1st grow N dresser w/CFLs

joey buyapizza

Active Member
I am a newb and finally was able to get some photos of this setup. I have hopefully 2 females here with a few CFLs simply plugged into powerstrip and drilled the powerstrip to top of dresser. I currently have the lights on for 24/7. I have not introduced nutes yet, just water. I am open to all suggestions, please send me your knowledge and input.



Active Member
Hey mate,

I'll give you my 2 pence, but remember, it's just my opinion.

The leaves are a bit droopy - have you overwatered or underwatered? A golden rule is that it is better to underwater then overwater.

Secondly, I think you can start introducing nutes to your girls, they've already got a few pairs of what they call "true leaves" - besides, it looks like they need it. I noticed some yellowing on a few leaves.

Let me know what happens,


joey buyapizza

Active Member
Hey mate,

I'll give you my 2 pence, but remember, it's just my opinion.

The leaves are a bit droopy - have you overwatered or underwatered? A golden rule is that it is better to underwater then overwater.

Secondly, I think you can start introducing nutes to your girls, they've already got a few pairs of what they call "true leaves" - besides, it looks like they need it. I noticed some yellowing on a few leaves.

Let me know what happens,

Thanks Rich

I would say underwatered more so than over watered. Is there a good rule of thumb as for how often to water and how much?? 2 feeding per week? more or less? Thanks again for your input..


Active Member
Thanks Rich

I would say underwatered more so than over watered. Is there a good rule of thumb as for how often to water and how much?? 2 feeding per week? more or less? Thanks again for your input..

Hey Joey,

This is a fairly long answer - read it, it will serve you well.

I also had this problem of not knowing when to water when I started my grow a few months ago, (first timer).

As time goes by, you will learn to "read" your girls and know what they need.

You can do this by watching them closely before watering and an hour or 2 after watering them. It will give you an idea of what to look for if you don't know what to do. However you should remember that overwatering and underwatering look alike, so don't forget to keep track of time and when you last watered them.

In my opinion, I think it is best to water your girls once a week for the moment and see how they react. Once they start getting bigger and stronger, the roots will grow, and naturally, your plants will need more water.

Mine are about 3 months old and I water them ever 2 days, sometimes every 3 days. Bear in mind though, that depending on the strain, the size and conditions of the grow room/box, your plant might need a different watering schedule. I suggest you start watering them twice a week in 2-3 weeks, once you've learned to "read" and understand their reactions.

As for the nutriments.. It gets a bit tricky here. First of all, do you have any? If so, look on the bottle, there should be instructions on how much nutes you should feed a plant per litre. To give you an example, my bottle says 50ml per 10 litres of water. What does that mean?
Well, it means that you should only add 50ml of nutes to a container of 10 litres (of water).

I doubt you're going to fill up a container with 10L of water, so for 1L you would add 5ml of nutes. That is feeding at full strength.

At the moment, your girls aren't old or strong enough to receive full feeding, so you should feed them at quarter strength and gradually work your way up to half strength and ultimately to full strength.

So instead of adding 5ml of nutes to a litre of water, just add a quarter of that, which would be about 1,25 ml.

Remember, the 5ml thing is just an example, you will have to work out what quarter, half and full strength is according to the brand of nutes you bought.

Well, I hope that clears things up for you.

Remember... whenever you post something about your plants, you should include the specs of your grow room! (It helps me, and others like me, know what is going on and helps us to help you!).

Maybe you can tell me what the humidity level and room temperature are, the pH of your water and soil, etc, etc..

Happy farming bro - keep us posted!


joey buyapizza

Active Member
Hey Joey,

This is a fairly long answer - read it, it will serve you well.

I also had this problem of not knowing when to water when I started my grow a few months ago, (first timer).

As time goes by, you will learn to "read" your girls and know what they need.

