1st Grow Please Follow Will Need Help


Hey everyone in the RIU community. I have started my first grow. I am using many CFL's and I will be changing to the 2700K in 2 weeks or so, as long as I don't murder her, lol. Well if you look in my journal I have posted pics from day one or two, not many people go through journals I guess. Someone said that I may have more luck on forums. So with my plant I am having a problem I think its nute burn. Someone said it might look like mold. The pics are not that good because the problem is only small dots but I will post those pics now. I just took all the photos except the first one and the problems are only on the first two leaves that started the plant. Should I just cut them off with a brand new sterile Exacto knife?IMG_0415.JPGIMG_0463.JPGIMG_0444.JPGIMG_0462.JPGIMG_0443.JPGIMG_0460.JPGIMG_0445.JPG



Maybe it could have been when I sprayed them with the nutes maybe it was a lil bit to much and where there were drops of water was it got burned? It's really driving me nuts not knowing what it is. Thanks to anyone body that can help.


Active Member
That does not look to much like nute burn because the leaf tips would be burned or the leaves would turn upward but need more info to help. What soil are you using, nutes and what is your PH in your water?


Well-Known Member
that soil looks way too soaked in the pics make sure there really dryed out before watering and i not soo much water just enough for it too run out the bottom of the pot


I am using recycled soil and it dosent have anything in it. I am using Schultz 10-15-10 Plant food plus, I have seen people grow with it on here, I plan on getting worm castings and super thrive here in the next day or so. Possibly other nutes but I dont have that much money to spend. And I have been using rain water because its susposed to have natural ph levels and I am going to get the PH up/down and tester when I go out, so I can start to use my tap water. My plant was in the basement, but it is finished not very humid but lastnight was the second day with no light for 4 hours and I was home and it got to 60F down there, the first day I set the lights off I went out, so I moved it to the closet in my room so i can control the temp when lights are off as well. I hope that can help you or anyone else.


Yeah I know its soaked I just watered it and i just water it untill it drips out the bottom I dont really let anything come out but like 2 or 3 drops and then i wait till the pot is light as a feather before i water it again


I'll get new soil too if I should i read on here that you can use it over so I figured i had enough of it from veggie plants and its just lil bit from the bottom of a bunch of plants and i boiled water and ran it through it and placed it under light for a week to dry it out real good before i even put the seedling in it


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my 2 cents ;)

Get a bigger pot, get some fresh general purpose soil preferably sealed bag and somewhere reputable supplier (preferably not MG). Mix a healthy 3rd of perlite and vermiculite in there.

Have you repotted plants before ?

I would repot and back off on the neuts for the moment just feed water after repotting until the plant has had a chance to establish a root mass the soil fresh soil will have all the plant needs to sustain itself in the short term.

So basically wait until it has dried out a bit, repot into a much bigger pot ( think about what you can fit in your space), water it in once repotted and leave to dry out again.

Always be patient with your plants they take time to respond, it will look a bit sorry for itself for a couple of days after repotting then it should pick up again.

Any issues just post back :)

Check my journal as well I would appreciate some feedback.



thanks a bunch, i am going out tomorrow to go to my dads g/f's house for mothers day tomorrow and a b-day party in one, on my way home i will stop off at prob walmart, but can you get vermiculite at walmart? I cant get to the nearest hydro store till friday or maybe not till sat of next week closest one is like 40 min away and they close early. Or would home depot or lowes be better?!


