1st grow (need pointers and tips)


Active Member
Ok so I'm going to start a dwc grow and I'm going to need all the tips and pointers that I can get (ima noob)
so this is what my system setup will feature! 1. 400 watt hps grow light for flower and 1. 400 watt mh light for veg 4 plant dwc system with general hydroponics flora set bloom,micro.ect for nutes! I'm going to use a small tent like setup (portable closet) with Mylar covered walls 1.4 inch inline fan for ventilation. And also a small desk fan.Let me know if I'm missing something important or something I should change or just simple pointers would be much appreciated :leaf: thanks



You need a ph meter and ppm meter and calibration solution.

You will need 4 buckets ( either 5 gal bubble buckets, water farms or igloo drinking coolers) Or you can use you standard coolers and cut out the top of the lid for the net pots to fit in. 2 coolers with 2 plants in each. Buy a small submersible pump to pump the water into a drain or 5 gallon bucket for rez changes. You can use 1" or thicker styrofoam for lids also which can be purchased at the lowes, menards, or Home depot in sheets. Just cut to size.

4 - 6" net pots and hydroton also some rock wool cubes or foam seed starting stuff to start you seedlings in. You can plant directly into hydroton with either or start seed in bucket but its a bit more trickier.

Air pumps (Minimum 1 watt of power to 1 gallon of water to properly aerate, I would double that if you can afford it) Air line and air stones (Min. 2 stones per bucket)

A temperature and humidity sensor of some sort so you can Keep an eye on them. If humidity becomes a problem in flower you may need a small dehumidifier.

Add cal/mag to your list of nutrients just in case.

You can pick up most of your equipment on ebay or amazon just keep your eye out for the deals. When you start adding all the stuff up you may be surprised how much it will cost to get started but its worth it if you do it right.

You will also need a carbon filter for smell and need to vent your light out and bring fresh air in. 4" filter, fan should be sufficient for a 400 watt. Dont half ass on the ventilation or you will be spending more money once you get set up. Bring fresh air in through the bottom and exhaust out through the top.

The list really goes on and on so let me know if you have anymore questions. Alot of good info can be found on here with a little bit of search effort.