You can do this by watching them closely before watering and an hour or 2 after watering them. It will give you an idea of what to look for if you don't know what to do. However you should remember that overwatering and underwatering look alike, so don't forget to keep track of time and when you last watered them.

In my opinion, I think it is best to water your girls once a week for the moment and see how they react. Once they start getting bigger and stronger, the roots will grow, and naturally, your plants will need more water.

Mine are about 3 months old and I water them ever 2 days, sometimes every 3 days. Bear in mind though, that depending on the strain, the size and conditions of the grow room/box, your plant might need a different watering schedule. I suggest you start watering them twice a week in 2-3 weeks, once you've learned to "read" and understand their reactions.

As for the nutriments.. It gets a bit tricky here. First of all, do you have any? If so, look on the bottle, there should be instructions on how much nutes you should feed a plant per litre. To give you an example, my bottle says 50ml per 10 litres of water. What does that mean?
Well, it means that you should only add 50ml of nutes to a container of 10 litres (of water).

I doubt you're going to fill up a container with 10L of water, so for 1L you would add 5ml of nutes. That is feeding at full strength.

At the moment, your girls aren't old or strong enough to receive full feeding, so you should feed them at quarter strength and gradually work your way up to half strength and ultimately to full strength.

So instead of adding 5ml of nutes to a litre of water, just add a quarter of that, which would be about 1,25 ml.

Remember, the 5ml thing is just an example, you will have to work out what quarter, half and full strength is according to the brand of nutes you bought.

Well, I hope that clears things up for you.

Remember... whenever you post something about your plants, you should include the specs of your grow room! (It helps me, and others like me, know what is going on and helps us to help you!).

Maybe you can tell me what the humidity level and room temperature are, the pH of your water and soil, etc, etc..

Happy farming bro - keep us posted!

Good stuff Rich

I do have the Flora Nova nutes bloom.
As for the specs of my set up, Im very limited. I am inside a dresser and only have about 2ft of height to play with. The dresser is about 15 in deep.
The 2 girls are in 6' pots and when watering 2 cups seems to be about the right amount before water begins to drain out of the pot. I havebeen watering them in that quanity every 2 days or so.
Today was the 1st day I have gave them nutes. I used a little less than 1 mL of nutes for 1 L of water.
My temps range is 75-80 and my humidity is low. On average its about 30%.
Thanks again Rich for the great info.
LOOKS great!!!Ok first thing is first bigger pots roots might get bound in those. Time for nutes but you need veg nutes not bloom nutes. Until you could get some put a tablespoon of molasses in your gallon mixture. Second nutes fox farm is the best i have tried, start with karma and grow big for your veg stage. I Used 3/4 of what is recommend worked great for me not to much not to little. Flowering i used fox farm line also they werent to expansive just get one new one a week for the flowering line while i was veging so it didnt hit me all at once. PLEASE fill gallon CLEAN jugs with tap water for the week EVERY week so that the clorine in the tap water disapates will mess your plants up big time if not. Any other questions fell free to ask.


Well-Known Member
I am inside a dresser and only have about 2ft of height to play with. The dresser is about 15 in deep.
The 2 girls are in 6' pots
You'll want to flower them soon, then. I'd advise looking into training them (LST, ScrOG, topping, whatever).

and when watering 2 cups seems to be about the right amount before water begins to drain out of the pot. I havebeen watering them in that quanity every 2 days or so.
You're overwatering. It is very healthy for a plant to go through complete wet/dry cycles, it is not healthy to have the root zone constantly moist..ie. you want the soil to dry out all the way to the bottom before you re-water. Water them next time then leave them alone for a 3-5 days or maybe up to a week. If you look at them every day, you should easily be able to tell when they need water again. The visual change can be dramatic.

Today was the 1st day I have gave them nutes. I used a little less than 1 mL of nutes for 1 L of water.
My temps range is 75-80 and my humidity is low. On average its about 30%.
Humidity could stand to be a bit higher, but 30% isn't horrible. If you can't up it, don't sweat it.

