1st Medical Grow-Super Lemon Haze & The Church


Well-Known Member
36-48hours is what I've been doing for a while. it's usually 36hours as when the lights go out I separate the ones I'm chopping from their perspective tents and put them into another room that is cool and dark.
by the next night when lights come on again I just start chopping down the ones I took out.
Thats what I said, a couple days. But a bud, like any fruit, it depends on how old, the older, the riper <-sp??? Too ripe, you lose nutrients because it starts to decay (takes months though if the fruit is still on an alive plant and at least a week otherwise.). If your buds are completely done, you need no dark time. But they will produce more thc if they aren't completely done and the younger the bud, the more dark time would benefit because they are still growing. So it doesn't hurt to leave them in the dark, even a few days or longer, and just see if they have more crystals each day. They are going to be drying anyways once they die. You could even go ahead and trim the leaves, just keep the buds and stems intact. Leaves absorb sunlight to produce energy, so are no use in the dark and will help dry.
just to mix it up..... i dont bother with all that ;)
Hello Kiki. Looking forward to your harvest. Hope it's a cracker
Hmmm i was just goin to chop before my lights came back on that day but thinkin now i might just turn them off that day then chop day after so then its only 24 hour for me and the plants had 36 of dark time....but not sure goin to do a bit a research on it, thanks guys for the topic!

Hey whats happnin Kiki! Lookin foward to that update friday flower! lol

I don't either. I do chop during the day and my lights run at night so I gues they get a few hours of dark before chop. :mrgreen:
Hey kiki..sorry to hear about the Hubby...but I will say this whole "chopping dark" is an interesting concept...maybe you could do half your harvest normally and the other half wait..don't know if you can stand the excitement though hehe.
I do believe that there is crystal production in the time of darkness because the plant is still alive and growing. But there is also crystal production when the light is on.... so if the plant is alive and growing then it makes sense to leave the light on. But i dont have quite as many harvests under my belt as most others, just seems common sense to me.;-)
2 paths to go by~ Leaving her in the dark for 36 hours will produce more trichs at the same time they will continue to ripen and you may lose peak harvest. And as for just pulling and chopping, well I always give her 3-6 hours of darkness which allow time for the plants moisture to flow back down into roots.
~Healing Love to your husband
WOW - what a vast range of opinions.... we have 3 hours all the way to 48 hours..... that's a big range farmers.... well.... I'll let you know what I decide to do - tomorrow... on my update... because she will go dark at 6pm tonight, and stay that way - in other words, she is in her last light cycle right now.

I'll post my update of everything tomorrow- flowering, Clones, current veg, and harvest.... there's a lot going on in my garden right now to say the least.

thanks everyone for the input - as a novice grower, i do appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Hey sister in weed and friend indeed, How's it growing ! Give me a shout when you'r on!
Catch Up Later



Well-Known Member
i think that if u r chopping early then u should leave it in the dark for a few days first. but since i hang on the stems in a completly dark room. i just harvest when i think thc is at its highest then hang in the dark room to dry. it still degrade for a day or so. i hate the sleepy feeling after i smoke so i want to harvest before too much thc has turned cbd. basically what i am saying is that i would only give the extra dark days if there was an emergency situation where i had to chop b4 peak potency. otherwise i like just lettin it do what it do. also the dry and cure is i think most important. ur drying technique is the dif between primo and grade a schwag. i usually quick dry a tester to make sure i feeel the effect. then dry forr 3 days with a fan on low in the dry room. i let em get crisp not too crispy still alil spoungey on the inside on the buds but smokable. i cut the buds off the stem and put in a airtight glass containers for 12 hrs. then open for a few hours. rinse and repeat. the time i leave the jar open gradually decreases as the leftover water in the buds evaporate. after about 3 days of this at least. itll start tasteing right. if not straight grassy hay tasting schwag. good luck

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:wow, this is an exciting time for you.
What a journey!
All your hard work, all the time and energy ... now ready to pay you back big time!
Well deserved and amazing journal!
Im really happy for you!!!!
HAVE FUN CHOPPING!!!!!!!!!:peace:Amber


Well-Known Member
okay - lots of pics... and lots going on in the garden.

okay - so there are 25 new clones in the incubator... I just pulled them 5 days ago.... i have 18 new plants in the 4x4 flowering....they're going to be divided into a 4x8 when my new 4x8 gets here in a week.....

you can see the current veg under the bright metal halide.... those were all clones on christmas eve.... then i stuffed them under a T5 in a "holding pattern"....

the farm of bud you see in the tent under the HPS is all super lemon haze to be harvested in 2 weeks..... my special queen was chopped this evening... she was a 7 week strain... the SLH is a 9-10 week strain... (for those of you who don't grow her).... so there are a lot of nice colas in there....

the pics in front of the door are of 2 of the colas that came off my special queen that I harvested tonight....

lastly - the GIANT cola in the tent in the corner by itself is AMNESIA HAZE - she is 7 weeks into flower, and she is a 12 week strain - - OMGosh - she is getting so huge.... it's like a fluke or something - but it's crazy - I will post my pics of the coat hanger with the queen on it in the morning -- - too tired tonight.

cheers mates!



Well-Known Member
Hi Kiki,.....Lookin sweet as!!.....lovin your healthy greeny veg pic, and cant wait for the SLH to finish up!, could you get me more pics of them please? there my fave!
Also the Amnesia Haze colar is a real beauty!

Keep up the good work mate


dirk d

Active Member
Wow kiki!! how many years you been growing for?? lol. you have done an amazing job!! pat yourself on the back for me. my Super Lemon Haze is about 5-12 days away i think from harvesting so im getting excited as well. its actually a good thing your special queen is ready now. you can practice trimming and drying and curing before the SLH is ready.


Well-Known Member
Bravo...that's all I can say...good job their "Stoner Barbie" (sorry I just love that nickname from earlier in the thread)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
nice one girl looks like u've hit the ground running mate :) great gardening :) any close ups of the lemons please? hope ur well

las ;)