1st Plant | Bluecheese | Indoor/Outdoor on the cheap


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IMG_20150728_072102.jpg IMG_20150729_082019.jpg IMG_20150730_074847.jpg IMG_20150803_101600.jpg IMG_20150810_225315.jpg IMG_20150811_065839.jpg IMG_20150813_104356.jpg IMG_20150814_112353.jpg IMG_20150815_234530.jpg IMG_20150819_040223.jpg Hello :),

Complete newbie about to harvest my first plant. She's Bluecheese from a plant that herm. I had a lot of seeds but lost them during a move. Glad to have 1 sprouted. She's literally my first plant and my goodness a person can learn a lot from growing. She's a very hearty plant and I've already started 2 clones for some friends and testing a third. The goal was to go as cheap as possible and learned as much as I can from 1 plant.

I really wanted to take it all in at once. I have dyslexia... reading isn't something that I good with. Genuinely it's thanks to marijuana that helped prolong a little bit of clarity to work on developing better with writing.

I gave it a shot and see what happens how far curiosity would go. During veg she was under 24/0 of 1x - CFL - 23w 5000k, 1x - CFL - 15w 6500k and 1x - LED - 18w 5000K by a window. The soil was what I found outside, looked for a plant that's looks healthy and borrowed some of the soil.
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IMG_20150817_111141.jpg IMG_20150818_055742.jpg IMG_20150822_043424.jpg IMG_20150823_040130.jpg IMG_20150824_102427.jpg IMG_20150829_000329.jpg IMG_20150830_055055.jpg IMG_20150903_180825.JPG IMG_20150906_005821.jpg IMG_20150911_180614.jpg I was very rough and she was brilliantly forgiving. I dropped a fan on her and split her at her top, a clamp lamp fell on her several times...She keeps recovering each time I screwed up. Really learned how resilient a plant can be.

Didn't Ph my water, just let it sit and 1 tablespoon of Thrive Alive B-1 Green and Grozyme, 2 spikes of Jobes Organics fertilizer spikes 4-4-4. Both nuts were found laying around and are both expired back in 2013. I played with my own mixtures but since I only had 1 plant and this is my 1st plant, no control to compare. The soil drained well and dried really fast.

The disco-ball is just sweet.
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IMG_20150913_065516.jpg IMG_20150913_072627.jpg IMG_20150914_083500.jpg IMG_20150914_132709.jpg IMG_20150915_085218.JPG IMG_20150917_170522.jpg IMG_20150917_191044.jpg IMG_20150918_102530.jpg IMG_20150920_172028.jpg IMG_20150922_100255.jpg I really wanted to keep her in vegetative stage as long as possible but as soon as I noticed her hairs I transitioned hesitantly to 12/12.

During flowering, she was giving sunlight whenever it is available and when it starts getting dark I would bring her back in to indoor lights. For the lights I hacked off the diffuser domes of 8w Ikea LEDS and used light clamps and got as close as I can for 4 days and then I got lucky at a garage sale with some light sockets. Went on ebay and bought a 20W LED grow light for fun... arrived defective...

For the indoor light most of the flowering stages I had 4x - 8w- LED 3000K, 1x - 18w - LED 5000K, 1x - 20W - defective grow light. When it rained I brought her outside for a soak and back in to some light.

I knew she wasn't going to yield much, it was more of observing, trying, learning and doing what I can with whatever that was around.
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IMG_20151014_152539.jpg IMG_20151014_153324.jpg IMG_20151015_125145.jpg IMG_20151016_090745.jpg IMG_20151017_075453.jpg IMG_20151017_075656.jpg IMG_20151017_084743.jpg IMG_20151019_105743.jpg IMG_20151020_102416.jpg IMG_20151102_135203.jpg The other lights that I got to try out were 23W CFL 3000K Floodlights. After removing the disfuser domes from the 8W LED 3000K looked brighter and I stuck with them till the end.
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New Member
how long has it been in flower for? it does not look done. i would wait at least another 2 weeks to let it fully mature.
I'm glad my photos have the dates on them. She is almost exactly 6 weeks. She looks underdeveloped probably because of not having enough light. I wish I could wait a little longer but her trichomes look just right, around 10% amber. She's in the dark at the moment. I don't want to stress her too hard because I do want to reveg and observe how that works.
yeah so that would put it on 42 days of flower im guessing. you should wait until day 50-56 for an indica. i like to wait for about 25% amber.


New Member
yeah so that would put it on 42 days of flower im guessing. you should wait until day 50-56 for an indica. i like to wait for about 25% amber.
That's really encouraging now that you mentioned that. Since this is an experiment and I'm curious, I really like her closeup colors at the moment. I also would like to see if there is a difference between cloudy with minimal amber for more of cerebral experience. I'm thinking about harvesting her tops and then continue her for another 2 weeks for her bottom buds to mature and see where it goes from there.


New Member
yeah so that would put it on 42 days of flower im guessing. you should wait until day 50-56 for an indica. i like to wait for about 25% amber.
Thank you so much for pointing that out. I have very good feeling about the other buds now. 2 weeks is a lot time to work on furthering their development.


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IMG_20151105_085350.jpg IMG_20151105_125917.jpg
how long has it been in flower for? it does not look done. i would wait at least another 2 weeks to let it fully mature.
Thank you so much for your advice, I wouldn't have got the chance to witness the trichomes development if you hadn't mention that. Don't have a lot of time but will be posting more of her progress in her last week & 1/2. I can't wait to do a smoke difference between her tops and her fully matured buds.

Her trichome development is maturing well. Stretched and now is all cloudy and haven't amber yet.

Here are her 2 clones, she a very hearty plant. If she hermies due to temperature stress then I'll definitely send over some seeds for you to try out.
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Thank you so much for your advice, I wouldn't have got the chance to witness hey trichomes development if you hadn't mention that. Don't have a lot of time but will be posting more of her progress in her last week & 1/2. I can't wait to do a smoke difference between her tops and a fully matured buds.

Her trichome development is maturing well. Stretched and now is all cloudy and haven't amber yet.
im here to help :) excited to see your progress.


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IMG_20151105_150950[1].jpg IMG_20151105_151215.jpg IMG_20151105_134317.jpg IMG_20151103_162619.jpg IMG_20151103_163129.jpg
im here to help :) excited to see your progress.
Thank you, I'm stoked on your end too :)

Here's a better picture of her trichome development. It is better than the development of her tops in comparison. I'm curious if I changed the temperature of the lights now would it help her? I'm trying to keep them all in the same place near a windows and I don't want the warm colour temperature to stretch out her clones. I'm already in bonus round with your advice, might as well give it a go.

Was able to bring her outside for a sunbath today till 2:00pm. Now as slowly as I can to lessen the temperature change of indoor and outdoor. Her leaves are still very healthy.

I understand that having white ash after a light is a quite subjective in terms of it being an indicator of quality. I quick dried her sugar leaves and a small bud with a candle heater plate and she tasted really tasty and smooth. I feel that minimal nuts worked out quite good.