1st indo to outdo grow


Well-Known Member
I am starting my plants indo, and transplanting outdo.

Lineup 5/12:

That picture was taken after transplanting from 100% soil to 50% soil 50% vermic.

I am pretty sure the one on the very left is dead now, I haven't checked on her in a few hours.. But she wasn't looking good.

Here she is when she was looking decent, the left one.

So I have 4 plants going, 1 still struggling a tad. 2 have died. I have 4 more seeds germinating now.

This was the 6 pots on 5/11 at 2pm, the dried dirt being the first casualty.

My two biggest and my smallest.

I will update more pics laters.

I do have a question though, how old should I allow them to grow before transplanting them outside? I definately cannot have any ladies flowering inside. I may be able to keep 1 or 2 plants under the lights for months before moving outside.

So right now, I plan on 3 of these plants going outside sometime in the near future. And 1 staying under the lights... Oh how I hope the one I keep inside is a female. But when I do transplant these kids outside they will go down into 1/2 potting soil 1/2 verm mix roughly 2' x 2' hole. Sprayed for slugs and snails, chicken wired to keep the deers nibbling elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Taken around 11pm tonight..

Plant #1

Plant#1 cool lighting effect.

Plant #2

Plant #3 leaf is wilting, not the best pic. But I think she's going to die soon, if she pulls out I would be surprised.


Well-Known Member
i would pre-grow them till the grow to a foot along with topping and binding them. that will give you a dense plant for outdoors which is much stronger then those little ones you have now. i did it always that way and it worked well;)


Well-Known Member
Sun was shining pretty good today, so I let my babies bathe from 12 to about 7. Now they're back under the light. They are looking good, and even the little one with the wilted leaves is looking better, all her leaves have grown a bit today and the wilt is leaving.


Well-Known Member
So... I went to care for the plants this morning, water them, move them out into the sun, etc. When I open my gr I notice my newly germd seed that I planted the day before yesterday has vanished.. like MIA. I could have sworn I left it in there, I specifically did not put it outside with the older ones and left it under the florescents yesterday. Unfortunetly for me I was too drunk and blazed last night to even remember if I saw it when putting the older ones back in the gr.

I feel like an idiot.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Some pics:

GR door open, 1 cfl 3500k and 1 2bulb florescent running "Daylight" tubes.

Plant #1

Plant #2

Plant #3, YES! Same #3 above that I said wasn't looking good.

Is 3500k an ok color for the veg stage? or should I go buy a different cfl?


Active Member
Hi 420th, i'm doing pretty much the same as you and i'm running 2 x 125 watt
envirolites @6400k.That is the blue end of the light spectrum which is what the plants need in the vegging stage.yours are more suited to flowering really and are more over to the red end of light spec.

Hope that helps

All the best



Well-Known Member
Pic update of my little ones sun bathing in the bed of my pickup. All seeds are done, 11 germinated, 8 sprouted.

Note: the smaller 4 are a week(give or a take a few days) younger then the larger 4.



Well-Known Member
When you put them outside, try to get them outthere when the sun is rising. Cannabis plants love to see the sunrise : ) Should make them happier and healthier.

Goodluck buddy, I did the same as you, started indoors, then threw them outdoors for the spring to flower.

: )


Well-Known Member
About 9am is usually the earliest I can get them out :cry:

I'm not an early bird, if I were to get them out at 6am I probably would have stayed up the night before.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted the 4 larger ones into 1gal pots today. The plant with darker soil I had to add soil to the top of the soil/verm level to give the plant support because I couldn't get it any deeper in the soil without majorly disturbing the roots because alot of the soil broke off of the root ball, blame my clumsiness for this.. but it could have been worse.



Well-Known Member
I upgraded from 2 20w Daylight Tubes to 8 26w Daylight CFLs, the difference in brightness is night and day, excuse the pun.

I found an old inline 8 light socket light strip for a bathroom in my garage, chopped it in half at the middle, then connected the two side by side. I'll have pics later.. but it looks like this
| O O O O |
| O O O O |


I have 12800 lumens now, compared to the 2100lumens before.


Well-Known Member
Here's my setup now. I just found that fan yesterday laying around my garage, my parents are probably gonna be looking for it so I don't know how long I will have it. I was looking at wal-mart earlier, they have pretty decent little fans for cheap, but I don't know how quiet they are.

And here's my compost, made last night. It's got newspaper, some old cut grass that has been sitting for a while, some leaves that were in a damp pile, Fox Farm Ocean potting Soil, and some dirt from behind my house. Is this good enough for the worms? Had some leftovers from fishing the other day, so I decided to throw it together.

Tell me what you guys think.



Well-Known Member
Planted 3 plants outside about 4 days ago, all 3 are doing well and the slug killer is doing it's job but it leaves behind quite the mess.

4 of the 5 plants I have under lights still are doing exeptionally well, but 1 suffered dramatically overnight last night.. Mites. She was looking rather wilted you know, and she was the farthest from the light, but closest to the fan. I didn't know what was up, but I put all my plants outside today to sunbathe and didn't solve the mite problem in that plant until later at night. I CLOSELY inspected all the plants after discovering 2 mites on the back of one of the leaves (this plant is only a week old, so it has a total of 4 leaves 1 set of new growth leaves.) I used suds from a regular bar of soup dunno what brand or what.... I did this at around 6pm, looked at the plant at midnight after being under the lights and the new growth has almost doubled in size and are a bright green, but the original leaves are still wilted and dark green.. I cut off the worst looking of the leaves because it was just bad and it was only blocking light.

I hope my mite experience is over with.


Well-Known Member
Plant 7, the plant that had mites is recovering, but lost 3 leaves. She has started 4 more leaves at the site where she lost the main 2, so I think the mites might have strengthened her.

EDIT: Plants 1-4 are 3 weeks old, 5-8 are 2 weeks old. I go from when I put the germinated seed in the soil, not from when it breaks soil.

Plants 1, 2, 3 are outdoor in the ground and I do not have pictures of them at this time, maybe soon.. but they're doing well.

Here's pics.

Plants 7, 4, 8

Plant 4 struggled a bit the first week or so, remember she(I hope) is only 3 weeks old. I am loving the fact that this plant is short and bushy, by the way this is a different strain the the others.. I had 5 of these seeds but looks like this is the only survivor. They were freebies, "Blockhead" strain.

This is plant 7, Hard to see but she has bright green new growth on top.

Plants 5 and 6, these two are the healthiest of my 4 younger plants.

Plant 8, still in peat cup because I lack a pot. I must have forgot to water it last night when I watered my plants last night, the soil was bone dry this morning.. One of the new leaves on the stem is yellow as you can see.

Anyone have a guess on how many females I'll get out of 8 plants?


Well-Known Member
Plant 1 got topped, naturally. I am thinking deer. I guess I will have to go buy some chicken wire or something before the deer get the others.. Plant 1 still have 4 leaves, 2 bigger ones and 2 new growth, I want to say it lost 4-6 leaves from the deer.