Well-Known Member
Well, i agree with most of the stuff above. Youll also need money. Lots of money. If you havnt already bought the pumps and buckets id go with dirt for your first couple grows and then do DWC. Just sayin. I wish i would have done it that way. Im 2gs into it and still spending. Dirts cheap as hell. Bucket, dirt, nutes, lights, go. If you insist on starting at the top and working your way down by going with hydro first like i did aswell then giver shit. This is what ive learned so far. Im going to pick apart the excelent info above as nicely as possible, its all good. As far as a ph meter goes, youll need to measure ph. As far as buying an expensive meteer on your first grow, i wouldnt. 7 bucks buys you a liquid ph tester kit. Ph is important but not as important as some will make you belive. Anywhere between 5-7 is fine even a little outside is fine. Your plants wont die, theyll just be a little smaller. I dont like adjusting my ph with chemicals so i just spend a bit more on sensi grow nutes and i have never had to adjust my ph. It stays where it should. Ppm meter is your best friend blue lab truncheon is what you want (150$) but if your on a budget for your first grow, which you are, you just dont know it yet, theres a blue one made by hanna on amazon for like 16 bucks and its worked great for me. Calibration solution on the other hand i skipped out on. I just measured my tap water and measure it every now and then to make sure this 16 dollar pos is still close which it is. Just dont go past the no water zone on the cheap tds meters because theyre not waterproof and theyll kick the bucket. Do you see how i made that DWC joke there?
Go with black buckets from the hydro store. You want black because it keeps light/alge out. Dont buy lids and cur holes for net pots. Buy the lids that have the pots in them. Theyre stronger and you wont risk the flimsy net pot bursting because your bush has a huge root system, or the frickin thing falling through into the water cause shes so heavy. Drill your air line hose through the top (lid) so if you just want to change out your bucket to clean it or whatever you dont have to disconect your air stone every time. I put them through the side of the bucket and regretted it. Every time i changed it out i had to disconect air stones an reconect. I wouldnt go with four inch, id go with six inch pots built into the lids. You can toss em in the dish washer and theyre good as new, almost. If your using the rock wool cubes soak them, take the ph of the water after theyve soaked, adjust to good ph, soak longer, test ph, soak again...fuck it man, just get rapid rooter plugs and screw the hassel! I think thats what theyre called, theyre brown and look like a dirt sponge. Ive never had a problem with them, ive had many problems with rockwool cubes, i hate those things.
Air pumps, yes, they run all the time. I only have one stone in mine and theyre fine. Ones got a stalk almost as big as my wrist. Shes a beast. You dont need those 100 dollar air pumps, i have the 15 dollar ones and they work fine. Two air outlets on one pump = two plants, done.
Air circulation...carbon filter and inline fan combo, 100%. Youll need it. Sucks out humidity, odor, and gives you circulation for new co2. Then for fans. Theres plenty of things air circulation is good for and prevents. Too much and to direct can be bad though. Wind burn sucks. Also when you blow the hell out of them they hate it.
Temp and humidity reader with hi/low meter, get it. You may need that dehumidifier aswell later on. To much humidity is bad, air movement will help but late in flower with four plants goin humidity will rise...oh ya..youll see.
Cal-mag, yes get it. Make sure that its the kind for hydro not dirt. Theres a difference. Also, super thrive, small bottle (8$), get it.
all i use is that stuff, and sensi nutes. Theyre lookin great.
Complete darkness, buy some of that while your at it, youll need no light leaks whatsoever during flower. Do what you gotta do to make it happen.
Res. get one or dont. I just got a res because my girl are drinking 3/4 of a gallon a day. I have to feed them every day or theyll die. So im hoping this will give me a couple days in between. The res is linked to the buckets with tubing and just gravity feeds. Youll have to change out your res and clean it every couple of weeks, along with the buckets your plants are in. In the begining your plants wont be drinking or eating much so screw it, havnt changed my res on my liitle ones for a month, i will soon but crap, they have hardly drank any water at all, why throw out all that good food every two weeks. My big ones get changed out every ten days now. I chang them around when theyve consumed the bucket volume once. So if its a five gallon bucket and they eat 1/2 gallon a day = 10 days. Now i dont have five gallons of water in there and mine are closer to 3/4 gallons a day but im lazy, whatever. I was also confused on water level at first so ill fill you in. Take clones or start seeds in plugs. Message me if you need help with this. Grow the clones for around two weeks. You want alot of roots sticking out, lots. Then drop em in the baskets and fill hydroton in there. Put them in and done. Just kidding. I hand water 3-5 times a day untill when you look inside the roots are in the water and then one or two days more. Your water level should be at around a half to 3/4 inch of the net pot in the water. As the roots get bigger you can go a half inch below the net. A great tool to water with is a giant syringe. Also i love my syringe when it comes to nutes. It fits into the bottles perfectly and i know exactly what the ppm meter is going to say before i test it. No mess just sucess. Wah wah wahhh.
Also, never disturb your plants dark period, dont tell anyone what your up to. Anyone!! You might think your pretty cool shit and so will everyone you tell, and then they tell someone else and on and on. Loose lips get growers killed. Hopefully that scares you enough to make a point. But its an amazing hobby. Its so rewarding. Its a hell of a long wait but its worth it. If you want to see my ladies check out, I think flushings a myth heres why, thread on RIU. Read the whole damn thread and then make sure you flush. Its different in dirt and thats what most of the comments are about, dirt, were in water so flush. I just gave you what took me a long time to figure out. I hope you appreciate it. Any questions just drop me a line. Dirts way easier and cheaper just so you know but youll never get the production of hydro. Oh ya, im noobish too so if theres anything any readers dont agree with correct me.