Keep us posted. :joint:


Active Member
Hi joey buyapizza

just a couple of pointers for ya

1st I think you should get some mylar in there for reflection that will deff make a difference

you should also get rid of any dead leaves etc from you garden cuz they can lead to unwanted probs

If I were you I would be looking into a lst grow to maxamize the growth in your small area.


-thats a good link about it I think

I pretty much agree with ppl on the watering side of things

goodluck to you


Active Member
Good stuff Rich

I do have the Flora Nova nutes bloom.
As for the specs of my set up, Im very limited. I am inside a dresser and only have about 2ft of height to play with. The dresser is about 15 in deep.
The 2 girls are in 6' pots and when watering 2 cups seems to be about the right amount before water begins to drain out of the pot. I havebeen watering them in that quanity every 2 days or so.
Today was the 1st day I have gave them nutes. I used a little less than 1 mL of nutes for 1 L of water.
My temps range is 75-80 and my humidity is low. On average its about 30%.
Thanks again Rich for the great info.
Hey Joey,

Well as you've seen - the other posters have made some interesting points.
Invest in some mylar or white plastic sheets to better reflect the light on your plants, it will only help.

Also - watch the watering mate, you must learn to "read the plants".

As for your nutes - I'm afraid you're using the wrong type. You have FloraNova Bloom, correct? Bloom nutes are for the flowering stage of plant growth - you need "grow nutes" for the vegetative state. I checked Google and your brand makes what is called "FloraNova Grow" <-- that's what you need at the moment.

30% humidity isn't exactly ideal. Mine was 20% or less so I invested in a humidifier. Cost me about 30$ and now the humidity reaches to over 70%. That is ideal for the vegetative stage (once you start flowering your plants, it would be best to let the humidity fall to about 30% to avoid mold on your buds).



joey buyapizza

Active Member
Very very nice everybody! Thats all good ass info.

One question on the watering, awhile back I did not water them for about 3 days and when I checked them on the morning of third day one plant was completley bent over from about the halfway point of the plant. I quickly watered and within 2 hours she was standing up again. Thats them not having enough water right? When they bend over like that?
Also, that GREAT sweet smell is overwhelming when walking in my room. I LOVE IT! Its others that may not be so understanding. Any tips on containing the aroma?


Active Member
Very very nice everybody! Thats all good ass info.

One question on the watering, awhile back I did not water them for about 3 days and when I checked them on the morning of third day one plant was completley bent over from about the halfway point of the plant. I quickly watered and within 2 hours she was standing up again. Thats them not having enough water right? When they bend over like that?
Also, that GREAT sweet smell is overwhelming when walking in my room. I LOVE IT! Its others that may not be so understanding. Any tips on containing the aroma?
Hey Joey,

Your story about the plant bending over, and then perking back up once you watered it - that is exactly what "reading" your plants is all about; being able to understand what they need and when they need it. Not watering your plants can sometimes be a good thing because it lets the roots dig deeper to look for water, meaning they grow. Eventually, this makes your plants stronger and well adapted. However, that is only good up to a certain point... If your plants' leaves are drooping like hell - that's going too far.

As I said before.. keep track of when you last watered your girls because overwatering looks like underwatering. Only your schedule will let you know the difference.

For the odor - here it's going to get a bit tricky. You're growing in a dresser, right? Well, it's not the best place to grow in, but we'll get through it. You already have a fan in there I presume? If you don't, get one asap - it is crucial for growth. Plants need fresh air at all times!
Now if the fan doesn't take care of the smell, you'll have to get something like this : Vaportek EZ Twist

I'm going to get one soon myself (once I start flowering). I don't really need one now because the smell isn't that strong (even with 6 plants) and I've got a fan blowing over my plants as well as an intake fan working 24/7 (I'm growing in one of my bathrooms so it was already in there...)

