1st grow unknown strain.


Active Member
so i got the temps running in there finally at 78 degrees at the bottom of plants so i figure 82/83 at canopy! any ideas on how to keep things cool i had to leave my vent fan on the whole night to keep heat to a minimum. i also germd 20 seeds and only 1 sprouted instantly in 2 days she was rooting herself to the paper towel lol. now the rest of the seeds looks like i noobed them and drowned them in a paper towel it got root rot lol. I hate seeds and germinating its kind of hard to me lol i rather clone! I actually cloned 2 days ago and theylooking super green and healthy. captaincannabis, can it be alos that i cloned, new pots, and new light, and when transplanting it ripped roots, could they be in super shock lol?


Active Member
today 3 of my sativas preflowered :) they are lacking some kkind of nutrient i believe it is mg or Zinc. ph level is fine 6.4 problem was i transplanted and left them dry for a day and a half. i know shame on me :evil: anyways my clones are dieng what do i do for them? what special care do i take for them? remember its my first time


Active Member
one of my plants have spots all over the upper growth and it is obvious they need magnesium. all of them need mg. but just one is getting rust spots why is this what do i do? Im sorry about quality of pic just please help i dont want to lose any of my girls!

