1st Hydro grow


Active Member
Hello All,

I have done one other grow before as a stealth grow with Halide State (2)300watt with 3w LEDs. It was from seed to harvest. I did it organically in dirt I made and used they typical Guanos 2 bat and 1 Seabird as teas with worm castings ect.

I yeilded about an 1 oz per plant dry weight with three plants. I think it would have been more just lack of experience and typical newbie mistakes.

Iit was actually very easy never having to worry about ph just watch the leaves and give them what they asked for. It sounds like I new what I was doing however that is not the case it was 2 years research and allways coming back to the forums to read other peoples mistakes. Thanks to all that came before me.

Well now I am legal and authorized to cultivate in AZ. Whoot!! Whoot!!

I am trying to clone in aero-ponics with out much success so far and just added a terrariaum in coir to see if that does better. So I currently have an easy ryder auto flower (I am un-impressed with auto flowers) from seed and one cheese as a clone.

My mothers are still in dirt and we had a bad summer my environment was cooled with swamp cooler and did not cut it during our moist months. So I eneded up with some stressed mothers infested with spider mites which I am still dealing with today. I hope I do not hermie so far I think I am fine I attached pics let me me know what you think. These seeds were fem from Attitude Seeds I think the Cheese was Dinafem and the Super Lemon Haze is Green House Seeds so fem they produce hairs like crazy in veg.
Cheese you can't do harm to throw anything at it just happy as can be. The SLH is a biotch she just can not get enough turns green then back to deficient although her nodes are so close I can not wait to flower. Curious to see how hydro goes.

Using neem oil (tried to order mite predators for HGI with 2 bad experiences and no mites so looking for someone local. At all costs stay away from http://www.hydro-gardens.com/spidermite.htm this place has my money and one un-happy customer.

As I mentioned I am now doing hydro and want to proudly post my first grow and get input. Here is the environment:

Temps holding at 72 day and night down to 68 at night
RH 42-51%
Currently vegging under CFLs when time to flower MH (2) 600watts
Nutes are Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow and Bloom, Bud Candy, Big Bud, Overdrive, Final Phase, B-52, Voodo Juice, H2o2, and Earth Jucie (off the wall brand)
Cloning Gel Root-Tech and Bontone powder (un-impressed with both)

I do wonder if the clones do not like coming from a mother in dirt into Aero-Ponics. Once have have some clones from both my Cheese and the my Super Lemon Haze I will flower my mothers. I intend to go one growth and see if I can cut them back and grow them again just for fun.

Currently my rooted Cheese clone is at 5.6 and 473 ppm ( I consider this week one and moving in slowly with ppm)

My rooted easy ryder is ph 5.6 and 283 ppm again easing into it.
My clones in terrarium have heat pad underneth and aero-ponics have fisht tank heater set to 70 degrees.

In addition I am doing aquaponics now using my LEDs sprouting some lettuce, chives, and just planted some tomatoes. It is more for the evaporation since I live in the desert it is hard to keep humidity up with out raising temps using humidifiers that allways need filling.

If you have read my book above thank you and now I will post some picks. Negative nannies will be flammed so let us please be positive agian remeber my experience level.



Active Member
Hello again,

As I mentioned above my mothers are in dirt. Has anyone tried to clone from dirt to hydroponics? I ask because I am having a low success rate for cloning and the one I got to root does not seem to want to grow very fast. I listed my methods above input would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
TMI? Just trying to be complete.

Originally Posted by personified
Has anyone tried to clone from dirt to hydroponics? I ask because I am having a low success rate for cloning and the one I got to root does not seem to want to grow very fast. I listed my methods on this grow journal.

1st Hydro grow

Input would be greatly appreciated.


Well I think I know what my problem is with low cloning from these mothers. They basically are trees with bark even the new sprouts. It is the worm, bat, and Sea bird Guano teas that make it stout. I should haved flowered her or cloned earlier I now understand why people rotate the mothers.

I also thought for a minute my cheese was a hermie and now I am thinking maybe it is a she as I see more pistles as it recovers.

All other clones in the aeroponics I threw away I was frustrated.

I am still trying have placed some in a brew of worm castings and mollases to see if they like that.

Left the SLH in the terrarium in worm castings coir and added some coffee for acidity and nitrogen.

I burnt my red ryder when I bumped it up to 283ppm then the plant caught and started turing green with some fan leaves just sprouting. I moved it up to 433ppm we shall see if it is too much again I think she will be all right. Still 5.6ph

I also changed from DWC to more of a shallow recirculating method with an air lift feeding. I was concerned about root root happening and I all ready had a pump fail this is less likley to fail I have a good pump. I added a warmer to the water in case it is set to 70.

