1st LED grow,3rd grow ever.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Lets hope third time is a charm.ive got 2 runs under my belt both of which were pretty sad.first one i let them get way too big for the amount of CFLS,not enough lights at all and using the wrong fertilizer.2nd time was a tiny box 12"x12" and 18" tall with 247 actual watts of flowering cfls but didnt have room to let them grow out too big.both grows had been bagseeds of unkown stuff i would get when i couldnt get any of the best shit.so this round im making some big changes and hoping for a good harvest,so far my record is 10 grams,i can say that those 10 grams were covered in trichs and was really good shit i was very happy with the quality.so my new plan starts with a sterilite 2 shelf cabinet it is plastic which makes it light and easy to cut holes for fans and cords and it was cheap ($45) at walmart.i covered the entire inside with mylar and cut the middle section of one of the shelves and strung up a net for scrog.my light is on its way and should be here in a week,after many weeks of looking for a led panel that wouldnt break the bank but would still give me a decent harvest so instead i went with the apollo horticulture gl60led it claims to draw 109 actual watts and i got it for $110 so i figured its worth a try(dont talk shit about my choice of light,i dont have the extra cash right now to pay a small fortune on lights for a hobby) im sure eventually i will change to some other light but as of now ill see what i can do this one.i plan on using fox farms nutrients which i used my last grow,this time i plan on adding the big bloom,i used grow big and tiger bloom last time,not sure on the medium yet,i do plan on using a potting mix of some kind,last round i used the cheapest potting soil i could find which was $1 for a big bag. Ive installed 3 120mm computer fans (2 exhaust and 1 intake) and will also be mounting my 6" desk fan inside under the intake fan to push the fresh air down to the plants.im going to be ordering some fem seeds from one of a few sites ive looked through just have to pick some strains.i want to do a few different strains but im going to be growing them 1 or 2 at a time i havent decided which yet but probably 2.last time i went with distilled water but this time im thinking about using the drinking water which is just RO water.this grow wont be starting for atleast a couple weeks as i am buying everything little by little with each paycheck and all thats left to get started is the light(on its way) seeds,medium then its grow time.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
So my phone crashed for good so I'm using a piece of crap till I get a new one.so the pic sucks but it shows what I've got so far.I have my 3 120mm fans mounted(2 exhaust 1 intake) my light mounted(Apollo horticulture gl60led 109watt draw) 6" desk fan to circulate air between the plants and the scrog net.I ordered seeds today so as soon as they arrive I'll be planting. I have my medium just need to get some perlite to add along with a couple other things possibly.feel free to offer any advice seeing as this is my first LED grow and Im hoping to make this a good grow,at least better than my last 2.



Well-Known Member
I suffered through it. You didn't say what height you have now.

Intake should be at the bottom of the tent. You can go passive intake, no need for an intake fan.

Having something blowing down will fight with your exhaust.

I see no mention of odor control. Move to good seed and you will likely have a stinkier plants. You really need a good exhaust fan and filter combo.

Do one strain at a time. Get something short. I would not try scrog until you have successful grow. Top and lst.

Drinking water is not RO normally. Plus a waste on money. Get a pur filter or something if need be. Be sure to PH.

Soil, I mix my own. Cheap potting soil with minimal nutes (nothing beyond the compost in it), perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite in roughly equal parts then 2T dolomite lime mixed in per gallon.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
The cabinet measures roughly 35" tall 25" wide and 19" deep.as far as odor control I didn't want to take up my small space with a filter so its gonna be like I did with the last run,keep the bedroom door shut and don't have anyone over,lol but I would like to figure something out to help cut it down so I've thought about a small ionizer or something.
I ordered some single seeds of a few different strains so I was thinking of matching 2 at a time that have similar growth time,I've also wondered if I could get better results with 1 at a time and let it bush out more.
For my medium I bought some harvest super powered organic potting mix that seems to be a good start it just needs some perlite and maybe some vermiculite.


Well-Known Member
Get some ducting. have a chimney of it lead oyt of the top. Attahced it to a carbon filter the. to the fan. Filter and fa. can be outside the tent. or filter inside and fan outside would work. Had mine set up that way for a while.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Please help anyone,I started some of my new seeds (white widow x big bud and big bud xxl) I germinated them and planted once they had good tails,its been 4 days and they didn't pop through so I checked on them,both tails were gone with just some white mush and a seed.any ideas on what happened,I've never had any issues like this.


Well-Known Member
Just opinion, if you didn't mix that potting soil down with more neutral media like coco, then I think you burnt the seedling's roots. Next time you might want to get those wee ones in some media that has less nutrients. No need to add any fertilizer until the plant has a few real leaves. You're not alone, I have burnt some seedlings myself. Sometimes just touching the roots after germination can jack up a plant. I still pop with the paper towel method, but I'm very careful about the roots. I try to pick up the seedlings by the hull, w/ some tweezers. I get a plastic party cup and drill a few holes in the bottom. I put some coco mixed with perlite, in it. I flush with tap water for quite a bit of runoff. Then I put some ro water w/ a little super thrive ph'd to 5.8. Get that to runoff a little, poke a hole for the root, set it in place, cover and then I sprinkle some great white on top. I don't think you really need the great white, but I allow myself this one habit, since I don't do too much witchcraft, voodoo, or goofy superstitious rituals to make it grow. When there is some of that webbing stuff, in the media, the plant usually grows very well from there. I don't know if its the great white, but it hasn't hurt, so I keep doing it. Just opinion.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
So I've been playing around with some bag seeds working on getting them to not die.I think it was just over watering.soon I'll be starting a couple good seeds.I got a few to choose from.I have super bud,loud dream,big bud xxl,white widow x big bud,belladona,northern light,herijuana jack33,purple pineberry,chocoloco,5th element and island sweet skunk.anyone have any thoughts on any of those.