1st guerilla grow need opinions


Well-Known Member
the plan is to do a guerilla grow this spring, a decent number of plants in sets of 6, need some opinions from the experts(you guys, esp FDD). the plants will only be seen 4-5 times including planting and harvest.
1/2 of each site will be in grow bags, the other 1/2 directly in the soil. in general the soil here is decent but a has a bit of clay.

each site will be preped befor planting. (trip 1) going to add to the soil:
peat moss, wood ash, coffee grounds(attracts worms good for tomato plants, figure it will help here too), egg shells on top of soil(slugs won't go over broken egg shells), sand(better drainage), vermiculite(retain mositure durring dry spells), worm castings. also going to spray area once with a cinnimon pesticide from local hydro shop
***anything else that should be done? might put a layer of sand at bottom of each location to help drainage further

Grow bags will be partially buried, gravel added to bottom, and filled with potting soil+vermiculite+worm castings, top will also have layer of egg shells.
***any additional needs here?

Locations, woods: area filled with mountain laurel(thick brushy plant, leaves all year if its healthy), insainly hard to get into the dense underbrush. average height is about 5 ft tall. closest trail is about 150-200 feet away and RARELY used(once every week or 2, usually used by quads so they don't stop near by reguardless), there is also a brook between the trail and area, also plenty of trees to avoid sighting
Swamp: theres an area of swamp within a 15-20 minute walk from wooded locations that have some high spots, also area was logged about 8 years ago, and now is pretty inhospitable, lots of grape vines and more laurel to make it hard to access, pretty open vertically except for the laurel, and some dead trees with grape vines in them. also figure the misquitos will help. only going to plant in the ground on the high spots, might also gather stones and stack them up for the bag plants
Trees: going to try and put 2-3 in a tree. this will be a bit difficult, going to get maple syrup spouts and use a few of those to water the plants(steal the sap from one plant and give it to another), run a tube from the tree with a spout into the bucket(going to be covered with bark from dead trees on the ground glued to it to make it blend in better, also going to have the plant come out at an angle near the real tree branch to make it look more realistic. don't know how well stealing moisture from a tree will work, but its worth a try and only way to deliver moisture w/out being there to check on it once in a while. these buckets will be bolted to the tree itself between trunk and branch, goal is to find a long bucket, about as wide as a 2 liter bottle of soda and about 3 feet long.
***any opinions? this is unlikly to work but i figure it will only take about 15-20 mins per plant to set up so might as well give it a try.

plants will be grown from seed indoors for a week(maybe 2 at most) and then moved outside(trip 2), if theres extra seeds, probably drop a few directly into the soil.also going to respray with more cinnimon pesticide

the 3rd trip will be between 2 and 3 weeks later to check up on everything

the 4th trip will be in mid september to check on plants, expect only 1-2 plants to survive per location at best, and 0 tree plants to survive, will be prepared to harvest if any are close

the 5th trip will be for final harvest

10%or less expected to survive this , anyone have any opinions? advice? any info would be awsome


New Member
why not take care of 6 plants that you visit twice a week in this abandoned area? gauranteed 5 will live if you dont get ripped and you dont do nothing stupid. If you dont take a little care with nature then you cant expect much if anything in an outdoor grow. are you using seeds or clones? seeds mature at diffrent rates and different areas get different light levels, so flowering will vary and sexing will all be random. meaning if you dont go back often youll get seeds.


Well-Known Member
clones are possible but i have no way to maintain a mother, i have one indoor space that is about 2 ft high, by 2.25 ft long by 1.25 feet wide, could proabaly start 7-8 plants in that and emediately put into 12/12 and strip out males asap, but they are all going to be cramped for space and light since i can only run about 60 watts of floro in there befor they would cook. once i was down to females i would have to chop them into bits to get the clones. can't support a large plant indoors.

as to maintaining just 6 plants or so, i could do that but there wouldn't be a way to avoid making trails to my plants. the areas are just too filled with brush that would be damaged with every trip


Well-Known Member
bump for more opinions/advice

if i get a few people telling me that i should just grow one location and keep an eye on it i'll probably change my mind. everyone feel free to pipe in


New Member
bump for more opinions/advice

if i get a few people telling me that i should just grow one location and keep an eye on it i'll probably change my mind. everyone feel free to pipe in
why do you care about trails? you said no one ever goes out there but people on quads that dont get off. I know someone who plants 15 ft away from a pretty busy 4wheeler trail......works fine for em. anywho, take some second opinions. maybe try growing a few plants outside, throw a blanket over em to get 12/12 when they get 6" eliminate males and then stop using the blanket? grow them like regular but spread them out like a gurrila grow. then visit once every week but never take a path just mosy around enough to be very small damage to small plants, go between plant to plant a different way every time.


Well-Known Member
hmm, how badly would a plant be shocked going from indoors(long enough to sex) to outdoors? theres no way i would have time to go to them evening and morning to cover them. also is there any way to sex a plant when its tiny? other than making clones?
thanx for the info
appreciate the help alot!


Well-Known Member
In my experience there is no shock from going inside to outside. I usually take my indoor plants outside for at least 3-4 hours a day every day and they love it!


Active Member
In my experience there is no shock from going inside to outside. I usually take my indoor plants outside for at least 3-4 hours a day every day and they love it!
Thats a good idea, you could even only take them inside when you can provide better light than the sun and take them inside at night... might be worth while to try on a plant.


Active Member
You are making a bigger deal out of what you want to do than it is: why would you use 1/2 grow bags & 1/2 in soil? Put it all in the ground. If neccesary adjust the soil w/ dolomite lime & organics like bonemeal & bloodmeal or fish meal. Carrying in all that soil is more of a tack than you will want...
Make sure the plants get all the sun possible, that's it, the sun - that is where the plant make all its food. That simple, more sun, more yield.:joint:


Active Member
hmm, how badly would a plant be shocked going from indoors(long enough to sex) to outdoors? theres no way i would have time to go to them evening and morning to cover them. also is there any way to sex a plant when its tiny? other than making clones?
thanx for the info
appreciate the help alot!
Yes, you can shut your lights down to 12 hours almost anytime for a couple weeks & they will sex out(best if you wait for the plant to get 10 inches to a foot high) then turn them back up. They will sex quicker if you go to 12 hours for a few days, then 10.
Of course you have to "harden off" your plants before you transplant outdoors, ANY gardening magazine will tell you to put the plants in the shade, then put the plants in direct sunlight after a week or so.....