Hi, I'm a first time grower, growing in my conservatory in the U.K. I currently have only 1 bagseed plant which by chance has turned into a very healthy looking bushy female. I started a 12/12 cycle, when I saw the first preflowers on the 11th of july. I'm quite sure by looking at the plant that is an indica. Anyway, I am leaving my house to go back to uni around the 10th of September. I was wondering if anyone knows anyways at all that I could quicken the whole procedure. I'm sort of banking on it being ready to harvest between weeks 6/7 (22nd-29th of august) hopefully giving me around 2 weeks to dry and cure the bud for me returning to it around halloween. Is this hope a ridiculous notion? I know curing should take 2 weeks alone. I really do not want to quick dry my very first plant and sacrifice the taste and smell although I am not seeing any other options. I'm half planning to harvest my plant when all the hairs are cloudy which isn't ideal but will make sure I can prepare it for storage before I go. The plants are not autos either, and I am having to cover them each night or else I would just leave them to grow while I'm gone. Any advice is greatly appreciated