1st growroom two room setup.


Hey guys. I am new to this forum. but i have been reading on here. It seems there are some knowledgeable people. So i wanted to run a few things past you guys and get some feedback. I have done a good bit of research and really want to make this a success.

This will be my 1st real grow. I have a basement with two seperate 10x8 rooms in it adjascent to each other with a door connecting the two. So i think it is a perfect location for a two room setup.
I plan two start,clone and veg in one room and flower in the other.

I have a hydrofarm 4ft 4bulb t5 light, a 2ft 4 bulb t5 light and a 2x2 led grow light. I also have two 1,000 watt hps lights for the flower room.

My first question is will the t5 lights and the led light that i have be enough to veg say 15-20 plants?

Also i am starting from seed and i have 10 white widow,10 blueberry skunk,10 sleestack x skunk#1 i also have a few other seeds of different strains as Well. (all feminized) I was wondering if you guys had some ideas on which strains i should start off with? As i said i would like to have at least 15 plants so it would have to be more than one strain for the first run. I intend to clone and run SOG next. Any feedback or ideas would be helpfull thnx.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Welcome! Oh yea ur ready to rock with those lights for both veg and flower. No clue on what strains to go with as I haven't grown any of those but if u have any other setup questions lets here em! Good luck with the first grow... There's a whoooole lot to learn


Tell me about it.^ yeah i have a few more.
I am going to be using ocean forest soil.I have read that it may be too strong for starting and i was thinking of using light warrior to start. I also read that it might be beneficial to mix the two. Any thoughts?

Also i really dont want to transplant too much. so i am planning on starting in a 1 gallon pot and then transpanting into a 4-5 gallon pot once they are 10-12 inches tall . Will that be fine?

The Count

Well-Known Member
Should be ok with mixing ocean forest and warrior.... I start my seedlings in sunshine #4 in solo cups then going forward do a mix of 1/4 ocean forest 1/4 fox farm planting mix and 1/2 sunshine 4. I prefere solo cup to 1 gal to 5 gal but u should be ok starting in 1gal. Just be careful with watering cause ur 1gal will hold much more water than solo cup(obviously). Get use to the feel of a full moist pot and a light dry one... Finger down a couple inches to feel if soil is dry but getting a weight feel is best. Many noobs will water too frequently and plants don't like that. For germinating I prefer to soak em for 24hrs in a cup of water in a dark place. After 24hrs plant em about 1/4 to .5 inches down and within 2-4days ull have some sprouting babies. I've tried other ways but this method to me has been best. Last grow I was 39/40 sprouting seeds using this method


Thnx count......i was panning on using the paper towel method but i may try the glass method instead. Makes sense to me . I wonder if the seed would actually sprout in the glass.

The Count

Well-Known Member
I have had a few spit out their starter root... all depnds on the seed. Just make sure u put it in a dark place similar to the paper towel method. What happens is the water penetrates the outer coat and it will have all the water it needs to get rockn.


Also each room has an air vent from my central air. I have a 6" inline fan and carbon filter for the hps lights. But i was wondering if i would still need an intake? I was thinking the air coming in from the vents would suffice. Thoughts?


I plan to install a dryer vent to exhaust outside like
carbon filter>fan>light>light>outside.

Each room has its own door which will be closed and locked all the time. I intend to separate the door between the two rooms with mylar sheeting. Not sealed just draped down. There is no other venting or anything other than the central air vents. I would imagine some air would get sucked in through the cracks in the doors though. There is a small window in each room but they will be completely covered of course.


Wouldnt the air coming in through the central air vents be considered fresh air anyways? I was really hoping that would be enough. I dont want to have to cut any more holes.

The Count

Well-Known Member
set it up this way...
Filter-> light -> light -> fan -> outside... The problem with blowing into a hood and not having anything to suck it out is it just bounces around. Much easier to suck through the lights than blow through them. What sucks about having to suck through a filter is the resistence it causes. Ideally you want to suck the air from outside the room across your lights and then out. If you did that you wouldnt need a filter for your exhaust. You can still pull through the filter(thats how mine was set up) it's just not as efficient. Just make sure you have a fan thats nice and big(lil bigger than the filter) as its going to have to pull through the filter and then the lights which again causes resistence. Pretty sure you'll be ok since youll be pulling fresh air from bot the AC vents and cracks of the doors but just in case start thinking of a backup plan. Before I had air cooled hoods I didnt have a plan and my temps were regularly in the 90s which is no bueno! Nothing worse than stressing and trying to resolve a problem. Plent of bright people who are waaaaaay more experienced than me on here so no matter what someone will help you out.


Ok i will put the fan after the lights by the exhaust. No problem. My fan is 425cfm so im thinking i should be fine. Thats why i bought the 6" not the 4". Im trying not to cut corners. But this shit is really adding up. Hopefully this will pay off.