1st grow, very small..how much CFL light/plant?


Well-Known Member
Im a complete newbie (even my first post), but i'd like to get this thing going. I'm probably going to go CFL's all the way, for sure at the beginning.
Im only starting with two seeds, in a 4.5x3.5x8.5' closet. (It seems like a lot of space for only 2 plants-will this affect the growth?) I need to know, well, everything...but for starters, how much CFL light do I need to start and which kind of CFL?

I'm going to have many more questions, so anyone please feel free to add other things I should keep in mind when setting this up....just really unsure about the lights/too much space.



sup bro.. well i wouldnt skimp on light...i learned that the hard way.. how many plants u have?.. my "newbie" rule of thumb is i have 2 26w 1600lumes 6500k daylight cfls'. per 2 seedlings and they are bout a inch or 2 away ... you will get a lot of suggestions thrown at you.. ive noticed this forum is like plant politics.. do whats comfortable to you.. my soil is miracle grow organic potting soil.. people say dont but i do cause its the closest Ph level at 7.5.... ideal is 8.. you can check out my grow ive been posting a journal "2nd garden 1st journal"... sorry for ramblin.. hope this helps some


Active Member
Im a complete newbie (even my first post), but i'd like to get this thing going. I'm probably going to go CFL's all the way, for sure at the beginning.
Im only starting with two seeds, in a 4.5x3.5x8.5' closet. (It seems like a lot of space for only 2 plants-will this affect the growth?) I need to know, well, everything...but for starters, how much CFL light do I need to start and which kind of CFL?

I'm going to have many more questions, so anyone please feel free to add other things I should keep in mind when setting this up....just really unsure about the lights/too much space.

That is an awefully big space but if you lst or do a scrog 2 plants is fine (of course you will have to alot of veg/training if you want to use the entire space for 2 plants :) ..

As for CFL's you want 5300k-6700k spectrum cfls for veg & 2700k for flowering. (6700k is better than 5.3k - 6k but they will work just fine).

You want around 3k lumen's per sq ft of space for flowering.

I will let someone else throw out how many CFL's you will most likely need for each stage if you utilize your entire closets base space considering I am also on my first CFL grow, trying to keep everything wally world or MJers (well now that Tone702 has tossed me the info about HD's 68w 2700k lights for $16 a piece I may go and get a few of those so.. lol)

I'm liking the CFL's so far, It still is not near as easy as just having a MH for veg & HPS for flower but I definitely could see the potential from CFL's.

Anyways enough babbling on and on. Have a good one and Good luck. I'll try and answer any questions that I can.

As Always. Take what I & others say with a grain of salt. What works for me might suck for you. Trial and error is the only true way to learn to grow :)


Well-Known Member
That is an awefully big space but if you lst or do a scrog 2 plants is fine (of course you will have to alot of veg/training if you want to use the entire space for 2 plants :) ..

As for CFL's you want 5300k-6700k spectrum cfls for veg & 2700k for flowering. (6700k is better than 5.3k - 6k but they will work just fine).

You want around 3k lumen's per sq ft of space for flowering.

I will let someone else throw out how many CFL's you will most likely need for each stage if you utilize your entire closets base space considering I am also on my first CFL grow, trying to keep everything wally world or MJers (well now that Tone702 has tossed me the info about HD's 68w 2700k lights for $16 a piece I may go and get a few of those so.. lol)

I'm liking the CFL's so far, It still is not near as easy as just having a MH for veg & HPS for flower but I definitely could see the potential from CFL's.

Anyways enough babbling on and on. Have a good one and Good luck. I'll try and answer any questions that I can.

As Always. Take what I & others say with a grain of salt. What works for me might suck for you. Trial and error is the only true way to learn to grow :)

Thanks much for all the in fo guys....keep it coming. Question: If i'm only growing 2 plants, would I be better off to close off(hang a curtain?) part of the closet as my designated grow space?


