1st Grow - Indoor sealed room(skunk #1).


Well-Known Member
not much point now, im only floering for another couple of weeks..i will on my next grow though.


Well-Known Member
ok looking good...bout the one you chopped did you try it yet??
ok so i've smoked most of it now and i'm not impressed with the taste.. im putting this down to my impatient drying/curing techniques and the fact that the bud was not ready to be chopped or in a healthy condtion. (there is a high though)

Last night a took a main cola off one of the plants, it looks further ahead than the rest with nearly all pistols brown and a much better smell to it, i have it drying for a week in a paper bag in a box in my grow room. on sunday i will put it into my new jar to cure for 1-2 weeks.. will update with a taste review sson.


Well-Known Member
yeah.... the bud i snipped last was mainly amber with some cloudy.. the 5 plants left in are still clear mostly.


Well-Known Member
not sure how long left maybe 2 weeks under the light.the stuff i have curing now i still damp so another week or two i recon.

also i've noticed i don't have an abundance of trich..i compared under my scope to some skunk i bought and mine are small dots where this stuff has many elongated trich's (treble the amount of mine).


Well-Known Member
really?? so what knob jockey! :finger::finger::finger:

if you wanna talk to your friends go talk in chat or PM..not here..:cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member
Well I've lost 2 plants in as many weeks :cry: both will be used for hash with the rest of my skuff, the buds on them were smaller than the other plants and then over a period of days the buds disintegrated into soft non existent crap.:wall:

Time to chop.

It took me 2.5 hours to to harvest i did it plant by plant first i cut the fan leaves off then the skuff into a bag to dry out.

From the four harvested i got a mixed result, i didn't name them but heres how they weighed in WET.

Plant 1 105 grams
Plant 2 79 Grams
plant 3 103 Grams
Plant 4 82 Grams

:!: So 11 and a half Oz wet, what do you think it will be dry? bout 3ish ???

*light on for pic only*

It's been hanging in my grow room 28 hours following FDD's harvest thread i'll leave it there until its crisp .... then i'm gonna cure in jars for a month minimum, the tasters i've smoked (about a Q so far) are slightly harsh to say the least, but they do the trick :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hope everything turn's out well. I know this has been a stressful grow, first having to fade a thermometer that was lying too you (I'd have to Office Space that thermometer; like they did the copier/fax machine when they got fired) just to relieve some stress, and now you have to wait for the curing process to be over. but live and learn and enjoy your smoke. Thanks for sharing your experience, it has helped me greatly.


Well-Known Member
congrats, how is the smell so far, is it living up to its name?

are you happy with the yeild off this strain?

thanks for your help and the fun read.


Well-Known Member
congrats, how is the smell so far, is it living up to its name?

are you happy with the yeild off this strain?

thanks for your help and the fun read.
Its smelly alright kind of musky and grassy at the moment, i think a decent cure will sort it out tho..

When i read back at this thread i think i must be on drugs...:bigjoint: but thanks:peace: