1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)


Well-Known Member
Hey all i wanna start by thanking everyone within RIU For posting there experience to help us newer growers further our selves and do the best we can, I/We wouldn't have got to where we are without you all. So much thanks

Soo.. Lets get down to this..

Soil -germinated seeds into a basic potting seed mix until 2 weeks then transplant to..
- Miracle grow slow release feed + perlite (Wont use MG again)

Light - 250 Watt Dual Spectrum CFL (Vegging 18/6)<--- Cant fault this light its brilliant,
125 Watt CFL Red Spectrum (To be used once flowering 12/12)

Nutes - (Veg) Old Timer Organic 5-3-3
(Flower) Old Timer Organic 3-5-4 (Not used yet waiting for first sex signs)

Feeding - My feeding schedule for this grow has been water/nothing/nothing/Nute Feed/Nothing/Nothing/Water and so on.

So lets get some pics of this grow from start to where i am at now!!

(1) Below is the first image i took of the little lady (Still to be confirmed!)
Here she is 4 days old from germination in my seed potting mix soil.


(2) In this image we can the see the growth from day 4 - day 12. The plant was transplanted into the MG soil and taking on its true cannabis stature.


(3) In this pic we have the sister! Much smaller but believe it or not.. Same age... just shows different seeds... different strains... different Growth.


(4) Day 18.. Now they are really starting to take shape.. This is the plants 6 days on from the 2 above pics (Big Change)..Looking pretty. I also have 2 new additions to the family... These will not leave the seedling pots. (Little experiment)


(5) Still day 18 ..This picture below shows how basic my setup really was...Yes that is tinfoil haha. All i did was use a clothes rack to hang my light (as it has adjustable height) and used cardboard to create my reflective walls i also have as small fan out of view blowing air up into the grow area circulating air.


(6) Below we have a shot 3 days on from the above 2 images (3 weeks old)... You can really see that the growth at this stage is pretty rapid.. But i manage to achieve a short bushy stature by keeping my lights 2-3" away at all times. The smaller of the 2 was topped up with soil as it was low into the pot and topping it up would only benefit. Also here i noticed a slight yellowing of the leaves (nitrogen deficiency) and knew it was time for nutes..


(7) In this picture you can see that the plant (the taller of the 2) has been topped this is the first time i have done this so will be great to see what comes from it... I have also circled a region that i believed to be showing a pre-flower at 22 days old... I was wrong...It was only new nodular growth... So new growers pencil that one down.


This picture shows how the growth was at 3 weeks 2 days (23 Days Old) And after a first small feeding of nutes.. I also snipped the edge of the biggest blade of the fan leaves to allow for a bit more light... Didnt know if this would help or not. This image shows how the plant will begin to bush out and cover a larger surafce area gradually.


(9) This image shows how controlling your light distance will result in a tightly compacted node spacing.. This is what you will want for tighter nicer buds in flowering. I only have 1-2cm spacing between each node.(image from the larger of the 2 plants, but both have tight node space)


(10) Here was the growth at Day 27...Here i pruned a few of the large fan leaves as they covered alot of the potential bud sites (the plant's looked smaller than before but change will come P.s yes still using tin foil...But this proves it will not harm your plants if controlled!


(11) And here we have both plants 3 days on from pruning and at day 30!, looking much more fuller if you ask me!? Another additional change i made to my setup 2 days prior to these images was a change in the reflective sheeting i used, from tin foil (tutut)...Upto mylar....The change in light reflection is obvious comparing the last to images...I just wish i did this from the start. P.s i also had another two seedlings join this party i wonder how the 4 will go.

So below is another picture from the growth at day 30 and the completion of my veg cycle...

(12) 16 sept 2012.jpg

I will now be switching these over from 18/6 to 12/12 and cannot wait to see the results... Please prey with me there not males!! So here it is guys my journal from seedling to day 30.. I hope you all enjoy this and that it can bring you some guidance in any shape or form with your own first grows and minor issues you may face. As i said i wouldn't have go this far without the help of many many of this sites user's! Much respect to you all!! now its time for me to continue learning and help as best i can..

