1st grow Super Lemon Haze


Well-Known Member
Dude if they are bigger than rooted clones, i always have them on 18/6 lights. Slows down there growth a little, i mean very little. and save a ton a electricity.

Also when moving lights away i do it a inch at a time so node spacing is even and the distance between nodes is as small as possible. just a few tips that i do.

Hopefully they help out.


dirk d

Active Member
thanks phyre. bad thing is in my veg room i have very limited height like less than 5 feet i think. i have the rope adjusters but they take up at least 4" and what i did is just put the lights hooks on the ceiling clip which gives me the additional space. so im kinda stuck but you are right i will definitely move the lights up slower. i finally took some pics will have them up today sometime. i was really thinking of changing light schedule will do that today after i take clones and transplant the girls to the flower room.

dirk d

Active Member
alright flower room all set up took pics will put on tomorrow im exhausted now. took my clones all looking good. decided to just kill SLH #4 it was looking like crap and i wanted to put another clone in. SLH #5 finally has some room to stretch. put SLH #1-3 into their new home under a digital 600 hortilux. put up my nylon netting but it just sucked so i went and bought some cotton/polyster twine and did the netting myself. turned out much much better than the nylon. the root system on SLH #1-3 is massiv about 18" long and very healthy. wore some gloves and transplanted the girls. put up 1 wall mount fan works real good. have another that i will put up after i put flower unit #2 and #3 in. PPM at 980 ph 5.8. also noticed the girls were tipping their net cups over in the veg system so i went and bought some window screen clamps and screwed them into the pvc posts. works real good. also replaced the screws with some stainless screws. everything is coming together real nice. spent a lot more making sure i got the best of everything and took me a shit load of time to put it all together.

dirk d

Active Member
new home.jpg finally the girls arrive at their new home and they are loving it too. perked right up after they were in there. now i redid the screen with my own version of cotton/polyster twine. i couldnt get the nylon to work and it was crap anyway. couldnt unroll it just a big cluster fuck.


Nice first grow! Are you flowering already? How much do you expect to yield?
I will be growing SLH next and I'm really looking forward to it :)
Gonna keep this thread subscribed!

dirk d

Active Member
hey bear just put 3 of my girls into flower yesterday. i hear they are a great yielder but guess it depends on the grower. im growing aeroponics so it should take some of my noobness out of the factor but not really sure what to expect. 2-8 oz per plant is what i hear. their is a purple pheno out there that is supposed to be amazing. hoping to have one of my girls be purple.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1328016 finally the girls arrive at their new home and they are loving it too. perked right up after they were in there. now i redid the screen with my own version of cotton/polyster twine. i couldnt get the nylon to work and it was crap anyway. couldnt unroll it just a big cluster fuck.

You have a very nice set-up. Looks absolutely beautiful bro. Keep up the good work.

dirk d

Active Member
just did my first veg unit res change. kind of a bitch. need to set up another unit just for swapping out the res. would make it much much easier. too hard to drag everything out and then transfer and then put back. i checked the ph after i noticed the sprayers weren't spraying. figured out that the water level was below the pump so not much water was going to the roots. roots suffered a bit but i caught it within 3 hours. ph was at 6.2 after i added water but then when i checked it every few hours ph was all over the place would add ph - then add h20 it was a big mess. it was time for a res change anyways. will do the change every 3 weeks and add at least a gallon of h20 every week.

dirk d

Active Member
monthly checklist

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5
check ph
check ppm
top off h20
air ventilation
air circulation
humidity 40-60 flw
humidity 60-70 veg
temp day 70-75
temp night 60-65
check for pest/disease
check for fungi
check nute def
check hid system
check walls fungi/mold
move lamps 12-36"
res change #1
res change #2
res change #3
res change #4
res change #5
res change #6
res change #7
take pics
weekly checks are to be done every Saturday

this is my weekly checklist anyone think of anything else to add??


Well-Known Member
monthly checklist

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5
check ph
check ppm
top off h20
air ventilation
air circulation
humidity 40-60 flw
humidity 60-70 veg
temp day 70-75
temp night 60-65
check for pest/disease
check for fungi
check nute def
check hid system
check walls fungi/mold
move lamps 12-36"
res change #1
res change #2
res change #3
res change #4
res change #5
res change #6
res change #7
take pics
weekly checks are to be done every Saturday

this is my weekly checklist anyone think of anything else to add??
Yes. add: "Smoke a Bowl" after each res change and everywhere else you feel you need to. LOL


dirk d

Active Member
too bad i spent all my $$$ on buying stuff for the girls, now i can't afford to buy any bowls. will have to wait i guess. still need a shit load of other things too. lol. just put in my flower unit #2 and unit #3 into the flower room. it all fits well. kinda tight around the corners but i was worried they wouldnt fit.


Well-Known Member
like they say a friend with weed is a friend indeed , one of your buddy will smoke you up im sure :P

very good looking first grow! cant wait to see the outcome but you seem to have you basics figured out

dirk d

Active Member
just checked on the girls they are all looking very good. i think i finally got everything stabilized and should be on auto pilot now. SLH #3 looks like it has converted new growth to asymetrical branching. don't see any pre-flowers yet but should soon. also decided to cut some of the fan leaves in the cloner in half. was told that helps to root the clones faster.

dirk d

Active Member
looks like the first clone has its roots. decided to cut the others at a 45 degree angle, only thing i didnt do. we'll see what happens.