1st Grow, Indoors UK, Random Bagseed, DIY Pizza Box Grow Tent with Can Reflectors!


Well-Known Member
Watered them all today with 3ml/L Buio Bizz Bloom and 1tsp/1.5L Molasses and a drop of Superthrive in pH'd water seperately. The ones in the 10L Air pots I give 1L of food and 500ml of superthrive water, the 2 in the 5L pots get half the amount, and the baby gets grow and bloom nutes at half strength.

My buds are forming nicely, though I'm had real issues keeping the temps down last night, the 600w of CFL's are bringing the canopy temperature up to 85F, I had to leave the tent open all night with a fan blowing into it, wihch is far from ideal :/

Anyway check out my growing buds :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man I go to Growell fulham too! :D They really know their stuff, but they can be a bit blatant sometimes though lol. Yeah, linking draws is a joke now, especially with lazy dealers that leave you waiting. Where's the customer service?! lol I'm sick of guys charging £20 for 2.5g of weed and treating me like a fool. That's one of the reasons why I started too man. Thanks for kind words and the advice +rep!

Also, have you heard of the London seed centre in Staples Corner? I'm thinking about buying my seeds from there after this bagseed grow.
Yeh i have heard of them, in fact thats where i got some of my seeds from, good catalogue, seeds seemed pretty fresh, all the ones i've attempted to germinate from there have done so with no problems so yeh i'd recommend going there, and paying cash! They'd also run out of quite a few strains so make sure you check their stock. Anyway plants are looking good, hope those males didnt' hermi the females. What's your reason to sticking to CFL's though? Also that small plant in the square pot, how big is that pot?


Well-Known Member
I'm not working at the moment, CFL is all I could afford when I started so I stuck with it, I bought a couple new bulbs every time my JSA came through :) What? I'm learning a new skill, though I wouldn't declare it at the job centre *cough*, when I start working again I'll invest in a quality setup. I'm think digital ballast, 600w hps, cooltube reflector, A/C, the works. for now I just have to make do. :/ I really need to buy a extraction kit with carbon filter so I'm saving my pennies for that. hopefully I can afford one by next week.

It's a 4L pot, since it's 12/12 from seed I'm not really bothered about transplanting it, it's also my guinea pig plant. I've topped it for 2 main colas, and I'll be LST'ing it shortly. I'll be experimenting with SCROG. But to be honest, the more I read up on it the more confused I become. :S


Well-Known Member
Nooooooooooo!!!! I usually check the tent as soon as the lights come on but today I was distracted playing Borderlands. One of buds grew into a 105w CFL and slightly burned. Most of leaves have burned to a crisp and I've removed most of them, you can see the brown area on the bud where it burned.

Will it recover?



Go on Bruv Ive never see so many CFL's lol, Ive got a small fan blowing on mine near enough all the time to keep my 850w equivilent CFL temps down cus it does get warm. It will recover slowly m8 but could poss take days to weeks. Make sure to check all over the plants for pollen sacks I managed to find just 1 sneeky 1 hiding on my last 6ft lady. Heres some pics of my new grow ( Another 3 Bulldog White Widow ) bro there doing loads better than my last attempt, put them in massive pots lol only about 3 weeks old but Im turning them now. Learned so much from my last attempt, got a good feeling about this 1 apart from the neighbours washing machine flooding out my whole kitchen and nearly wrecked my grow but managed to get it all under control in the end.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I kinda did the same thing you did with your bud. The only difference is mine wasn't as bad. I let mine touch one of my 65w bulbs for about 30 seconds while I was snapping pics (noob mistake :( ) Anyways your plant should recover. After growing my baby I have realized what people meant in saying these plants are almost bulletproof lol


Well-Known Member
That's good to hear bro! I'm really hoping I haven't stunted her for good. Quick question, how high above your plant did you keep your CFL during flower?


Well-Known Member
Standard newbie error, i did the same with a HPS bulb in my last grow, plants didnt touch the bulb but i lowered the reflector way too low and singed a couple leaves. It recovered quickly though so i wouldn't worry too much about it, just make sure u learn from ur mistakes, this is what a first grow is all about!

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
That's good to hear bro! I'm really hoping I haven't stunted her for good. Quick question, how high above your plant did you keep your CFL during flower?
I have my lights about 2-4 inches away from the top cola. Then on the bottom nugs I have another 42w and 26w about 2 inches away from them. I will be posting pics on friday because that has been a question many have asked me. IMO just experiment. Put them about 2 inches away, if you get a little burn move them up. You don't want them any more then 6 inches away from the top.


Well-Known Member
I have my lights about 2-4 inches away from the top cola. Then on the bottom nugs I have another 42w and 26w about 2 inches away from them. I will be posting pics on friday because that has been a question many have asked me. IMO just experiment. Put them about 2 inches away, if you get a little burn move them up. You don't want them any more then 6 inches away from the top.
Cheers! Mine are a bit closer than that as I worried about stretching but perhaps I'll move them up a bit, especially seeing as their a little bit more powerful than your lights.

