1st grow, Lowryder under CFL


Active Member
Hey people. So, got sick of paying shitloads of money for crap smoke. Read up, studied, went with the ol' autoflowering dwarfs. Meant to make this a grow journal but just got my camera back from the repair shop last week. Germed 3 beans using the paper towel method on Friday 3 April; they popped on Sunday 5 April, planted em in 90% Sainsburys multi purpose compost, 10% Plagron Bat Guano. Got a grow tent, 60cm / 60cm / 120cm and a 125 CFL envirolite. Watered every 2 to 3 days, 250ml of plain tap water. Got 3 ladies, yay! Beginners luck...

Started flowering round day 25, we're now on day 36. Just started em on nutes, Biobizz big bloom. Meant to do it last week but lack of dineros... Still, looking good. Check out the pix: first we have Emmylou, she's round 14 inches tall, fine stem, good buds. Next is Dolly, the shortest at round 11 inches but nice flowers. Pic 3 is Loretta (yeah, I like country music haha), also round 14 inches, very fine buds. Group shot to finish up just for the hell of it.

So, let me know what you think guys & gals... xx



Well-Known Member
looks sweet man, Lets see a pic of that tent. Im kinda lookin at those myself. pretty much your exact setup, for a friend of course... Im going to watch this. I hear people bashing the cfls but im still considering that route. passes a vape bag::


Active Member
hey buddy, thanx for the reply. i'll get a pic of the tent up soon, lil bit wasted right now haha... i definitely recommend the tent, got it off ebay for £50, can't remember the site tho, sorry. just trying to keep it simple as possible, think that's the best way. good luck with your "friend's grow"...;-)


Active Member
god stuf i cant wait to get some lowryder
Hey swampgrower, thanx. Definitely recommend the autoflowers. Really wanna get some Afghan Kush Ryder for my next grow.

No pix tonite just a quick update.

The girls seem to be responding well to the Biobizz. Day 38 and Emmylou is now close to 17 inches, Dolly and Loretta round 14 inches. Many bud sites on all 3 plants and definite signs of the main colas forming.

Some of the lower fan leaves on 2 of the plants are yellowing and crisping up a little bit; this was happening before i gave em the Biobizz so it's most likely nute deficiency rather than nute burn. Anyway, i'm not particularly worried about it as they look very healthy apart from that.

Forgot to mention that they've been on 18/6 light cycle from the start - I've read a lot of people asking what the best cycle is. From my limited personal experience and reading many grow journals i'd say 18/6 or 20/4 seems to work best. However I'm thinking of switching to 12/12 for the last week or so as I've heard this helps fatten up the buds...?

Will get some photos up at the weekend...
can any1 tell me if you can start growin with floresent tube lights and how long you can grow b4 you need 2 switch 2 a 600w. im strapt 4 cash 4 a little so i dont know if i should just wait till i get the 600w lights or if i could start with wut i got


Active Member
OK guys, day 41 and a few pictures for your viewing pleasure...

First up is Emmylou, 17 inches tall, some of the lower leaves looking a lil bit poorly but should be ok. Very thick stem...

Next is Dolly, round 14 inches, lot of nice tight bud sites. Again, some yellow/droopy leaves at the bottom.

Last is Loretta, about 15 inches. Very healthy appearance, flowers everywhere.

Getting near the last lap, 3 or 4 weeks to go. Hoping they don't get much taller, just fatten up nicely...

Have a good weekend y'all...


Active Member
hey everyone, been kinda busy recently so no updates.

anyway, the ladies are almost ready for the chop (will post some pix before doing th deed!) and it looks like there'll be quite a lot of sugar leaves & trim.

gonna attempt to make some ice hash, was just wondering if I should dry & cure the leaves & trim along with the bud? intend to hang the buds in my grow tent for the dry then give em a good cure but would like something to smoke in the meantime...

could i dry the trim & leaves separately (say in a zip lock bag for a few days) then use for hash?