1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
ok guys and gals, i found the best stoner toy EVER. 3-D bubbles. have you seen these? OMG i got some for my kids this morning. you put these glasses on and you see stars or butterflies on the outside of the bubbles when your in the sunshine. i got really blazed and then tried it out. such a trip. but pretty much anything that has a glare on it will give you the same effect with the glasses on. watch this video and you will see what i am talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7boeeegxFc


Well-Known Member
i decided to do some lst to my lady this morning, so now she really looks bushy. she is about 15 in tall and looks like she is 9-10 in wide.lol



Well-Known Member
looks good man. what strain is she?

you lst the same way i do...my ssh and whatever strain that plant is looks identical. doesnt even need to be topped tho i do once or twice early in veg. is the plant growing in the window or did you just put it there to take pictures?

im am lst with tie wires i will then use scrog again for most of the plants that stretch in veg. i may leave some room for other plants that need to be trained midflower (indicas)


Active Member
i decided to do some lst to my lady this morning, so now she really looks bushy. she is about 15 in tall and looks like she is 9-10 in wide.lol

Looks lovely JS :-) should bush out well now. Ilike to pull that main top right down too, to encourage those lower shoots to catch up and disperse some of that growth energy further down, but thats just one way of course :-)

but shes looking great.


Well-Known Member
looks good man. what strain is she?

you lst the same way i do...my ssh and whatever strain that plant is looks identical. doesnt even need to be topped tho i do once or twice early in veg. is the plant growing in the window or did you just put it there to take pictures?

im am lst with tie wires i will then use scrog again for most of the plants that stretch in veg. i may leave some room for other plants that need to be trained midflower (indicas)
she is a master kush. i am putting her in the windowsill till it gets to 65 deg. f. and above then i am putting her outside. i had to pack all of my lights for the move so we are doing this el natural. lol in fact i think i like the sunshine method best of all, its free and it produces vigorous growth. i think that i will bend her top over too because she is out growing her sleeping box. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post man. followed over here and read the whole thing, sucks bout the mother getting burnt but hey at least you still have one thats doing great and it really does look like its loving the sun, im also thinking about putting mine in the sun during the day, it shines right in the window of the room they are in for like 8 hours a day, figured why not. ill deafinitely keep posted on your thread. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post man. followed over here and read the whole thing, sucks bout the mother getting burnt but hey at least you still have one thats doing great and it really does look like its loving the sun, im also thinking about putting mine in the sun during the day, it shines right in the window of the room they are in for like 8 hours a day, figured why not. ill deafinitely keep posted on your thread. Good luck man!
NP, i know that your babies will love the natural sun, and you will definitely see a difference in them, just remember that when you see them really bending towards the light then turn them a 1/4 a turn to keep them growing straight, this will also let the sun shine on all sides of the plant at some part of the day. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
well i got moved in yesterday , love the house, but the house that i buy next year WILL NOT have stairs. lol i am so broken right now. time to smoke out! i put my lady in a cardboard box for the move so she was in the dark for a good 48 hours. i pulled her out yesterday morning to give her some sunshine and surpris surprise, she has little white hairs everywhere! its snowing right now so i have to pull out the lights. crazy man it was 74 yesterday and today its 33 WTF welcome to oklahoma.lol anyway, i am not fully done unpacking everything so i will still be a little sparse on here for a while. i will try to get some pics up today for ya'll though. love you guys!

i am loving my clone. whats funny is my hubby (bless his little heart) has no clue that i still have my clone. i'm so sneeky. lol when i get ready to harvest her i will say " oh yah, look what i've been doing. lol"

ok, i gave her a good watering with molasses this morning. here are some pics for your viewing pleasure. keep in mind that the cfls make her look pale, all though she is a tad pale from getting no sun for 2 days.



Well-Known Member
is that a zip tie lst? if so its ingenious, just pull them a little tighter everyday and get a little more bend!! great job!


Its because the first set are the embrionic leaves and the second set - the serrated ones are your first true set of leaves

Am I Norml

Active Member
Its because the first set are the embrionic leaves and the second set - the serrated ones are your first true set of leaves
where the hell did that come from....that was pretty random...lmfao :clap:

gives cuddy a cookie for knowing what a leaf set looks like :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I know, i read that and was like huh....WTF, now i am confused, did i ask a question and was to baked to remember or what. lol


Well-Known Member
here are some updated pics ya'll. you can see that she is back to being a good dark green and the white hairs are really starting to bust out.
