1st grow with non organics 4k watts 48 ladies


Active Member
First this is my 3rd grow. 1st one was good and done with orgainics 2nd one extremly bad

veg started from clones 1/27/12 under 17/7 (not 18/6)

I am usuing 4 1000 watt hps hoods, 10x10 secret jardin tent, 1 8" vortex pushing air in and one pulling threw the lights and carbon filter to cool the room and help rid the smell so the neighbors wont know
I have a air conditioner / heater so i can better control my temps. my temps stay between 70-80 i also have a dehumidifier so my humidity stays between 45-50. i am growing 27 girls under each 2000 watt lights basicly a 4x8 area to put my 3 gal hydro pots. i am usuing roots organics soiless mix with worm castings, and peralite mixed in. general hydrophonics Flora nova drain to waste expert only thing is i substitute camg (organic) and black diamond (organic) instead of the
diamond nectar and i dont use the
flora nectar i use a different tea from the hydro shop. now i really hope they dont interfear with each other (the organic and non organics) its all by general hydrophonics.

I top feed daily right now they are about 2 weeks into veg and are anywhere from 6" to 3ft. luckily each light is adjusted to each size of plants under it. The reason for different sizes is the moms i can never take enough clones for a entire room. but im gonna fix that this time i have 2 of each in a mom. I am doing 40 blackberry kush, 9 grandaddy purp, 2 blue dream, 1 purple punch, 1 blue widdow. 2 kandy kush, 1 pre 98 bubba kush.

This is my 1st time with non organic nutes. so i am learning quite a bit. their roots dont seam as strong as they did with organics. but after the few problems i had in the begining (ill tell you in a few) they are the greenist ive ever had my girls. (bbk are all same genetics for all 3 grows) ok so now to the issues ive had with the nutes.

so they started out with the gh organics and got to about 50% strength on organic scedule. then i decided to use " chemicals" as i will call them. So i started them on the 2 week dose because they are over 2 weeks from when i cut them. and they looked like they werent growing verry fast so i went to full strength on the chemicals. now they are looking more yellow with burnt tips (nute burn?) probally dumb ass.... lol Just to let those know who havent used organics OMG they are so much eaisier. So i flushed them with ph'd water. diluted my resivoir to 50% with water. Now i use tap water but it wits for 48 hrs before i use it so the chlorine evaporates but i dont loose the good chemicals. now its been 7 days sense flush and they are verry pretty again. went out today and pruned up some. tomatoe caged a few. OK so BIG differance in orgaincs and "chemicals" is the ph. When usuing orgaincs i ph 1 time for my 55 gal res and i was good. Now usuing Chemicals the ph changes daily????? i didnt know that so i could of had nute lock out also before i flushed IDK??? anyways i just wanted to start them fresh so to speak..

today they have some yellowing and oragnge spots. (ca mg def) so i added camg to res at full strength. I dont know what my ppm are yet havent bought that meter. like i said in the begining this is my 3rd grow ever. sense last summer. so i am by no means a expert yet. i have read every book on how to grow literly, even oakstradam text book. But i do learn quickly. i started last summer 7 months ago never grew anything ever!! seriously, bought a few clones made a mommy took clones till i mastered it. my rate now is 100% survival. i have a ez cloner and i use oasis in humidity domes. (hate rockwool) Now i have 1 room dedicated to moms cloning and where they start thier veg. then to the tent for some more veg time till 3 ft. then to flower. this is my story on what i experience in organics vs non orgainics also i have a post that says what happened to my 2nd grow. Trial and error?? mites aphids and grow #3 oh my OMG it was a bug fest so i had to kill everything and de bug everything before i started grow 3.

Here is a question for those who know? How often should i water? do you use chemicals every time? on gh feeding scedule it says to water with plain water just once a week. like a mini flush i guess. But with organics i watered daily and it doesnt hurt them. (no i dont drown them) because they are in a soiless mixture with like 35% perilite they need more that usual. but they havent been drinking as much as they did with organics???? is this weird?? I dont want to hold out on them but im not gonna try for root rot either
will upload a few pics in a minute.​


Active Member
So i talked to general hydrophoinics today to ask how i am supposed to be feeding the girls and they said to feed nutrients every other feeding and to use tea everyother time and water once a week. boy i guess i need another resivoir now. This is weird with organics i used tea once a week and nutes every day. Any other suggestions let me know. Should they be feed or watered everyday? or once a week once every other day? IDK


Active Member
so i am going to post my question here first then in problems if i dont get any responses. ok question on ph my soil tests at 6.5ph my reservoir with nutes is at 6.0 and why is my run off at 5.2? does runoff matter this is the first time i ever checked it. i read somewhere to check it so i did but now what???​


Active Member
So i just transfered all my stuff here instead of my journal no one seams to read journals, Let me know what you think :) i am still a newbie fer sure !! lots more to learn


Well-Known Member
I have a very similar setup with the exception that i am in rockwool. I am not sure about runoff in Soil, but i have issues with that a lot in rockwool. and because i am it does matter. However, your girls look great and if you soil meter is testing your soil at 6.2 its ok, however i am pretty sure that soil PH should be 6.5 - 6.8 (but i would wait for a soil grower to chime in before you do anything).

As far as a feeding schedule, you should probably only be feeding 1 or 2 times a week at most. not sure i would water every day either, especially with "chemical" ferts. Use the lift the pot method. If your girls are lite, give'em a drink, if not, let them go. Less is more really. Its a LOT easier to correct a slight deficiency than an over fert problem.

on another note... where did you get a number to call GH? Been wanting to do that for a bit to answer a couple questions i had.


Active Member
on another note... where did you get a number to call GH? Been wanting to do that for a bit to answer a couple questions i had.[/QUOTE]

ty for your input but they are usually pretty light everyday, dry as a popcorn fart if i let them go 2 days. twords end i usually fed the 2x day with organics. so see thats why i am in a delima :)

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