1st Grow Purple Wreck, BlueBerry, BlueCheese Plenty more to come


finally made my self a 4 net pot dwc bubbleponic system but for some reason the water has like a stream instead of a trickle like its supposed to i have two 14 inch airstones with a dual air pump so i dont think its because theres not enough bubbles if u have any advice let me know heres some pics



I got the dual spectrum 2's that i ordered today pretty stoked i also ordered a 150 watt hps from ebay just to make sure that i get some pretty decent buds. Im pretty sure im gonna start flowering my plant sometime within this week and im planning on growing my batch that i have in my bubbleponics system 12/12 from seed cause i only have a 5ft tall grow tent and space issues so i think it would be alot less bushy any suggestions would help. Heres some pics- I only have one sprout so far and its the california hash hopefully the others will catch up soon... do u think the sprout that i have is ready for light yet i have plastic over it still?



Well-Known Member
as far as the stream of water vs. a trickle you could put a tip on it and make a finer spray. Then only turn it on three times a day for 15 minutes and once the roots are down to the nutrient then the water pump its just a bonus and not needed.

Another thing I noticed is the smaller the bubbles the quieter but not a huge difference in growth rate. I just use 1/4 inch tubing sometimes I put something one the end but every now and then they clog, so its up to you, one would be sufficient the other could be used in another res and do another setup.


My grow tent is 91 degrees and i have a 150 watt hps on the way does any one have any cheap suggestions on how to get the temp down?


Sorry it been soo long since i made and up date but the "hopefully" girls seem to be doin pretty good theyve been flowering id say for about a week now and im not sure if there males yet or not. I got a 150watt hps like two days ago to help with the flowering but its def not helping with the heat. I keep my tent open during the day and its about 91-93 but with it closed it has been anywhere from 95-100 deg. I dont know what the fuck to do im broke so i dont i cant really buy anything to help right now so i guess there gonna have to live with it. In my bubbleponics system i think i had some bad seeds not to stoked so i had to germinate some new ones. So far California hash and cheese have sprouted my new white widow should be spouting anytime now i also have an elnino thats isnt growing anymore just like the other ones so im prolly gonna have to replace it with a clone from my big plants. Anyways heres some pics let me know what you think.


tea tree

Well-Known Member
lol, I got purple wreck, road runner, and super lemon haze going! nice. purple wreck is some pretty shit so it the road runner. Super lemon haze just sprouted and I got some high hopes. I got to read your whole log now. I jus thad to high five!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
omg, dude you got to exhaust that shit. Once again I just scanned up and saw that so maybe I missed that. But if you dont put a fan up top you are gonna roast. I mean an exhasut fan.,

also with water temps too high you cant keep the oxygen in the water. Tht is maybe why your plants look droopy. Too much water and not enough oxygen.

You need that exhaust.


omg, dude you got to exhaust that shit. Once again I just scanned up and saw that so maybe I missed that. But if you dont put a fan up top you are gonna roast. I mean an exhasut fan.,

also with water temps too high you cant keep the oxygen in the water. Tht is maybe why your plants look droopy. Too much water and not enough oxygen.

You need that exhaust.
Hell yeah i cant wait to plant my super lemon haze def keep me updated on that...but yeah i know im gonna be fucked if i cant get a better air circulation goin on but moneys tight i might order those 20$ ductfans on htg and see if 2 of those will work for now.


So i have at least one girl which im pretty sure is the blue Cheese cause its the only feminized seed i got unfortunatly i think that my purple wreck is a male and im really pissed cause its my favorite plant but i think the blueberry still has A chance to be a female so im gonna wait about three more days to take any of the plant out just to make sure cause i dont think theres any definite signs of being a male yet. I did some training on my female cause it was getting way to tall, and it seems to be doing pretty good i just dont know what to do now. I got three sprouts in my bubbleponics system (California Hash, Cheese,WhiteWidow) I think im gonna stick a clone in the forth spot in my BP. Heres some pictures let me know what u think.



Purple wreck is a girl im so stoked that is my favorite plant so any way now i am down to blueberry and purple wreck hopefully none of them turn hermie on me but with my temp still being around 91 during the day i wouldnt blame them. i bought like a 350cfm exhaust fan but its comin from fuckin canada so its gonna take a couple weeks to get here im sure. My little ones are doing pretty good them selves im gonna stick them in the tent and put them on 12/12 as soon as it gets here. I want to see if i cant take a clone from one of my big plants already in flowering and put it in with my bubbleponics system when i put it on 12/12 because i have an extra spot in there for another plant and seeing that im putting my plants in flowering at an early age it should just grow like the other ones right? I told my girl when she went to the store to get water with c02 in it to spray on my plants and she got me this stuff called pellegrino and it looks kinda fancy and im not sure if there might be something in it that would hurt my plants? Also my roots are starting to get some nasty salt lookin stuff on them and im pretty sure its cause there is light getting to them, can any one think of something i could cover them with? Heres some pics of my progress if u can help me out with any of my problems ill def give +rep!


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
The Pellegrino says "natural mineral water" so it can't be bad. Put up a pick of the ingredients and I'm sure someone can help. As for the light getting to your roots, you should cover the entire res with reflective tape. Why is the plastic still on the rockwool and why is that one in the pic not in a growing medium? As for your temp, you sould be fine as long as the plants look healthy, and you're supplementing with CO2, but you should really try to get temps under 85 at the most, preferably under 80 during flowering. The fan should should do it for you. Keep us updated.


The Pellegrino says "natural mineral water" so it can't be bad. Put up a pick of the ingredients and I'm sure someone can help. As for the light getting to your roots, you should cover the entire res with reflective tape. Why is the plastic still on the rockwool and why is that one in the pic not in a growing medium? As for your temp, you sould be fine as long as the plants look healthy, and you're supplementing with CO2, but you should really try to get temps under 85 at the most, preferably under 80 during flowering. The fan should should do it for you. Keep us updated.
The pic with the nasty roots is from my big plants in flowering... its an ebb n flow system. the only medium it has is the 6inch rockwool cube but now its growing out of that... u think i should just fill my ebbnflow tray with hydroton, but i dont really wanna do that cause its alot of hydroton to fill up my whole tray for only two plants.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Oh ok I didn't realize you were doing ebb & flow. I wouldn't fill the whole thing with hydroton. I honestly have no idea what that salty stuff could be though.


ok so i got my 6inch 350cfm vortex exhaust fan i have it on the top blowing in i think it might be a bit much for my tent and my apartment its pretty fuckin loud is there a way to get the quieter? any way my tent is in my walk in closet but my closet gets hot when the door is closed so it kinda defeat the purpose of the fan cause its just blowing hot air in the tent right? Theres only one ac vent in the closet but it doesnt blow out much, would it help if i connected my vortex to the ac vent so it would suck the cold air directly into the tent instead of dispersing through the closet first? Im running out of ideas and its really getting frustrating cause the plants are gonna die if i dont do something soon. I just put my bubbleponics system in my tent so they just started flowering i hope it turns out ok flowering so early but i dont have enough room for a fully mature plant. Heres some pics let me know if u have any suggestions +rep


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Hey JoJo you should have the fan sucking air out of the tent. It is much more efficient. Also, just have the AC blow into the closet and make sure the exhaust fan is at the top of the tent because hot air rises, as I'm sure you know.