A while back I read this grow guide where they had a chart showing the effective distances for different types of bulbs and the lumens available at that distance, a color chart showed the safe range to have them. I really wish I saved that chart. :/


Well-Known Member
Standard newbie error, i did the same with a HPS bulb in my last grow, plants didnt touch the bulb but i lowered the reflector way too low and singed a couple leaves. It recovered quickly though so i wouldn't worry too much about it, just make sure u learn from ur mistakes, this is what a first grow is all about!
Cheers buddy, a lot of people mention this that. That is, to remember that it's a weed so it's a rather resilient plant. Still I can't help myself overly fussing over them ^_^ I wonder if that changes the more you grow... I hope it doesn't. I really enjoy the responsibility :)


Active Member
Update time!

Now I have 5 definite females and 2 plants vegging (at 12/12). I successfully experimented with topping on both of them and I have 2 main stems on each now!!! Really exciting taking a risk and seeing a positive result. :)

Anyway, pictures!!! I've got loads as it's been ages since I updated :p
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Hey nice grow. i'll be tuned in. should be starting my first soon. and i was thinking about vegging for 2-3 weeks with my first set of plants and adding some fresh seeds too when i start 12/12. that way i can learn 2 methods in one grow.


Well-Known Member
Update time, apologies for the delay, been playing a new game, Terraria. A minecraft esque adventure sandbox. It's a so addictive, I completely lost track of time and forgot to water my girls on Thursday! Oops! They were very thirsty but healthy when I watered them on Friday.

My girls are budding nicely. They haven't changed much so no need for new pics for now.

However here's a pic of my experiment plant in veg at 12/12 I've had a go at LST and it seems to have gone well, this pic is from 2 days ago.


I went and bought an extraction fan! \o/ It arrives tomorrow, I can't bloody wait ^_^ It's a 4" Ruck fan with a filter and a length of ducting, so an extraction kit. I've been looking at 600w hps kits too, I've come into some spare cash and I'm considering wither getting a HPS kit (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COMPLETE-600w-GROW-LIGHT-KIT-HPS-SUNMASTER-LAMP-/270742905047?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item3f0988e0d7#ht_2399wt_1139) or some decent seeds. Dunno... is it a good idea to change the lights halfway through flower?


Yes Bruv I started a journal after you mentioned it and figured out how to do it lol il keep it updated have a quick look when you get a mo. Yours is doing very well m8 hows the burnt top going?? I love the results from CFL's they're great but I think everyone just ends up doing it properly with Hps lamps after a load of trial and error, il prob try them next but I just like how with CFL's you dont need a ballast + as much power + theres less chance of your house burning down.


Well-Known Member
Flowering's going well, buds are filling out nicely since I started giving them molasses, and they're ever so slightly starting to smell but not overly so. Which worries me a bit, when should they start reeking. I only really get that skunky smell if I run my fingers over them and smell.

Extraction fan turned up!!! \o/ after some debacle over the mounting bracket, i.e. the seller forgot to include one. I got it all set up. Loving it, except for the bloody racket it makes. Going to take some time to get used to it.

I've decided to dump my CFL's, I love them to bits but time and time again people have told me to get a HPS, so today I'm going to buy one online. £75 for the kit, 600watt Maxibright Megalight Ballast, 600watt sunmaster dual spectrum bulb, and one of those dimpled reflectors. Not sure what to do with my CFL lights after now... I might hold on to them and make a veg tent one day.


Had some disasters recently too :(

I split the stem of the plant I'm trying to LST :D I just tried to stretch it too far and split the stem a little. I got a bit of string (my favourite tool) and tied it around the stem, this was about 3 days ago and the plant seems to still be alive and growing but I can't LST it any further. Looks like I'll be ready for SCROG soon too so I'll have to start building a screen.

Last night, I dropped my fan on one of my plants when I was putting it up. It broke off a flowering stem and partially snapped another :( The later I was able to repair and hopefully it takes. The other i re-attached it with a bit of sticky tape but it's looks like it's dying today. Aw well... At least it didn't get my main stem! That would have been a heart breaker!

partnerm, hello mate, this is my burned nug, it's looking a little ugly since I trimed the burned leaves off. Hopefully new growth will make it look pretty again. It's definitely stunted, when I look at the buds on my other plants they've grown significantly at the top whilst the top of this plant hasn't got any taller. which is good in a way as it's the tallest plant I have and a beast!!!


See that's it on the left, it's huge!

I checked out your journal! looking good man, your grow is way more professional than mine! NICE!


Well-Known Member
I don't usually give daily updates but I just went to check on my girls and they're looking great, buds fattening up nicely, so I had to take some pics :) I think adding the extraction fan has really improved the health of girls, they're looking a lot more robust. Also my little plant has got it's first flowers, going to build a SCRoG screen over the weekend and start training the tops through.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fucking props to you man, gettin shit done! a pizza box!? excellent man! most ghetto op ive seen in a while. hows the smell?