1st Grow Please Follow Will Need Help


Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow in a while and I had major neut burn, don't worry too much, flush if you have to, ensure ph is correct and go really easy on the ferts.

It will be fine !

Sorry to hear about the tyre :S


true that she seems to be doing ok as of right now i flushed her a few days ago thanks man that tire is some bull shittt


hey so my plant wasnt nute burn it was deff mold i am goin to wait till i go to the hydro store to really get anything goin cause its pretty much a waste i need to get the stuff n be ready. how does mold get onto a plant? its not a white mold but yet a green kinda mold that started out at one tiny dot and then it takes the whole leaf over within a day.


I think i got it from the plant being in the basement i duno will be trying again soon, got my tires now i just need money for the hydro store

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Personally if it's moldy I would throw it our and try again. If you do that, yes you're out 1 seed, but you've gone out and bought some of this stuff people have been discussing in this thread, and you know not to put the plants in the basement. Moldy plants don't even go into the compost at our place.

Either way good luck brah :)


Active Member
hey so my plant wasnt nute burn it was deff mold i am goin to wait till i go to the hydro store to really get anything goin cause its pretty much a waste i need to get the stuff n be ready. how does mold get onto a plant? its not a white mold but yet a green kinda mold that started out at one tiny dot and then it takes the whole leaf over within a day.
woa never experienced that on my plants have have green like algae on my rock wool cubes but I just cover them with mylar or something so no light gets on them and the green stuff dies eventually. For me anyways sorry no exp with it on the plant :(


eh i am just waiting to go out to the hydro store i already tossed it when i noticed it was mold and not burn, its all good though i got one outside thats comming along good for the weather we been having out here in ohio lots of rain yet shes still growing slowly but surly. I might screw around with another seed worst come to worse i'll just end up wasting a bit of electricity and water and nutes nothing really to lose and a only some bud to gain, one thing i do need to know if one plant gets mold should i clean the box with anything and try to prevent it?!


well i am germinating a seed tonight and i got some real potting soil (some kind for veggies all organic, although i am not to concerned about organic or not.) goin to the hydro store in 2 wed or thursday and i know that i have the necessities for the next few days i'll post pics soon of my out door


Well-Known Member
gl on cleaning out the mould.get yourself another seed :) have you sen mylatest progress ? holla your questions


i am sure its cause i started it in the basement thanks though got a new one started i'll take pics in a few days when it gets some more leaves its only on day 2 of sprout n i fed my outdoor and she liked it post pics of both in 2 days or so


Hey hows everyone doing? been a while since i posted on here so well i cleaned my box and started a new grow i was gonna do 2 plants but i just decided to stick with one until I get a successful grow, well heres some pics any feed back would be good.


well this plant is prob a little over 2 weeks or about that and she looks good to me a lot better then the last (first) try, i'm prob gonna veg her for about a month, for the veg state i am not keeping track of days anymore but when she looks good to me i will throw in some 27K lights and switch to 12/12 i got her on 18/6 and right about now she is starting to grow pretty fast she is suckin up the water like theres no tomorrow.i took pics b4 i watered yesterday and the soil feels the same way (same weight) as it did when i watered her yesterday. well any feedback is good to me

kevin murphy

New Member
veg the fuck out em lad there looking right keep up the good work and stick sum pics on my thread u can advertise on there here to help..big rep...


heres a pic of the one i got goin outside its been out there since like early april its about a bit over a foot tall but not many leaves IMG_0537.JPGIMG_0534.JPGIMG_0536.JPGIMG_0535.JPG


and i deff think my plants are some type of skunk cause let me tell you this little thing in my closet is stinkin my room like some major skunk shit is like 6 inches tall yet this girl is gonna be a stanky thing cant wait hope all goes well i think i am gonna let it veg till about a foot tall then switch, anyone know about how tall i should veg her to i might LST her not really sure, any opinions let me know any one,