1st grow. suggestions? pics included


Well-Known Member
Just water them slowly til they drain then adjust so that drainage no longer occurs. Then wait for them to dry. Its not so much just how long you are into it but also pot size and plant size in relation to one another. Just water til wet and wait til the surface is dry. Maybe push a finger below the soil surface to see whats going on.

If you can find a hydro shop in your area why not just dig a hole and fill with a good planting mix? Roots organics does well by me and it is fairly cheap. Cow manure needs time to be composted and etc. Having decomposing dung in the plant matter will give nutrients to the plants but you don't know what all else may come from this. Also you may put to little and have your plant go deficient to soon or to much and have them become huge trees for all to see.


lol imagine growing them huge like trees.
so far the babies look like they are doing amazing. lets not jinx it. havent gotten another cfl yet but they are doing a lot of growing with one cfl and one regular bulb.

2 things nd someone let me noe about this asap:
1. the baby leaves (the round ones) look to be dying off they are shriveling up and turning yellow. the rest of the plant is as green and beautiful as can be
2. after i transplanted i noticed this popped up like today
no idea where that came from but obviously another plant is growing there. what can it be?



Well-Known Member
i just did some reading and figured i shud be every watering 3-5 days at this stage? is this correct. ive been watering everyday. noob mistake i know. over loving over bearing parent. after i transplanted i gave them all a ton of water. from this point on im onlly gona wet the top of the soil. sounds good?
When you deal with seedlings, you want to water only when necessary but not too much at any one time. A few tablespoons per day is usually sufficient. Always check the soil, if it's still moist a few inches down, let them be. The roots need to breathe. When you water past the seedling stage (2 weeks) water AROUND the roots, not directly on them. This encourages the roots to grow out, instead of straight down and run out of room.


bought and used this spray that treats for 3 things. fungus bacteria and insects (mites and stuff). posting end of week pics soon


Active Member
Either way the roots are going to stretch further down into the soil because they will grow and search for nutrients and water. You can water from the bottom I guess but I recommend watering from the top of the soil to make sure it has water throughout the entire pot not just the bottom. Just my 2 cents.