1st grow room 600w/DR/Autopot with pics


Active Member
Hello there.

So after my first grow turned into a disaster growing in an en suite that was not light safe and ended in me being unable to harvest I have gone and invested in a new grow room for my 2nd grow. I'd like some opinions on what I've done so far and on where I can go, or any mistakes I may have made before I put it into action.

First off I built a little seedling/clone box out of a spare kitchen cupboard, an emergency mylar heat blanket, 6x 20W 6400K CFL'S, 2x heat mats and some xbox 360 fans I had from 2 RROD 360's.

Not sure if I've over done it with the lights here? The 2 xbox fans keep the air flowing real nice inside there so heat isn't an issue. Yet.

Any input is truly appreciated.



Active Member
The main grow room contains:

Secret Jardin DRII 240W


1 x 1m Parabolic Reflector
1 x 600w Lumitek Digital Ballast
1 x Sylvania 600w HPS

(I plan to double the above as funds allow)

1 x 150mm carbon Filter
1 x 150mm 6' Fan
1 x Oscillating Fan

(At the moment I am just using the room the tent is in as a lung, its a cold room so it will be enough to bring down the temps. I hope to move the tent to a dif location in a month or two and pull in outside air via a vent)

1.5" Rockwool cubes
8 x 15L AutoPots w/Airdomes
3 x 50L Bags Canna Clay Pebbles (I know I slightly over bought here
100L reservoir

(I need to buy an air pump for the airdomes & I want to put an airstone in the reservoir. The Hailea V60 has been recommended but I can't afford it, can you guys suggest anything else? I also want to get a water heating strip for the reservoir as that room is cold outside the tent)

Future Plans
My plans are to add 2 or 4 more autopots and another reservoir when I have the cash available, I think I have the space for them in the DR?? I will also be doubling up on the lighting and adding a bigger extrator if needed and use the existing fan as an intake.

I'm also going to order some web cams and set up a remote monitoring system so I can keep an eye on things when I'm away via my iPhone. I'd love to put in some remote monitoring/control using arduino controlled via iPhone, but i don't know a whole lot about this yet. Would be great to be able to monitor PH, PPM, Temps etc remotely and then alter the fan speed for instance!!!

Anywho please take a look and tell me where I have gone wrong and what I can improve on, I really appreciate any help/comments.




Active Member
Your tent setup looks good, as long as you can keep it cool.
I would think about air cooled hood if you have heat issues.

Good luck