1st indoor grow


I haven't purchased the seeds yet (either jack herer or white widow seeds) I have almost 5 ft worth of growing room as you can see. I have 1 FL set up standing I saw another apartment grow with standing up FL's and two plants) I am only planning on doing two plants atm (as I live in an apartment on the bottom floor and it's a bachelor suite with a closet)

I was wondering, is it ok to have the fan like that? Do I need that fan? There's a gap in the closet door where air can get in through the top or the side (not light though)

What else am i missing? Obviously besides the plant

P.S. To cover the odor I use glade scented air freshners all over the place, and burn incense near my vent in my bathroom and always keep the bathroom door open.



Well-Known Member
Awesome dude. I would not suggest putting the fan like that as there is a change the motor could get burned up due to the lack of airflow. It is actually better to have the fan blow on the plans, as this is a good way of preventing fungus and spider mites (which are a big pain in the ass).

Other things that you might need are:
Flowering CFL's (2700K)
Pots (or hydroponic set up)

I also feel like a lot of that light is being wasted being so high above where the plants will be. Maybe put a sheet of mylar at an angle to reflex some down or white plastic. Just a thought*

Again, looks Awesome!


Awesome dude. I would not suggest putting the fan like that as there is a change the motor could get burned up due to the lack of airflow. It is actually better to have the fan blow on the plans, as this is a good way of preventing fungus and spider mites (which are a big pain in the ass).

Other things that you might need are:
Flowering CFL's (2700K)
Pots (or hydroponic set up)

I also feel like a lot of that light is being wasted being so high above where the plants will be. Maybe put a sheet of mylar at an angle to reflex some down or white plastic. Just a thought*

Again, looks Awesome!
Thanks Waji. I added some more since the last time i posted. I added a ceiling FL (I broke 1 of the 2 it fell on my head) Is that grow box up to par? I added in an angled tinfoil wrapped piece in the corner to angle the light at the top. Hopefully this will maintain a good 2 plants.

Is this celing fixture unsafe for my plants? Unsafe in general? I thought tied shoe string would work well. It has been so far..



Active Member
Looks pretty good. Couple issues though:
1. The creases in tin foil can cause heat spots, so mylar or white surfaces work better.
2. You'll need to put your bulbs much closer to your plants. The box really isnt necesary, but you might want to get a little step-stool or something to raise your plants a bit higher.
3. You might want to invest in a small HPS(maybe 150w) for the flowering cycle. With that size of a light, the heat can easily be controlled with aimed towards the bulb, and the plants will love it.

Good luck! subbed.:blsmoke:


Cool thanks man. Are my walls white enough that I don't need the tin foil? I just ordered the White Widow seeds today.


Active Member
i believe your walls should be white enough, my veg room is a closet with just plain white walls. The panda paper is good for keeping mold from growing on your walls though. The black side attached to your walls keeps the light out and the white side reflects really well. Kinda up to you for that...


Well-Known Member
The white walls should do. GrapePhilly&Chronic has it all correct. With CFL's you can have them as close as 2 inches without it being to hot for your plants and they need to be as close as possible because they are not like a 400w HPS which has a lot more umph to it.

I actually don't like how you setup your second CFL. I think it would be more beneficial after your plants are a foot or so tall, to put your second light setup vertical on the opposite wall of your first light set up. And the putting your plants on a stool is an excellent suggestion.

You should start a grow journal so we can check back and see the progress.

Good luck man!
Thanks Waji. I added some more since the last time i posted. I added a ceiling FL (I broke 1 of the 2 it fell on my head) Is that grow box up to par? I added in an angled tinfoil wrapped piece in the corner to angle the light at the top. Hopefully this will maintain a good 2 plants.

Is this celing fixture unsafe for my plants? Unsafe in general? I thought tied shoe string would work well. It has been so far..

Try using the yo-yos that allow you to raise or lower your lights to your plants! I agree with Grape on the tin foil. I'm a nube also but have seen foil used and was a bad idea all around due to heat issues...


Thanks for all the helpful advice guys. That's the main reason I set this thread up; I need help every step of the way until I can learn to fish for myself - especially in these early stages during my very first grow. The stool idea is great. I was racking my brains at dinner figuring out how in the world will I be able to control the height of the light in my closet.

I will be setting up a grow journal but I wont be able to grow until I find out if I'll be out of the city for a while or not.

Thanks again guys.


Well-Known Member
if you go to your local hardware store, they have hooks that you could attach to the ceiling and chain that you should be able to attach to your lights, thus hanging them. it should take only 2 hooks in the ceiling for each light and you can hang them side by side.


I won't have to be too worried about the smell in a short while (as I am purchasing my medical card. However, it might be a month or so until I have enough saved for it)

Until then I was wondering how this would cover up the smell. I have an inclined fan set up in my bathroom. Everytime I smoke up I always go in there, because the smoke travels right outside the apartment. But how strong of a smell do you think a couple plants from a closet from deep within the suite would affect the scent in the hallways ect. Even with the incline fan going (or will this suck up all or a majority of the smell?)

P.S. I know it doesn't help (too) much but I have a plug in scented air freshner in my bathroom as well. I read on this forum somewhere some guy stuck a few near his venting system and he couldn't smell it anymore. The reason I don't use a carbon filter is because there's nothing I can really set up in that regard unless I built a box, but all my walls are white inside.

P.P.S. I'd open a window but it'll be winter soon and our winters are like -50 C legit
This is a DIY diagram of what I'm hoping what (could happen)