1st Grow - White Rhino CFL


Hey everyone, this is my first official grow, going with the CFL route due to many reasons, and i'm really excited how it's gonna come out. Had 5 feminized white rhino seeds, and all have sprouted well so far under a 125w 6500k tube cfl. They just finished week 1 of the veg cycle, and the whole setup is in a plastic storage tub that i lined with reflective white lining; in a few days to a week i'll probably transplant them to individual pots (they're seperated right now, but it's hard to explain). Once they're in the bloom cycle they'll obviously come out of the tub and just become a closet grow. Really excited to see how this works out!

Will post pictures soon!


Active Member
Will be nice to see how this comes out. I have heard good things about your chosen strain especially in micro grows.



Here are the babies, they're about 1 1/2 weeks into the veg period (planted on Mon apr 4) . I know the way they're seperated looks outrageously weird/ghetto, but i had a friend this winter who did the same setup i have above (except with Bubblicious) and was able to transport them without any problem whatsoever.

When should i start giving them nutes? i've heard varying opinions on the message board, some people advocating doing it very early, just highly diluted, and others saying wait quite awhile....


Well-Known Member
Well the rule of thumb I went by was 2-3 weeks old start giving them a diluted supply of nutrients.. 2-3 weeks after breaking soil.


Active Member
For nutes I would wait at least a couple weeks as the above post says and then slowly integrate it into your regular watering cycle. You can always add more nutes if desired, but it's tough to take them out.

Looking good so far. I like the ziploc bag seperator. Effective and most importantly will prevent roots from getting tangled which is all you want before you transplant.


Hey everyone, sorry for the delay posting. Today is Day 16 of my grow, and i started the first of VERY diluted nutrients. Figured it'd give the plants a little extra boost, so i diluted it to the specifications on the label, then diluted it further. I'd rather be overly careful then burn the plants.

Plants are growing plenty of leaves (i think) for this stage of the grow, but they seemed somewhat stunted in height earlier. So i moved my grow-ballast a little further away and *gasp*, not only did they grow taller, but i noticed more foliage as well. However, as a result of this some leaves are not really getting much light so i'm thinking of taking a single cfl and putting it in the middle of them, so the circular radius of the light will get to the semi-blocked parts.

Anyways enough of my rambling, here's some pictures!



Day 21, exactly 3 weeks from germination. Originally this was the day that i wanted to switch it over to the bloom cycle, but i've realized now my plants would be VERY short and stubby if i did that, so i'm giving it another week of vegging, maybe a week and change. Plants are coming along good, and i took all the below pictures yesterday. The last picture included is from today; today i moved the main (125w tube cfl) light farther away from the plants and used 3 supplementary 23w cfl's as well. Hopefully the plants will stretch further towards the light and get to a desired height. Actually, does anyone have any rough approximations of how high they like to get their plant before switching light cycles?

I do have one little issue so far, and that's that on some of my plants (see below) the very tips of some of the leaves are turning yellow; any suggestions?


Actually gonna post that picture a little later today, cause i'm having a hard time retrieving it. my bad.



Hey, looks like a nice setup. Picture 4/6 looks like an issue i had with a clone of mine. It started with the lower leave slowly turning yellow and paper like then dying off. Turns out it was a P deficiency. I dont know about the other one with the tips just turning yellow. Use this forum and google i would say! plenty of info out there, you just have to read alot, there is also alot of bad info.

I'm fairly new to this as well so i am somewhat hesitant to give out information as i am learning quite a bit as well. As for the height, i grew from seed and found it takes a little longer than it did for my clones to really shoot up. Don't forget about the stretch that you get in the first 10 - 14 days of 12/12 as well! Mine almost doubled in size those first 2 weeks.


Mhmm, that's the plant that's showing the most issues, it's shorter than all the others substantially AND it's lower leaves keep yellowing. I've had a few other plants have slight yellow issues but correct themselves. The problem is, after reading: http://www.weedfarmer.com/cannabis/tables_guide.php , i really think it could be ANYTHING, as in a deficiency. So i'm kind of at a loss. I'll be transplanting them to potting soil soon (they're in starter soil, and they'll go into individual pots), but i don't want to do that under i know they're very healthy, so i kinda gotta wait.

