1st grow. month old. how am i doin?


Well-Known Member
first off they both look a little dry, how often do u wateR? because especially since u got that perlite and wood chips in there the soil will dry up faster than usual (i don't like the chips in my soil mixes btw) but they both look to be about an equal mix of sativa indica (but u can tell way easier by the buds). Usually it is a good thing that they don't grow as much vertically as horizontally (i like my bushes) because that'll get u more branches and a stronger staulk. But if u want em to spruce up a bit u can a a mild 1/4 nute, once a week(pick one high in nitrogen for that leaf growth), but one more thing watch #1 for burning cause those tips look a little burnt to me (but don't worry about that now)


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Well-Known Member
1.5 gal. imma wait till they grow to fill that pot then cut off the bottom of it and put it in a 5 gal bucket
I'd say transplant it when u switch to the 5 gal, cause the roots will have more room to spread, faster too. you'll be happy with the 5, they make big plants thats for shure