1st grow plant problem with pics. Help a n00b please!


Active Member
I started growing this like 3 months ago and had to start flowering due to time constraints at least 5 weeks ago(switched to 12/12) and I feel like its not flowering and the growth is stunted I guess?

The problem is the older leaves are curled down and I have read up on sooo many potential problems that I was wondering if someone could narrow it down and possibly knew what is wrong with my plant? Granted I know my plant is struggles but if anybody had some tips that would be awesome. I think I need to add some epsom salts that are a ph-up possibly? Thanks!

it has:
2 warm 100 watt equivilant CFLs
1 sunlight 100 watt equivilant
18 inch grow tube

Ive been close to giving up on this plant multiple times but the new leaves look so bright green and awesome I never do. Should I just give up on this plant? My options are kind of limited cause there isnt really a grow store around.


the chin

Well-Known Member
looks to me every thing s wrong over nute,over water;plant 2 strech e lights need to close r to plant and fan blowing hard r to stop strech at a early stage i think you need to chop you could waste another 2 month and get nothin shit happen s ive kil d 25 out 50 on my first 3 grows period of 15 month bet r luck next time


Active Member
i would pull the plug, do some good solid research, buy a light,proper nutes/soil and start all over. those plants are as good as dead. good try and better luck next time man! there are too many things wrong with those plants to make them better.


Active Member
fuck. I researched for soooooo many hours. My CFLs are within inches of the plant so I thought that was right? I thought warm CFLs helped flowering too. Nutrients I definitely fucked up and watering has been inconsistent too unfortunately. So nobody thinks all the young light green healthy looking leaves will be of any use? I really have no problem tearing it down, the only thing is that I researched sooo long and hard and thought I was doing most of the stuff right. So if this plant is a failure, I wouldnt know how to drastically improve it next time. I guess im bad at growing and Id need a grow box to make it easier for me.

Thanks for the responses, if nobody else thinks its salvageable in a day or two, Ill chop it down. If anybody thinks it has a chance, I can transfer it into a gallon pot and start it on a new program.


Active Member
have you always had your cfl's inches away??from day 1?? that plant is stretched to the max. the discolored leaves are more than likely cuz of nutes and the curled leaves could be from heat!! do u have any ventilation?


Active Member
yea thats whats wierd! CFLS have been a pain in the ass because I adjust them so often so they always stay a couple inches away(never more than like 4-5 inches). But its soooo stretched. Do i just need more lights in certain areas maybe? Is it too late to LST it to try and stop any future stretching?

But they are in a closet which I open a couple times a day, which I thought was all they needed? usually I keep a personal sized fan like a couple feet away from it and it never directly blows on the plant. I usually have the fan so the air hits the wall and circulates around the plant when I cover the plant with posters(to reflect the light). There were like 2 five day periods where the closet remained close, but it had a fan and it is a rather large closet. So maybe those days with the door closed did something to it?

Heres a link to the plant when it was young. It is the far left one and is the only plant left.


Thanks again for your help!