Active Member
I am using recycled soil and it dosent have anything in it. I am using Schultz 10-15-10 Plant food plus, I have seen people grow with it on here, I plan on getting worm castings and super thrive here in the next day or so. Possibly other nutes but I dont have that much money to spend. And I have been using rain water because its susposed to have natural ph levels and I am going to get the PH up/down and tester when I go out, so I can start to use my tap water. My plant was in the basement, but it is finished not very humid but lastnight was the second day with no light for 4 hours and I was home and it got to 60F down there, the first day I set the lights off I went out, so I moved it to the closet in my room so i can control the temp when lights are off as well. I hope that can help you or anyone else.
Be sure to research what you "HEAR" because you will find A HUGE % is BS and most people talk out the side of their neck when they say what they think will work and not what actually does. Kinda like taking weight lose tips from a fat guy. You want to see someone who has the results you want to achieve and that is the person to listen to mostly. If someone suggests something ask for proof or where they got that info, most will not have it or will say oh my friend told me bla bla bla when the fact is most Master growers do not share ANY SECRETS period. Just saying be careful to not do something that will kill your plant or make you very disappointed in the results. Also instead of using recycled soil I would suggest getting something like fox farms ocean forest. That way you know exactly what is in it because when you say nothing was in it how do you know? what if someone accidentally dropped some oil or gas or some one pissed on it. Not to likely for those but example. Could have eggs of bugs in it or anything of that nature. Hope it works out for you though.


Be sure to research what you "HEAR" because you will find A HUGE % is BS and most people talk out the side of their neck when they say what they think will work and not what actually does. Kinda like taking weight lose tips from a fat guy. You want to see someone who has the results you want to achieve and that is the person to listen to mostly. If someone suggests something ask for proof or where they got that info, most will not have it or will say oh my friend told me bla bla bla when the fact is most Master growers do not share ANY SECRETS period. Just saying be careful to not do something that will kill your plant or make you very disappointed in the results. Also instead of using recycled soil I would suggest getting something like fox farms ocean forest. That way you know exactly what is in it because when you say nothing was in it how do you know? what if someone accidentally dropped some oil or gas or some one pissed on it. Not to likely for those but example. Could have eggs of bugs in it or anything of that nature. Hope it works out for you though.

Hey thanks man i see what your sayin and thanks i really didnt think of it that way, weight loss tips from a fat guy i am goin to get some soil tomorrow and if this one dies i'll start all over again because I want to get good at this after a while and it will always take trial and error but i am happy i atleast got people on the RIU community.


Hey i know its a lil off topic but when you give someone rep and dont leave a comment do they know you give them rep? I am new to all this posting i have only been reading for a few months now and just started posting like 2 weeks ago about.


Active Member
Hey i know its a lil off topic but when you give someone rep and dont leave a comment do they know you give them rep? I am new to all this posting i have only been reading for a few months now and just started posting like 2 weeks ago about.
Not sure I always just put something in it like Nice comment or whatever. Doesn't have to be anything really just to let them know why your repping them.


alright well i hit +rep for everyone commenting here thanks a bunch hope everyone follows for my growing adventures


So I am deff going to the store this week and I made a list of everything I am getting. Here is the following,
Dyna-Gro Grow nutes
Dyna-Gro Bloom
Digital Plus Soil ph meter rapitest
pH up/down kit
Digital moisture meter
And FoxFarm soil.
I need to know which soil i should get there is a FF Light warrior and FF Planting mix. Which one should I get?! They both cost the same, and i plan on doin another plant from seed so I am thinking the Light Warrior one am I right? and as for the soil pH meter will that test the pH in the water also? All of this is going to run me about 100 bux and then i should be good for a grow with 2 plants atleast. If I need anything else please let me know, i'm not worried about smell or anything and should i get some molasses also?


and i might get the fox farm nutes i'm not sure i will see when i get there, a new hydro store opened thats closer then the one i was planing on going to and they also have an online store and it says what they have in stock in the store and its all fairly priced so i'm excited to go now lol prob goin on tuesday


alright well i think it was bad nute burn i dont know i cut off the leaves and she really never stopped growing from what i can see i still see a lil burn on the plant but nothing major anymore heres some pics, havent got to the hydro store yet either, soon thoughIMG_0470.JPGIMG_0476.JPGIMG_0467.JPGIMG_0478.JPGIMG_0471.JPGIMG_0469.JPGIMG_0468.JPG


well i gotta put off goin to the hydro store, a fuckin truck tire just blew on me and i really need tires my spare is already used and will hopfully make it to the shop tomorrow, thats 400 if not more. son of a bitch