On one hand, it looks like a deficiency, on the other, over fertilization. So maybe i should flush the soil a little, just use regular water for awhile, and switch over to the new nutes i bought today after a week or two (i was using Miracle-Gro all purpose plant food, the "powder" version, now i'll be using FoxFarm Liquid Grow Big") .... Also, a couple of my plants are showing a couple light yellow spots scattered on a few leaves, but i'm 90% sure that's because i'm an idiot and when i was watering with nutes i got some on the leaves by accident and didn't clean it up...when it says on the package to not leaf feed due to burning concerns... *smack*

Any help and suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated :)

Here's that picture i promised:


Active Member
your using cfl's, your cfls are WAY WAY WAY too far away from the plants, im rocking a cfl grow atm and you want your blub 2-3 inches away from the plant, they arnt growing cos they arnt getting enough light i reckon


thats another good one yeah! nute burn sucks! ha ive done it to mine but they bounce back in a hurry... as for the yelloweing bottom up, i would honstly say either N or P deficiency. I tried N first but it was workingand that was at the full dosage for 1L of water after a week of waiting, as i only feed them once with that much feed, i decided to try the starter nutes i have (10-52-10) again at full dose for 1L water and within 2 days they were greener than they ever were and grew like crazy!

I would suggest you transplant the others so that you dont end up burning the healthy ones. I read most of the online forumrs/help guides for "sick plants" even downloaded an app for my phone! lol every think came back to N-P-K defs.

I'm not saying you should go full strength for your nutes, maybe go half the dose and see if it strats to clear up the problem.


Well, i've read plenty about having them close, the only issue is that when i had the 23w cfl's that close, i'm pretty sure it managed to burn the plants because they turned away and even somewhat "wilted" (bad choice of words). Of course that was before i altered the setup a little better. I want the plants to actually get some decent height before i switch them over, so i'm really set on keeping the main light (125w 6400k tube cfl) a little higher so they'll reach for it. As for the 23w'ers, my only concern is that if they're close (and DON'T burn the plants), that the plants won't stretch vertical (only horizontal) and end up as short little bushes...

@Meekrab - thanks for all your advice! So you're saying you think i shouldn't really use the nutes at all for awhile, right? flush the soil? Or did i comprehend that entirely wrong? hahaha


Well-Known Member
You should do nutrients the fool proof way just as I am for my first grow. I bought the flowering tablets from Nirvana. Not only do they have flowering tablets for flowering phase they have soil tablets for nutrients that are more focused for veg growth. The tablets automatically break down over time and release nutrients only when your plants need them. If you want to check out the results just look in my signautre and my profile picture because thats my Ak-47 on those flowering tablet roids lol


Well-Known Member
Looking like your doing good. How big are the pots you got them in? Could be the reason they are not growing good. A plant only grows to the size of the pot.. bigger pot = bigger pot lmao.. litterly. thats so slick. haha


Active Member
if you are growing in a plastic tub you are probably going to want short bushes. I haven't worked with white rhino but plants do shoot up quite a bit in budding so if space is a factor for you then keeping your girls bushy will be good for you. Check out my girl, she's been LST'd and topped because of height restrictions in her box but she's still turning out great so far. Obviously you dont wanna burn your plants though so you do what works for you man, its your weed! haha, just my two cents though, plants look good bro, keep it up.



I'll have to look into that for my next grow for sure; thanks!


Just transplanted them today into larger pots; these will be the ones they'll stay in for the rest of the grow. I'll see if i can get pictures up today.


They won't be in the tub the entire time, i just started them out in the tub :)


Well-Known Member
yo u need to get those lights closer, i know you want them to grow taller, but with CFL's the are going to look like teyshon prince, long and skinny! u want them to be able to support the buds, cant do that with tooth pick plants!


I ended up moving them much closer, and so far results have been pretty good....except.........

DISASTER struck today. one of my 23w cfl's became detached from its mounting and fell on one of my big plants (my 2nd largest one to be exact) and scorched it really bad, one chunk (1/4 to 1/3 of entire plant) has some serious brown-yellow. Don't really know what to do but i'm trying to nurse it back to health...