1ST Grow LED or HID


My first grow.

I am using a 5x5x6.5 grow tent.

What setup would you use:

1-1000w hps/mh
4- 240w Blackstar LEDs
5- Kessil H150

Led will be used for both veg and flower.


Well-Known Member


Step 1: Buy half the wattage you wanted from HID
Step 2: Buy the other Half of the wattage you wanted from LED
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Win

Do both like I did and reap the amazing results...
Link in sig. My flower room is 750W LED and 1000W HPS. I am actually down grading my HID at the end of this month, it is loosing its usefulness at that wattage.

If you are in a tent go all led, don't believe the hatred of people who don't have them, or bought a cheap crappy one 3 years ago. If you have a room mix the two, I promise you that you won't regret a dime of the expenditure or a second of your time.

oh you are using a tent...well yeah do what I said
Do you have sufficient cooling? HID's will put off some heat.
If you can control the temp, 1000w HID will give you excellent results. I've heard of people using the LEDs for just vegetation but I'm not sure about going into flowering with them.

This appears to be an example of MH vs LED

This is what I was able to gather from a simple search:

Wattage Approximate lumen output Garden area covered Area covered with grow light
250 watt 28,500 3' x 3'/ 9 ft2 4' x 4'/ 16 ft2
400 watt 50,000 4' x 4'/ 16 ft2 6' x 6'/ 36 ft2
430 watt 53,000 4' x 4'/ 16 ft2 6' x 6'/ 36 ft2
600 watt 90,000 6' x 6'/ 36 ft2 9' x 9'/ 81 ft2
1000 watt 140,000 8' x 8'/ 64 ft2 12' x 12'/ 144 ft2
****This is just a rule of thumb. We recommend doubling the wattage for maximum results.****

White/blue = propagation (seeds/clones)
Blue = vegetative (growth)
Red = Flowering (bloom)
Our Tri-Band LED grow lights are engineered to out perform all of the traditional metal halide and high pressure sodium style lights, including: 100W Metal Halid, 400W MH, 600W MH 1000W MH, 100W High Pressure Sodium, 400W HPS, 600W HPS and 1000W HPS

Red Light
Red Light much like HPS is in the vicinity of the first peak of a plants light absorption spectrum (660nm) and it contributes to the plant photosynthesis. Red light, when combined with blue and orange light, encourages flowering. It can also be used in higher doses to stimulate flowering, seeding and fruiting.

Blue Light
Blue light much like MH is responsible primarily for vegetative growth (leaf). It is known that chlorophyll has the second distinct absorption peak in the vicinity of blue light wavelengths (450nm). The blue light is also indispensable to the morphologically healthy growth plant. There is also more sunlight energy in the blue-green wavelengths

This may be an incorrect analogy but if you're into cars, the way I would compare the two is the HIDs being a muscle car and the LEDs being little 4 bangers filled with NOS and supercharged etc etc.

Can anyone weigh in on the LEDs?


Well-Known Member
I personally, would suggest going with HPS/MH which is the same thing as HID lights.

That's what I use. Never tried an LED setup.. never used one before.

I've heard and seen a few websites that had some bad ass looking L.E.D. lights though. Some of them even sounded like they would put out enough light to sustain growth (photosynthesis).. hehehe. I'm sure some of you understood that little inside joke.. ;)

But yeah, some sites have LED lamps that are rated at 1000watts. That would be a bright mother fucker.. and I'm positive that it would put out PLENTY of light and lumens.

Expensive though.. LED's are expensive. But, they also put out less heat than when compared to HPS/MH... which is always good.

Damn it, now you got me thinking about ordering an L.E.D. grow lamp. :|

I'm gonna go brown nose around for some LED lamps.



Well-Known Member
My first grow.

I am using a 5x5x6.5 grow tent.

What setup would you use:

1-1000w hps/mh
4- 240w Blackstar LEDs
5- Kessil H150

Led will be used for both veg and flower.
Personally, I would go with option #1.

What do I win johnny?!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they flower just fine as long as they have UV spectrum LEDs and IR spectrum LEDs. Blackstar has the cheapest LED's I can find with those spectra included. LINK
ISIS, and 357 Magnum have them as well, but they are SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive.

The only thing I find bad about LEDs is that I have a VERY cool grow room and the LEDs don't put out nearly enough heat to make a difference. (literally their surface temp is 94 degrees at full bore and that is less than 1 inch from the diode) That is why I kept the HID in there, as a heater. (uses less electricity than most space heaters that use 1500W).

They work just fine and produce trichromes like you have never seen. HPS has a very limited amount of UV given off, LEDs have a considerable amount of that to bring to the table. Trichromes protect the plant from UV therefore more UV = More Trichs = More THC = Win.

I am about to experiment with flowering under the MH and supplementing with LEDS to fill in the red spectrum. MH gives off more UV than an HPS so hopefully with the powers of MH and LED combined I can produce some crazy bud

All forms of lighting have their advantages and disadvantages. The usable light from HID pales in comparison to LED, and the heat + electrical consumption is astronomical. LEDs are great except they have a limited footprint (space that each light covers) as their diodes have lenses on them that angle/concentrate the lights in a certain direction. SO where a 400W HPS covers 3x3 feet, a comparable LED, 240W lets say, covers a 2x3 area.

The claims from most LED suppliers are bunk too, blackstar is pretty honest with their coverage and comparison claims (as they sell HID lights as well).

For Coverage:
180W = 2x2
240W = 2x3
500W/600W = 3x4

Growth Comparisons: (guesstimations)
LED HID Equivalent
180W = 250+W
240W = 400W
500W = 800W
600W = 1000W


Active Member
Go with the HID lighting, you will get way better results than you would with LED. I've seen a lot of LED grows on here and they don't turn out well, except the ones that use LEDs along with a HPS and/or MH.


Well-Known Member
Go with HIDs, where you absolutely KNOW it'll work. Why take a chance, when it isn't necessary? At best, any of the other options will be similar to the HID, with none surpassing. :wink:


Well I got my tax money today and came really close too buying LED's. I changed my mind a decide to go back to my original plan and buy a 1000w Lumatek and 8" XXXL.
thought about using led but cant find one locally.both grow shops in town refuse to sell them.said they were tired of having to return peoples money because they were junk.both are extremely knowlageable ang good people,they even offered to order for me but adviced against it.and after alot of looking at grow pics the led buds look pathetic compared to the monster hps buds. just my opinion

Chem Dawg

New Member
2 600w a/c HID's will kick ass of all the above. More lumens per watt, more lumens, & wider spread of concentrated light.. You won't regret this investment.


Well-Known Member
2 600w a/c HID's will kick ass of all the above. More lumens per watt, more lumens, & wider spread of concentrated light.. You won't regret this investment.

I agree with that, too. 600's are the most efficient, of the HID's, and I love mine. Will be buying a second one, in the near future. :cool: