1st PC Stealth Grow Bagseed possibly AK-47


Active Member
Hello fellow RIU'ers! I have been reading about, and observing several grow setups over the last year and half. I Saved all the money I could so that I could go buy 2-600 Watt HPS digital ballasts, an 8" and a 6" Can Fan, a big ass grow tent for vegging, and a co2 controller only to find that in my current situation cannot be used...AT ALL...it really really sucks. So since I couldn't grow the way I had projected too I soon realized that if I wanted top quality and trustworthy bud without breaking the bank I would need to grow it myself. So I went and grabbed a PC Case(17.7H x 7.9 W x 18.5 D) and popped a seed in a cup of H20 after two days dropped it in a root plug and she has flourished from there... Enjoy the pics (tried to put them in order and straight) I'm pretty ripped so I'll add more details soon...been :eyesmoke: since 420:mrgreen: I have one CFL in an old desktop "bendy neck" lamp no idea the wattage of the CFL. I will be building a better CFL system next week. Lights are on a 12/12 and CFL is kept 1" away from the plant.I am also using Fox Farm organic soil sorry if I missed anything MORE PIQZ COMING SOON!!:mrgreen:



Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
No criticism from me, but sucks to here about your situation at the moment. If it was me I would start trying some crazy shit to get that stuff to work for me. Haha I proabbaly would of tried to throw a 600w in a stealth case. But hope you can use that equiment soon, but I'll sub this one to see how it turns out!