1st plant need help!!


Active Member
same mix its already in, but this time i added rocks to the bottom of the pot for better drainage, and to help prevent root rot. the mix is 2 parts potting soil with perlite pre mixed in that and 1 part peat and for every 2 cups of that i add 1 cup of compost to the final medium we transplanted it to


Active Member
the top is really nice and bushy so i have good faith she'll do just fine
and when we did the transplant it came out soooo perfectly from the plastic container that it was in, it was nice! pretty much the least amount of stress possible was put on her


Well-Known Member
yeahh, looks like shes doing fine,

i looked at mine this morning and i think i spilt some water mixed with fert on one of the big fan leaves lol
it looks like a peice of lettuce u leave out for a couple hours haha


Active Member
rough man careful when you pour! I still need to get a good watering jug with a long spout for accuracy :D


Well-Known Member
yeahh lol i found out what happens haha, im gunna find something too lol
or ill just lightly lift the leaves up haha but yeahh

what do hot spots do to your plant caused by tinfoil?


Active Member
theres little dimples in the older leafs (the leafs before i changed to 2 cfl's) but those have been there a while and i havnt noticed any other ones but other then that pretty much nothing its only one plant in there so i cant see it doing harm the temp is always between 75-80 F fan always on but underneath the shelf the plant is on but i have the fan facing up pushing the cooler air at the bottom of the cabinet up making air circulation.


Well-Known Member
man im hoping to flower mine within the next couple days... i was gunna try tonight but couldnt get enought help lol lights out is at 11 PM


Active Member
my lights out are at midnight. but she still looks like shes growing :D i can see newer leafs pushing up and the other newer ones look a bit bigger makes me feel happy. although the lower leafs have some yellow in them but not at the tips but more like along body of the leaf. I'm not quite sure what this is. may be in shock, may be over watering because it wasn't in need need of watering for another 12 hours yesterday but i transplanted it and water it in place because i wanted the soil moist and not crumbly when it came out, or it could just be wanting nutes cuz i havnt fed any nutes to it yet or it could be getting too much from the compost sigh....... I'll go take a pic brb haha


Active Member
if ur looking at my avatar pic its the first big leaf set u see on the right side that's the one that shows the most but some of the other ones have yellow too, but only the leaf sets that were pushed out before the cfl's


Well-Known Member
mine turned too, now my little bigger leaf... the one with 3 fingers is a really pale yellow that i just noticed 10 mins agoo..

im sure its ok.. i think it realized that that the retarded part oof its body and stoped nutirents to there and sent them further up lol


Active Member
yea makes sense to me brahh! think i should prune this bitch? :D
I mean im shur she'll be happy after those useless leafs are gone right? because she is wasting energy on them right?


Well-Known Member
naww dont i wouldnt yet, if your gunne prune, you wanna do the top, but yours is all messed up and is trying to find its own top right now lol, id wait till you found a deffinate top then decide if you wanna..


Active Member
right right keep forgetting its split, but i can tell wut stem is the dominate one just by looking at it


Well-Known Member
thennn ur set.. lol

after these 2 plants are done i wanna do a couple more but i dunno if i shud buy seeds...
or try bagseed again


dude u better hurry and get more watts! make sure that they r daylight spectrum cause i made the mistake of getting cool white and i ws pissed. u can use soft white but not till flowering. a dual fixture will runn u about 5 bucks and two 65 watt light bulbs would be like ten so i would go that route. keep it up man u learn from ur mistakes and make it better in return!