1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
what you do top then fim?? how did you fim? just cut the top and left some of the growth on there? btw loooking big, how many days since sprout?


Well-Known Member
31 days. they've grown quite a bit in 8 days. one of the plants that i topped and fimmed sprouted up 3 new stems instead of 2 so this plant has 5 total. They're all looking good. i just started giving them full strength fertlilizer every other feeding. the package says to feed every watering but i'm a little paranoid of over feeding.


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
man they are blowing up!!! mine are starting to look grub man i gotta get some batteries for my cam to hook u up with some pics!! those are looking like some beastie bushes bro im predicting u might get like 1/2 pound if you flower them here soon. great job. again what are you using for soil/nutes? sorry i forget and too lazy to go back

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
just looked at ur last harvest and damn i am once again impressed by ppp calyx formation. i had the same thing just some fluffed out ppp in the summer i gotta get me some beans and take extra special care of them. the one i had over summer was a mother given to me along with a big blue mother... i fed them when they started flowering but the ppp didnt take it and really burned on me. the next 6 weeks produced small buds but same calyz formation. truly an impressive strain a must for my next grow. right now i got 10 big bang seedlings one mazar-i-shariff and 5 bagseed kush seedlings all under a 150 hps. 10 of them in 2 l pop bottles and 6 in 20 oz bottles. im growing in coco which took me some getting used to but now my plants are back on track just switched to 12/12 today because of lack of space im flowering at about 5 nodes avg. some more some less. heres some pics of my cab and my last 2 ladies in soil. just to share some with ya since im kinda just spectating. ill toss up a link to my journal when i update it with all 16 gals in there.



Well-Known Member
sounds good man. hey u really think i could get 1/2 lb from them if i flower soon? i never flowered at this height b4, usually waited until they were at least 18 in. to flower, and last time i got just a little over an oz per plant, although they werent as bushy as these are when they were this size.


Well-Known Member
I am using fox farms ocean forest soil (with a couple handfuls of extra perlte) in 3 gal pots and i'm using fox farms grow big nuts right now for veg.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
i thought power plant would be a good yielder i think that u might get somewhere close to the region of 1/2 pound looks like your canopy is more even than last time and the girls are booming. i think you will be up there bro...yo check out the link in my sig its my current grow journal, 16 girls in about 2 and 1/2 square feet or less. i think you will like my micro cab...small but looks beautifu right now and smell is concerning me very much....im glad my neighbors are all students as well and no old folks

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
i yieled about an ounce and a quarter off those two plants. i had a time limit so i had to chop them right at 8 weeks. i couldve let them gone for atleast 2 more barely any amber when i chopped. anyhow the smoke was harsh on one of them forever no mater how long i cured. the other was great tasting with a spicy piney smell and taste it was truly a pleasure to puff it. anyway these big bang girls already smell amazing at less than 4 weeks, when you see my cab the girls range from 6 -27 days i think but none as big as yours. i was using foxfarm nutes with coco medium at first and it wasnt working out. so i got gh hydro nutes and it works wonders with coco in a week theyve grown more than in the previous 2

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
and yea u dont wanna overdoo the fertz than grow big is quite salty and can burn up your shit. plus the ffof should still have some nute content in it. the bloom formula is completely organic but it can still burn up the plants, but that wont be a problem since uve been feeding for a bit now. great grow man again i hope you check mine out in my sig...peace!


Well-Known Member
They are all looking beautiful, cant wait to flower these girls, but I want them to get a bit taller first. They are currently about 11 1/2 inches. here are some pics from day 40. I couldn't decide on just 1 angle so heres a small gallery. :weed:



Well-Known Member
OK, its been a while since i've updated. I just took some pics, day 59 of veg. I am going to start flowering within the next week I think. I noticed my PH was a bit high, so i added some ph down that i got from a pet store for fish tanks and its working fine, and my plants are loving it. They seem to be growing twioce as fast after lowering it from almost 8 down to about 6.5. They are getting big and its starting to look like a jungle in my closet. I'm definately happy I went with 4 plants this time instead of 6 like my last grow.
Heres some pics, pic 6 is the "twins" that started with 2 heads from seed, pic 7 shows internode space, pic 8 shows leaf size. Tell me what you think. :leaf: :-P:leaf:


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
they look good man, i would prune a bit of the lower branches to get some extra airflow beneath the canopy. yea i realized after growing for a bit that its all about ph, when you got that dialed in with the good nutes you get great results


Well-Known Member
OK, so its been 19 days since I turned the lights back to 12/12, and 13 days since the 1st white hairs came through. I'm pretty happy with how they look so far, cant wait to see how much I really get. They look a lot healthier than my last grow at this stage....



Well-Known Member
I'm currently on my 5th week of flowering. The plants are doing great, although on one of the larger ones today i noticed the starting of a potassium deficiency. To fix this I just added a slightly larger dose of tiger bloom, i had been using 2 tsp per gal and i can use up to 3 tsp per gal, so i'm gonna do that from now on. I also added 75 ml of big bloom to each gal. of water. when i get to week 7 i'm gonna use 50 ml per gal with every watering after 1 more larger dose. the pistils havent started to turn orange yet, still all white.