I'm sure you got great advice above, but I didn't feel like reading through it all. :blsmoke:
I'll leave one piece of basic advice in case no one said it yet; Don't micromanage it, it's a weed.
A lot of new growers don't know how to leave their plant alone and are constantly doing something. When you over-think problems arise, leave it be and it'll be fine.
It's like a new parent that takes their child to the hospital with every sneeze, hiccup and fart.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure you got great advice above, but I didn't feel like reading through it all. :blsmoke:
I'll leave one piece of basic advice in case no one said it yet; Don't micromanage it, it's a weed.
A lot of new growers don't know how to leave their plant alone and are constantly doing something. When you over-think problems arise, leave it be and it'll be fine.
It's like a new parent that takes their child to the hospital with every sneeze, hiccup and fart.

so true, i dont even like to look at mine more than once a day, it seems like they never grow, and just leave her the f alone.


If you dont have the basic tools to grow in hydro than it wont matter if you pay attention to your plants because they will more than likely not be doing well. Hydro growing is alot more involved than growing a plant in dirt and in my opinion takes alot of attention in order to get the most out of your grow. Try and start a weed in a bubble bucket and walk away for a few days. You will be disappointed on what you come back to. There are several different aspects to a hydro grow that many overlook when starting up and ninja's advice on starting with dirt first is probably the best advice for a new grower. It will allow you to focus on the basics of growing and save you money on start up cost in the beginning in order to let your grows pay for the upgrades needed for a DWC grow.


Well-Known Member
I dont know whats up with this little dude, did he waste the time i spent writing that frickin essay for him? He posted his thread 10 days ago and hasnt come back?


Active Member
Yeah, but I dug it. I've done a couple of only adequate girls in dirt outside but that's risky and seasonal. Your post helps others. I'm still trying to decide whether to go with a couple of waterfarms or resort to dirt inside. I'll be doing this in a small second bathroom and am concerned about co2 and ventilation 'cause I'm not cutting holes in wall and would depend on air circulating from a fan that would hopefully pull from crack under door in spare bedroom. The cost does add up quickly and that's a problem. May go with dirt but I gotta admit I'm really diggin what I'm seeing with the waterfarm. Seems like all meters under $100 have crappy reviews so I'd probably go with the cheapies. My biggest concern now (I haven't started yet) is the microb mixes... that gets real crazy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but I dug it. I've done a couple of only adequate girls in dirt outside but that's risky and seasonal. Your post helps others. I'm still trying to decide whether to go with a couple of waterfarms or resort to dirt inside. I'll be doing this in a small second bathroom and am concerned about co2 and ventilation 'cause I'm not cutting holes in wall and would depend on air circulating from a fan that would hopefully pull from crack under door in spare bedroom. The cost does add up quickly and that's a problem. May go with dirt but I gotta admit I'm really diggin what I'm seeing with the waterfarm. Seems like all meters under $100 have crappy reviews so I'd probably go with the cheapies. My biggest concern now (I haven't started yet) is the microb mixes... that gets real crazy.
Go with dirt. Or youll add a whack of money onto what you need to make to cover costs. When you have the money, upgrade. And you can start building your own system as the first grow progresses. Your first grow indoors and hydro there will be alot of kinks to iron out.


New Member
The biggest bitch with dwc is root rot, slime, algea. Make sure your buckets are light proof and keep the water temp in your buckets below 70*. Use pond zyme for benes.


Well-Known Member
Tip #1 READ READ READ Tip #2 Hang on to your wallet. Don't be fooled by all the hype and fancy marketing. You don't have to spend your life savings to be successful. Oh did I mention READ READ READ!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Tip #1 READ READ READ Tip #2 Hang on to your wallet. Don't be fooled by all the hype and fancy marketing. You don't have to spend your life savings to be successful. Oh did I mention READ READ READ!!!!!
2 big plants = thousand dollars start up. Easy. Dirt = 700
Ph and ppm pen is a must, and if you buy a cheap one buy a back-up cheap one, went through a bunch of those. Now I've been using my blue lap pens forever now, they last and are very accurate. Commercial air pumps are loud. I use them, I love them. Get a good air pump.