1st Grower - Indoor - Closet - Needs Help!


Active Member
Hello, I'm a first time grower whos growing in a closet with 5 plants going strong.

They're about 1.5 - 2 ft already

They've been growing for about 45 days

I just recently put in air purifier to help with the smell because i dont know how i would drill a hole in my closet door

I am running 2 flourescent lights
- 42 watt
- 26 watt

I just recently added a grow light from sylvania, it has a blueish tint and is 120 wts..not sure wut type it is

I have been doing 8 off and 16 on, taking 2 hours off every week...

Im watering each plant with 200 ml every other day with the perfect amount of ph

My plants are growing good, but some of the leaves re shriveling up or turning yellow.

My question is when should i set up the flowering stage and what should i change in my growrrom to yield the maximum amount?


Active Member
do u have any kind of fresh air comin in or out or just the air purifier? they love as much fresh air as they can get plus with fresh air comes CO2- u might wand to start there. the lights are always a good place to look also, if u want max yeild put the max light for ur space probly no more then a 400, and get a switchable ballast, MH/HPS . get on a good routine with ur nutes, bring them up to 100% over time do like a feed, water, water, feed then bring them to a feed, water, feed, that works good for me. i am a big fan of leaving the lights on for 24hr during the veg then switching to a 12/12, there is all kinds of info out there and i know it can be over whelming, i just bought a book at believe it or not Barnes and Nobles called "The Cannibis Grow Bible" by Greg Green. check it out, its awsome... hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I think you should flower now. Get a ghetto co2 setup in that closet asap.. increase the fresh air.. open the closet door at night or such. Also.. if your purifier is an ozone generator, it's possible you could be flooding your plants with WAY too much oxygen. ghetto co2.. bottle.. water.. sugar.. yeast. done. I'd say skip the hps/mh. Make sure you have some more "warm light" cfls rated at 2500 or such and get into 12/12 today. At this point, depending on genetics, your plants are going to be monstrous. Since you're in a closet, it would appear that stealth is important. Get that flowering going now or you'll have branches sticking out. That's my take. :)


Active Member
Ty for the info, my air purifier is currently outside of my closet, should i move it in the grow room? And when do u think is a good time to start the vegetative process? When u say feed, water, feed, wut do u mean exactly lol..sorry first time doing this trying to get as much knowledge as possible


Active Member
feed with a diluted solution of whatever u are using for food then plain water for 2 cycles then feed again, once they get all built up on the food then u can go to a everyother water cycle for the food, like a feed, water, feed cycle. i got a kit from technaflora that has all the goodies in it, a grow-bloom-boost, it was only about 30 bucks and it produces...