1st grow


Active Member
i am using 4 26w daylight cfls, my gro room is 2'x2' and the heigth is 3' and can be 5', the temp stay around 70 to 85, i have an air purifier for fan and clean air, im using mg 3 month feed with 10 year old horse sit mixed and dont get it no nutes at all cuz of the mg that i shouldnt use cuz its not good for plants like that but that shit is, and the bottom leaves tips look like there browning up and drying out, plz reply with any suggestion on wat i need and how i should change things?


Active Member
and also next gro will hopfully be better cuz im probly gona get sum botanicare cocogro boss as the medium and general hydroponics flora nova grow and bloom


Well-Known Member
well ive tryed mg soils before
and it looks like a basic miracle grow nute burn

just don't overwater, because thats what set off the time released ferts


Yeah i just usually heard ppl say they used it once then tried something different. Me I really like using compost think its the best way to go but then again takes a while for ur compost will be ready but it will save you money in the long run and youll know exactly what ur green is growing in


Active Member
and is botanicare cocogro boss as the medium and general hydroponics flora nova grow and bloom good to use

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
what does anyone think about his is it good or bad do i need something????????????????????
I'm thinking flushing couldn't hurt. Something is not right there. I'd bet something in your fertilizer is fucked. It'd be worth getting one of those NPK test kits.


Active Member
well im in dif soil now so im waiting for the results for this week but light wise is 6 23w cfls good enoght or do i need more?


Well-Known Member
fuck it, MG worked great for me. Keep it up. If you have any circulating air then move lights closer to the plants.
+rep for 1st


Active Member
ugraded my grow lights and area alil, now im using 6 26w daylight cfl but change 1 of them to a 26w solfwhite cfl and i changed the mg three month feed to 10 year old horse shit which my friend uses for his out side and his plants get 1 pound every plant with that shit but i transplanted in to the shit and hoping that changing from nut sopl to no nut will stun it to bad and kill it but im not going to use any nuts at all, any suggestions??plz ooo yea and all of the leave tips are turning drk brown and i did the trans two days ago???????