1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Im new to this site so appologies if I have posted this in the wrong section.

I have recently planted two strains from seed (strawberry diesel and gh's jack herer) which are currently in there 2nd week of the veg stage. The first grow medium was rockwell cubes which were soaked in ph'd water of 5.8 and have recently been transported to pots of clay pebbles. The seedlings are recieving 24 light under blue spec cfl's (which i think maybe the problem) and the heat of the garden is a consistent 80-81. The seedlings are getting hand fed (for now) once per day with a strict ph of 5.8-5.9 without any nutes. The first problem was that the tips started to turn yellow, but now they have all brown burnt tips. Im sure it isnt a nute problem as they are only getting fed water (tap) at the ph of 5.8-5.9. Can anyone tell me what the problem is please??
are you allowing your tap water to sit for 24 hours cause choline from tap water will burn leaves just like that