Fallen Buckshot

im also doin my first grow... about 6 plants atm and im using 2 20w 6500k, 2 26w 6500k and 2 42w softwhite which i think are 2700k been playin around with lights... had 2 50w halogen spots starting out but they ran pretty hot and didnt crank out near the lumens

you will need to get them about 8 inches from the plants to be efficent closer if you have good air circ so you may want to put a small occelating fan and maybe a few emergency blankets for some light reflection


Well-Known Member
experience cfl'er here as seedlings i use 2 43watt(200watt replacement) per 1.5 square feet of seedlings(2-4 plants) after about 2 weeks i switch to 4 bulbs per 1.5 square feet(2 2700k and 2 6500k). this gives me 8 bulbs for 6 plants. I lst them until each plant is about 9 inches tall(24 inches if you measure the stem around the pot) and then switch to flowering. at the switch i give them 48 hours of dark then go to 12/12 photoperiod with 8 bulbs but i switch them all to the 2700k(more orange/red looking)

for the light ballasts i use 2 plug in clamp lights from wall mart(5$ each) and 3 two way splitters in each to give me 4 bulbs off each socket. I keep em about 4 inches from the top of the plants at all times.

Doing this i average 8 or 9 colas per plant and between 1/8-1/4 per cola dry and cured.

Im switching to flower cycle this weekend i will try to post some pics.


Well-Known Member
experience cfl'er here as seedlings i use 2 43watt(200watt replacement) per 1.5 square feet of seedlings(2-4 plants) after about 2 weeks i switch to 4 bulbs per 1.5 square feet(2 2700k and 2 6500k). this gives me 8 bulbs for 6 plants. I lst them until each plant is about 9 inches tall(24 inches if you measure the stem around the pot) and then switch to flowering. at the switch i give them 48 hours of dark then go to 12/12 photoperiod with 8 bulbs but i switch them all to the 2700k(more orange/red looking)

for the light ballasts i use 2 plug in clamp lights from wall mart(5$ each) and 3 two way splitters in each to give me 4 bulbs off each socket. I keep em about 4 inches from the top of the plants at all times.

Doing this i average 8 or 9 colas per plant and between 1/8-1/4 per cola dry and cured.

Im switching to flower cycle this weekend i will try to post some pics.

Thanx Drgreenz-very helpful stuff-thanks everyone for the input as well.

Dr. Greenz--what do you recommend for soil? Also, if i'm only starting with 2 or 3 plants, should I close off part of my closet? (My closet is 4.5' L x 3.5'Wx about 8.5' H.)



Well-Known Member
any good baged potting soil will be fine. I would take the amount you need and bake it at 300 for an hour or so though or you will have little gnats flying everywhere. Walmart, home depot, lowes and such have some decent organic soils for only a couple bucks per 25lb bag.
I wouldnt close off the closet personally just because with the room you got you could make some monster plants lol, also, the extra foot or so on the side will give you room to move around and work in there.


Well-Known Member
oh also i would suggest since you have the room using either 3 or 5 gallon pots(buckets) for the plants. I personally use only 2 quart plants but it is unforgiving if you mess up and unless you know what your doin can cause root bound plants, where the root mass fills the entire pot and can dry the soil in a matter of hours and makes it far easier to burn with nutes. The more soil you have the more you can mess up without harming the plants lol.
If you do want to use smaller pots however, I use 2 quart pots and water 300ml per day during veg and 250ml just after lights come on and right before they go off during flower. In smaller pots, less water more often can negate any root bound problems.


Well-Known Member
Here is a few vids of what lst is and how to do it. The guy is a goon but he does ok at explaining it.
part 1
part 2
part 3

also here is a series on topping, it is also a good way to increase yeild especially since you have so much room to go up. It is an hour long series but he goes through quite a bit of different techiques including topping, fimming, lollipopping, and cresting.
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5


Well-Known Member
I've grown two dozen seedlings with a couple 26w 6500k CFLs. It was 2 sq ft.

25w of CFL easily covers a sq foot of plants to 6". Double this every time the height doubles. 1ft = 50w, 2ft = 100w, 4ft = 200w, etc.

More lower wattage bulbs creating a better coverage will be better than higher wattage bulbs with less coverage, as light decays according to the inverse square of the distance.


Well-Known Member
exactly, i use 12 43watt cfl's during flowering that way the entire outside of the plant is hit.