My aquaponics is doing well the lettuce is going crazy and my tomatoes have sprouted. They love the Haight Solid State PPF-800 is a great spectrum it may be time to plug the second one in. When I am better at growing I will use them again to compare a similiar 300 watt HPS. There is no point at this time.

I beleive in LED I just beleive you have to grow more of a sea of green method to keep canopy thin enough for penetration. I will save that for another grow.

Hope you read my book

I am going to try and post once a week regardless of success or failure.​


Active Member
Well week three which I guess is actually week 1 of veg. Some good growth in the last week

Temps steady at 73 day and 68 night
PPM at 900
Ph 5.6

I have given up trying to use my dirt mothers for clones they are trees. The only way I will get these to clone is to graft from a branch.

My aquaponics is kicking but with the lettuce getting thick and the tomatoes are growing just fine. I have added a second area of lettuce so I can have three diffeerent growths in the mix. The biggest problem with the first batch is they are soo tender I keep eating them :).
The fish are still making fertilizer!!


Well-Known Member
The plants being trees with bark isnt the issue with your cuttings refusing to root,infact i only take cuttings from very woody branches for my clones,all my cuttings are so woody they cant be bent,the stalks feel like a pencil.

The mothers being soil vs trying to root hydroponicaly isnt an issue either,my mothers are all soil & i clone hydroponically once in a while,most time i use conventional clone methods but the hydroponic clones come thru at the same rates as my favored method.

I use sponge plugs ( rapid rooters ) in concunction with a humidome,about 12 days & ive got roots,try a few different methods.


Well-Known Member
I agree with pinhead the issue isnt soil-hydro, its the method used...since your going to hydro, I'd cut into rockwool. Check out some clonex. take a cut, dip it and slide it into rockwool throw the clones in a dome and wait. Be sure to ph your rockwool, preferably in RO beforehand.


Active Member
I have done it. While I have not used rapid rooters I have used RO pH'd rockwool and pucks with clonex as mentioned above yes in a dome with (just to try it) as well as without a heat mat. I have tried earth worm casting, coir, and even aeroponics. I am frustrated as hell over something as simple as cloning. My mom and I cloned a million times as a kid. Throw it in water and come back viola roots although we never did it with MJ.

I thought I may have to much light so I let the ambient light from my (8) 4' CFL work and tried that. I am missing somehting freaking simple. I swear my new foliage comes in with damn near a bark.

I have used rapid rotors for my seeds I may have some around I will give them a try Panhead. I have another seed of SLH I think I will flower this mother but I want to clone my cheese. That plant takes anything you throw at her and likes it I can not wait to flower her.

Thanks for the input I think I am walking with a limp right now :)


Well-Known Member
I have done it. While I have not used rapid rooters I have used RO pH'd rockwool and pucks with clonex as mentioned above yes in a dome with (just to try it) as well as without a heat mat. I have tried earth worm casting, coir, and even aeroponics. I am frustrated as hell over something as simple as cloning. My mom and I cloned a million times as a kid. Throw it in water and come back viola roots although we never did it with MJ.

I thought I may have to much light so I let the ambient light from my ( 4' CFL work and tried that. I am missing somehting freaking simple. I swear my new foliage comes in with damn near a bark.

I have used rapid rotors for my seeds I may have some around I will give them a try Panhead. I have another seed of SLH I think I will flower this mother but I want to clone my cheese. That plant takes anything you throw at her and likes it I can not wait to flower her.

Thanks for the input I think I am walking with a limp right now
If you haven't used a heat mat I'd try that under the tray...Also were you sure close the airpockets on the RW?


Active Member
It is now week 2 of Veg and Red Ryder is starting to kick but.

My temps are around 72 day and 66 at night.
PPM 1100 (I do not think the recommended amounts of nutes are correct I had to dillute the crap out of it to get it down to 1100ppm it was over 2k) again we will see if I burn it.
PH 5.6

First root showing
I thought i had a couple I may have damaged them filling the res however they are very white and I am sure ther are alot I can not see.
I flush between each fill with about 4 gallons R/O water. Plant looks healthy enough.

Panhead I have takin clones and placed them in rapid rooter then balanced them in some fresh worm castings. We shall see if I get roots :)

I also did some other things different I did not give the mothers any nitrogen for a few days before cutting and then let the cutting soak in AN Voodo Juice and some Seaweed Kelp. After about 15 minutes I did a second cut under water to insure I am not getting air bubbles. I also noticed that my worm castings in the terrarium were growing mold so I pruchase some new fresh wc just to be sure.

I am going back to organics with these clones so I can get some medicine. As I get the clonng down I will go forward and do more hydro until my nutes are done. Then straight organics this is a lot of work vs dirt which is simple.

