1st Grow..Super Stealth Cabinet inside a Cabinet.. BC Mango!


Active Member
Hi folks. been cruising around the forum for a while and decided to start my own grow. First time ever growing and the cabinet was designed and built by me.

-Currently running 2 CFL's and I can run up to 5 with this setup.
-Box is built with a false bottom, intake and exhaust fan, carbon filter, and another small fan for circulation.

Im growing BC mango from BC seed king so wish me luck!

This is day 4 since the first seedling popped up, waiting for number 2 to say hello.



Well-Known Member
I really like the false bottom, filter idea. Very nice. And it helps with air circulation. Nice. What kind of temps so far?


Active Member
Update: day 8 since planted. Plant 1 seems to be growing well, although a little slow(moved the plant way closer to the light 2 days ago as it was way too far away). Also . The other two seeds did not germinate fully so I started another seed yesterday and it's starting to split open, so Hopefully I will have plant 2 soon enough. Bought these seeds from a reputable source and only 1/the first 4 popped... Have to say I'm a little disappointed.

For now, here is lonely little plant #1 after its second nute feeding:plant1day8.jpg


Well-Known Member
The top of your soil looks too wet. Hopefully you just watered it and then took the picture. It should drain pretty fast right through the pot. And nutes - no man - not yet.


Well-Known Member
You'll need nutes in 3 or 4 weeks. In the beginning - soil is good enough with just 'straight' water.


Active Member
Day 12 update. Plant 1 still doing well (would really like to get a second plant going but the seeds I got from BCseedking seem to be absolute shit. Had another seed not fully germinate. 1/6 popped. I have two fresh ones germing now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Heres some pics, the second set of leaves came out of nowhere, pretty weird formation too.



Well-Known Member
Leaves look a little funky - not sure why. Look a bit small too. Of course - lots of things affect that like the strain so just wait and give some more time.


Well-Known Member
That folded leaf shape comes with some indica-strains and it doesn't mean anything.

On your box, I gave you rep for taking the plunge, and coming up with what looks like a pretty good design. If you permit me, a few suggestions:

-You might paint/disguise the outside of the box to look like one of those mini-cube refrigerators.

-On heating/ventilation, its not clear exactly what's surrounding your box there, but if your box is inside a closed cabinet, the cabinet itself will have to be vented. Otherwise you're just blowing hot CO2-depleted air around inside your box from the sealed cabinet.

-In terms of growing, you don't appear to have much vertical space there. What do you have, 24" or so total height? The most challenging aspect of your grow is going to be CONTROLLING THE VERTICAL HEIGHT OF YOUR PLANTS.

-Remember, you pots will take some up, and you have to keep the tops of your plants at least 2" from CFLs, or they can burn. So you're really looking at keeping normal-genetics plants from seed to harvest in maybe 18" of total vertical height.

That's doable, though I think you'll have a much better time of things considering steps from the outset to keep your plants small. Remember, plants typically double in height during flowering, and having constant control over the height of your plants is critical in small spaces like this. You CANNOT keep the plant "too low". Try:

a. Wide shallow final pots.

b. Train early. Once your plants have a few sets of leaves on them, bend over the mainstem so it goes horizontally a bit to save vertical space.

c. Strongly consider putting in a wire grid for a scrog to help limit height and train. Alternatively, you can simply tie down tops. Its even OK to tie them BELOW the level of the pot. The plants will always grow towards the light.

d. A space that size. . .I'd suggest one plant only. Obviously, you may need to grow more than one until you locate a female, but trying to grow more than one in there, with the two fighting for light and space may make things harder than you really want.


Active Member
Thanks for the excellent advice Jogro. I've done a lot of research and plan of LSTing the crap out of them to keep plant height now.

Anyway here is a day 16 update-Growth has absolutely exploded since my last update. And I finally had a second seedling break the surface and it's not interesting enough to photograph. Anyways.... Here's a pic:



Active Member
Early day 20 update: Plant 1 was overtaking the foam cup so I transplanted it into its final pot. Also began LST in the last few days and trimmed the tips of the largest leaves.
Plant 2 has finally opened up, but it still is not interesting enough to photograph.

Here is a pic:



Well-Known Member
That pot should hold you. Careful on the watering until the plant gets bigger and fills the pot.


Active Member
Day 24 update. Growth is starting to pic up, new heads and leaves daily. Trying to keep the plant low and LST in the spiral pattern. The plant is unbelievably quick to adjust to any training I do. I have to adjust daily. Plant number two is about 2 days old and starting to recover from it's rough start.
Plant one: plant1day24.jpg
Plant two at 2 days old, finally opening up-poor little thing:



Active Member
Day 28 update. Everything is still going well. Plant one is really taking off in vertical growth. Plant 2 is still off to a slow start.

Pics: plant1day28.jpgplant1day28(2).jpg


Active Member
Day 32 update: Plant 1 still growing well, Plant 2 is still not doing much. Trying to keep an eye out for preflowers. Any idea how long until I can tell the sex?

Anyway, heres a pic.



Well-Known Member
I really don't know. Must be genetics - I mean - the reason they're growing so slowly. You won't be able to sex them for awhile longer. They do look healthy though and that's a good thing.


Active Member
Quick day 40 update. Plant 1 is doing well and starting to show what I believe is female pre flowers. Plant 2 is finally growing its second set of leaves, but no pic.

Heres my pride and joy: plant1day40.jpg