This is not the case for you however, so like I said, try to get one of those Vaportek things, they're refillable with "disks" and they release deodorizing molecules into the air to take away the smell.
However, do keep in mind that there are tons of other products out there that do the same thing, just in different ways. For example, there are devices that you plug into the wall and will work non stop on taking away the odor.

Hopefully you can figure out what's best for your setup and budget. Everyone starts somewhere ; even the best of growers started out with ghetto set-ups, it makes for good learning and will serve you well in the long run.

Peace bro, and happy farming. :weed:

joey buyapizza

Active Member
I do have a fan blowin on them 24/7 and I also came across a odor neutrailizing agent called "ona block". It smells something terrible so Im thinkn this will do the trick.

joey buyapizza

Active Member
Hi joey buyapizza

just a couple of pointers for ya

1st I think you should get some mylar in there for reflection that will deff make a difference

you should also get rid of any dead leaves etc from you garden cuz they can lead to unwanted probs

If I were you I would be looking into a lst grow to maxamize the growth in your small area.


-thats a good link about it I think

I pretty much agree with ppl on the watering side of things

goodluck to you
Thanks 4 that link Shallow, that was bad ass!!


Active Member
I do have a fan blowin on them 24/7 and I also came across a odor neutrailizing agent called "ona block". It smells something terrible so Im thinkn this will do the trick.

Alright, glad you've got that taken care of.

Anything else you need to know, just post.


joey buyapizza

Active Member
Please correct me if Im wrong but since i am in a limited space, is topping my plant(s) an option?? What exactly is topping? From what I read its simply cutting the top off and that somehow makes it grow wider and bushier, good for those in a limited space.


whould I LST? should I transplant them from my current 6 in pot to a 10? limited space and all..

this site is so bad ass by the way!!


Active Member
few pix from earlier today

Hey mate,

To answer your questions...

I tried both topping, fimming, and LST

And to be honest, I prefer fimming because it makes so much more branches! However.. That won't make your plant shorter and take up less space. LST is the way to go because a) it is very practical and easy to do b) it won't stress your plants and c) it will make your plant takes up less space.

Topping will just remove the main cola.. doesn't guarantee that your girl will help your limited space problem.

As for the 3rd photo you posted... Hmm, doesn't look too good buddy. Your plant may have a magnesium defficiency. Check out this thread and scroll down to magnesium, you'll see what I mean.


You're going to have to introduce grow nutes to your plants pretty soon.

Good luck,


joey buyapizza

Active Member
I am now working with a 8 in pot, a move up from a 6 in pot. Any suggestions on the amount of water and how often?? I'm only guessing, but i was thinking about a L per plant? every 2-3 days?

Here r a few pix from earlier



Active Member
I am now working with a 8 in pot, a move up from a 6 in pot. Any suggestions on the amount of water and how often?? I'm only guessing, but i was thinking about a L per plant? every 2-3 days?

Here r a few pix from earlier

Hey Joey,

Did you read my previous post? I suggest you click that link and check out the magnesium deficiency, I think you may very well have one. You should start using grow nutes as soon as possible.

It's good you transplanted your plants, I'm going to do the same thing soon. Remember, they may stop growing for a few days because of stress, but that's normal.

1L per water? No way man. My girls are almost 3 months old (getting quite big) and I hardly give them a quarter of a litre when I water them. 1L will definitely drown your plants, be very careful.
Remember, you have to know how much to give them, because there isn't really a rule of thumb for how much water...
Every grow op is different. For instance, some plants water will be gone faster than others because the roots are thicker, or the pot is smaller so water is absorbed faster.
You have to figure it out yourself by learning to read them, and remember - better to underwater than over water.

So rememeber, just watch your plants closely, and get the nutes going, your plants need it.

Oh, and another thing. The last picture you uploaded, the stem is practically falling over. Try putting a stick in the soil and tying the stem to it with a piece of string to straighten it.

