1st grow using auto flower when should i use kobloom and root stimulant


New Member
I'm growing Jack Herer,pineapple gum,magnum,pounder,afghan kush Ryder and assassin outdoors someone told me I could use kloobloom and a root stimulant to maximize my yield just wonder when I should use or if I should use these products also I'm germinating them when should I transfer and how big should my pots be I was gonna do 12/12 2weeks then put them in 5gal buckets just wondering any feed back would be appreciated


New Member
Do not run at 12/12... it's not good for autos. Keep it at a 20/4 cycle the entire time. Use distilled water until about day 10. then use your nutes at about 1/4 of what is asked per gallon. Autos don't take well to nutes, so use them sparingly. You can increase your nutes each week but do it based off the what is recommended and use just 1/4 of that recommended dose.


Well-Known Member
With autos you should do 20/4 or 18/6 but not 12/12 as they will flower when they are mature enough to do so. For the last 3/4 days change the light cycle to 12/12 if you wish as I have seen some people do this but I would prefer to keep it as you had it before i.e. 20/4.... Hope you understand what I am trying to get across to you :D