My aquaponics is rocking I even threw some bag seeds in to see if they sprout. The seeds I have are very I went through and found some that did not crush and tried them.
If they do not pop it is because they are old and were not properly stored.

rslaven87 to answer your questions read the the quote then read the above posts. I am a stickler about repeating myself especially when you posted the answer in the quote.


Active Member
As I mentioned above I threw some old bag seeds in my aquaponics and one popped!!
It will be interesting to see how well it does.


Active Member
I now have rooted clones thanks to Panhead for the tip with rapid rooters I had not tried them and they seemed to have worked.

I also did some things different in that I soaked them for 15 min in Green Light root stimulator, and vodoo juice then cut again underwater and started them in rapid rooters after a dab of root-tech I also then placed them in worm castings.

I did get rid of the mothers the infestation is to much to overcome it is easier to try and control the smaller less thick starters.



Active Member
The Red Ryder is looking good
5.6 pH and 1200ppm

I did fim her I hope the Red Ryder autostrain does not have a problem with it.


Seed is growing in aquaponics

Lettuce and tomatoes looking good and added some onions and chive seeds


Active Member
The Red Ryder is going nuts!!
1260 ppm and 5.6ph
The clones are growing.
660 ppm and 5.6 ph

73 deg F day
66 deg F night


Active Member
So I now know why people like the Hydro I have had huge growth in the last week. So much so I burn the tops of my plants hitting the light. Week 5 of the auto flower next eek i will start flower nutes. Currently 1600ppm with 5.6 ph and temps holding steady at 74 day and 68 night with a 50% humidity.
Light-Burnt- Leaves.jpgDSCI0294.jpg
The roots are amazing also I reached my hand in my Red Ryder not looking and could not figure out why a rope was in my reservoir. Upon inspection I realized it was my tap root.


Clones are doing well now week 3 next week is week 1 of veg 820 ppm and 5.6 ph.

I have added some friends to the mix after I spotted some mites. Lady bugs that just seem to be making them selves right at home. So much so it has been like a Lady bug porno movie. Bow chica a wow wow!!

Aquaponics is still going nuts to the point I am going to have to re-design my grow room to allow for extra grow and maybe even thin some of my tomatoes they seem to be taking over.

The seedling is looking good with the exception of stretching because teh tomatoes get in the way. I will have to move it into its own pot to avaoid this problem. Another reson to move it is that I do not want the roots getting tangled up with the tomatoes and not be able to remove it when it comes time to change the light cycle.
The second seed seems to be doing nothing as far as growth. The root seems to be getting bigger but that is it.



Active Member
Personified, since you're into aquaponics too, try cloning in your fish tank. I discovered this quite by accident. I was pruning tomato suckers one day, and saved a few to try and root them. I've never had success rooting tomatoes, always get stem-rot before roots show. Anyway, as I pruned them, I rested them in the corner of a fish tank to keep them wet, stems below water, leaves above and over the side. The leaves made them top-heavy and they wanted to tip, so I moved an airstone to that corner and wrapped the stems in the air hose to anchor them. This caused the stems to stay in the bubbles. Anyway, I forgot about them, and three days later I had roots 4" long. Since then, I have popped roots in as little as 24 hrs, always within 4-5 days.


Active Member
I have thought about trying it Fishnet I just have to get some others going first so I have some herb I have none. I also have to stay to a 12 plant limit which sucks for experimenting and mostly because I want to do a SOG.

Currently the Auto flower is in full flower it actually started about two weeks ago I was not sure at first then had to get my second tent and grow area set up and it started flowering before nute change. Now I have it on bloom but have not change the time it is still under 18 hrs for flower.

I am using a Digital Green House dimmable ballast with a 600 watt AgroMax hybrid dual arc HPS/MH light.
My tent was getting to hot so I have dimmed the bulb to 75% output which should be about 475 watts for one plant. I am thinking that will do just fine.

Humididty was falling to 35-38% so I added a bucket with some cocoir soaked and it has brought the RH up to a nice steady 40-45%

I have done some fan leave trimming 10-12 down the center to let light through. I know there are different thoughts on the trimming of the plant. I recently read a article on a diffeernt forum where the guy trimmed all the fan leaves the second week into flower and he had massive buds contrary to what everyone seems to think. I did not bookmark it and I am trying to find the article again to refer back to.

I am not sure when this plant is suppose to flower if they include the 3 weeks from seedling to plant nor am I sure when to offically call flowering since it happened so quickly. The seed was free I do not think I will ever buy a auto flower I do not like not being in control. I will just watch the buds and determine when it is harvest.

Second hydro is blowing up so much so I may have to trim for clones since I am using tents and height may be an issue.

Thanks for watching :)