1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
an inch away is perfect just make sure the temp dont get to high and make sure they dont burn!and master kush ehh?lucky u,im hoping my bubbleicious turns out good,i want an aerogarden so bad!my grow would be so much better!i gave u some rep hun
kick ass, u rock! I actually had my AG for about a year just growing cooking herbs and salad greens. got tired of trying to find a source and paying for it with my first born, do i decided to give it a go on my own. +rep


Well-Known Member
yeah, 1 inch sounds good, but you want the cfls to hang over the plant horizontally, the plant gets the most light that way, the middle of the cfls is what makes the most light. as for the hood and it being as low as it can go i dont really know what to tell ya except you could maybe put something under the plant to bring them closer to the light?


Well-Known Member
yeah, 1 inch sounds good, but you want the cfls to hang over the plant horizontally, the plant gets the most light that way, the middle of the cfls is what makes the most light. as for the hood and it being as low as it can go i dont really know what to tell ya except you could maybe put something under the plant to bring them closer to the light?
its in an aerogarden so its an hydro/aero unit so no bringing the plants up, lol thanks a bunch for the info. +REP


Well-Known Member
yea,i cant smoke right now im on pre-trial which is kind of like probation it sucks,but im gonna get my grow going for a friend and myslef we r gonna split the yield since its his bubbleicious seed,ill keep 3/4 though since im doing all the work and the risks.how much did u pay for ur AG i want one bad just dont know where to look for one and shit?


Well-Known Member
yea,i cant smoke right now im on pre-trial which is kind of like probation it sucks,but im gonna get my grow going for a friend and myslef we r gonna split the yield since its his bubbleicious seed,ill keep 3/4 though since im doing all the work and the risks.how much did u pay for ur AG i want one bad just dont know where to look for one and shit?
i went to www.aerogarden.com and got the pro200 i think i paid like 200.00 for it? but that was before the economy took a big ole shite.

ps sorry had to fix that url real quick it works now.


Well-Known Member
im looking forward to following this grow though.I will create a thread for mine once the seed germs and ill send u the link.Ur a pretty cool chick haha,no chicks out here are as cool as u none smoke weed or grow weed so they r all lame in my eyes!


Well-Known Member
im looking forward to following this grow though.I will create a thread for mine once the seed germs and ill send u the link.Ur a pretty cool chick haha,no chicks out here are as cool as u none smoke weed or grow weed so they r all lame in my eyes!
its my prozack, lol only thing that keeps me sane.


Well-Known Member
i have alot of mental problems and weed helps but right now i have to stay sober so it sucks!so following peoples grows helpes me out.its like a rush to me.Im hoping ur grow goes well i really am,ur an awesome person and i feel like i made a new friend already!


Well-Known Member
i have alot of mental problems and weed helps but right now i have to stay sober so it sucks!so following peoples grows helpes me out.its like a rush to me.Im hoping ur grow goes well i really am,ur an awesome person and i feel like i made a new friend already!
cool beans thanks man, you too. well i am going to go have a cig and watch angels and demons. night all talk to ya tomorrow. grow them thar trees!


Well-Known Member
so can you not raise the hood also? what type of lighting and spectrum come with it? i looked through like 2 pages and none of the models specifically disclosed what they came with for lighting, leading me to think they dont want to tell you what the lights are because they are not very good, i hope im wrong, how many watt are they? how many? how many lumens output? color temperature? what type of light? is it hps or fluoro tubes or cfl or etc?


Well-Known Member
so can you not raise the hood also? what type of lighting and spectrum come with it? i looked through like 2 pages and none of the models specifically disclosed what they came with for lighting, leading me to think they dont want to tell you what the lights are because they are not very good, i hope im wrong, how many watt are they? how many? how many lumens output? color temperature? what type of light? is it hps or fluoro tubes or cfl or etc?
i think that they are cfls, not sure what the watts or any of that are but pretty sure its full spectrum and there are 3 of them. The hood does raise to 24 in and then i can remove it and raise it even more if i need to. I have grown all types of herbs and salad greens with it and they grow super fast, huge and bushy.

now the additional cfls that i am using on the clamps are 26 watt 6500k and there are 4 of them. when i go into flower i will use 4 26 watt 2500k.

I have seen a lot of people have a real successful grow with the aerogardens and I figured since I already had one that i would give it a shot too.


Well-Known Member
i have a question hopefully someone will answer it. when a seed bank says that flowering is 8-9 weeks what does this mean? that your plant will be ready from the time you put the seed in the ground or when you start to see flowers? help. i just want to know the approximate time that i will be growing her all together before i wack her down.lol

ps i am waiting for my camera battery to charge then i will get you guys some pics today k.


Well-Known Member
about ur ? it all depends whe nu go into flowering,it could be 8-9 weeks from then or just from when u put the seed in the ground im unsure at the moment i dont know where u got the seeds at but maybe u can ask them.Im looking forward to the pics lol


Well-Known Member
My baby looks good and all fuzzy.
my seedling is having problems getting out of her shell still its been about 2 days, has anybody ever tried to help them out by pulling off the hull?
as you can see the ph looks just about right and the temp is good and will warm up to about 83 deg. F. the humidity looks like its at where it should be too.
dam, look at the stalk on her already.