Thanks alot everyone... The flowering chapter to this vegging cycle will be started in due course.. So look out to see updates over the next weeks and join me on my journey..

Any comments good, bad informative or any questions will be greatly accepted.

Keep tokin!



Active Member
Wow, lots of pics and info for this post! Looks like you're off to a great start. I'm lovin the tight internodes.

Whats going on with your little ones yellowing leaves? Are they ok now?


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot trunks its nice to get some good feedback... Dont worry i'll be on top of this till the end,

Yeah i really wasn't to sure what happened with the couple of smaller ones, may have been under watering as that soil drys so fast in those size cups.

giving them a good water more often and a tiny splash of nutes every other feed and they Seem fine now tho :)

Going to transplant the smaller ones into a pot that's a tiny bit bigger just to give the roots a bit more soil to really bond too.


Active Member
Great post. But I can only see the last few pics. I'm right behind you so I'll be watching and following along. I just hit 2 weeks from seed. And the only one without perlite is 2x bigger then the rest. The ones with perlite are also going yellow on top, and purple underneath. Ph is 6.8. Light is 24/0. Cfl6500k. Distilled water. Any tips to get rid of yellowing?


Well-Known Member
Are You using nutes yet? At 3 weeks my lower leaves started yellowing and i started the nute feed.. But as its your top ones id say if you are using nutes to lower the amount you feed.

How often do you water?

P.s upload a picture if you can. :)


Active Member
Sorry for interupting your grow log dude this is my first forum haha, and thanks for the help. Im still researching what nutes to get for them so I havnt used any yet. Only distilled water so far, i wanted to compare with your pics but can only see your last one. I feel like they are a little behind in the size?yy.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sorry for interupting your grow log dude this is my first forum haha, and thanks for the help. Im still researching what nutes to get for them so I havnt used any yet. Only distilled water so far, i wanted to compare with your pics but can only see your last one. I feel like they are a little behind in the size?View attachment 2341547
Hello CPT420 Your plants look fine... How old are they? i had 4 smaller plants in cups just like that and they did not get any bigger. I have transplanted them today tho into bigger pots and im sure i will see growth resume... If you are worried just transplant them to a bigger size pot and im sure your growth will continue too.

Also i would wait another week or 2 until you start using nutes i started mine at week 3.

Thanks for the support all... Do the rest of you have issues seeing the pictures?? If so i will re post them all.

Keep tokin peeps! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
oops just noticed you said 2 weeks from seed.... I say re pot them... wait a week and feed them nutes :) Im sure you will be really happy with the results of just doing that.

P.s Everyone please let me know if you have issues with viewing the pictures. :)


Well-Known Member
hey man sorry i didnt comment before( i thought i did but apparently it didn't get posted or one of those stoner moments XD)
but it really looks great man! keep it up! defff followin the progress!!


Well-Known Member
Cheers man :) il have a couple update pics maybe tonight... Plants now at 35 days (i think lol forgot) 5 days 12/12 :leaf


Well-Known Member
Right guys so here's my gals at day 5 of 12/12 ... They have really taken on a new look the leaves have got a lot darker green and the new growth areas (also bud sites) have taken on a light green appearance... Lets hope these girls now produce them b-e-a-utiful pistols!!! this is so tense for me waiting haha.:D

Also i would like to state now that i know this is not no amazing grow.. I did this to show how simple it really is to grow your own weed regardless of if they are male or female... At the end of the day it all comes down to luck.. so please nooby growers dont stress that this is an impossible task :) keep a good visual and we can all do this.

Day 5 of 12/12 still no sign of sex.

(can really notice the change on colour) Dark green with a light green at the new growth comparing to the last images.

Also 2 days after my seedling are transplanted you can see the new growth ( yes they have yellowing leaves from an earlier point of growth, please read above!)

Thanks for the support guys gives a great feeling. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
really great progress man!!
the one on the left looks really indica dominant
keep up the great work man!


Those babys look really nice was this bag seed or do you know the strains your working with?the look very happy good job!