Day 25

My ladies are showing more signs of improvement. Seems that the 18/6 light cycle, larger pots, and added nutes are helping. Both of the plant's leaves are not drooping anymore but the damage has been done. The lower leaves on both plants have all but dried up and yellowed. I did notice that where the other leaves have died there is new growth underneath the top. This has to be a sign that I did something right to correct the mistake of over-watering.

Also i'm trying to figure out what brown spots mean. If anyone has any ideas please do tell me. Well here are the pics



