1st Post, 1st Grow


Active Member
Just wanted to keep a journal of my 1st grow. Have been reading threads on Roll it Up for a few months now and it has helped me a lot through my learning process. I hope that my journal can be beneficial for others as well.

-What I'm Working With-
Grow space 3 1/2(W) x 3 1/2(L) x 6(H)
1 x 400w HPS w/MH conversion bulb
2 x 2 foot T5 H.O.
3 Gallon Pot
FoxFarm O.F.
FoxFarm 3pk Nutrient
Honeywell Enviracaire Purifier for ventilation (carbon filter)

I am a little late to start my journal, but better late then never.. I started my grow on Feb. 14. Two of them are bag seeds, and one belonged to a friend and he gave it to me at around 2 months old. They are 4 weeks and 2 days old today.

I started them out using my T5 H.O. fluorescent bulbs. I got them for about $25 each at a local hydro store. To be honest, at the time, I didn't receive my H.I.D. ballast yet but had already germinated my seeds so I rushed and bought these fluorescent lights. They were good for the first 2 weeks, then proved useless when the MH bulb was delivered. I guess I could use the T5's for clones and other seedlings.. Are T5's better for this, or my 400w MH? Open for response.

I started giving 1/2 str nutrients (FF Grow Big 1tsp & Big Bloom 1tbl) at about the 3rd week from seed but it hurt my plants. My pH was a bit off I think. The leaves turned dark green and wrinkly and looked like a banana boat or canoe. I flushed it with water, and couple days later, I gave 1/4 str nutrients. I think that the FF soil already were rich in nutrients and by adding in the fert., I might have burned them. One of the plants have some dark rust-like spots (mag deficiency look) on some of its fan leaves, but they are all looking much better after the flushing and 1/4 str nutrients.

I topped and LST the plant that my friend gave me, and let the 2 bag seeds grow naturally. I have recently purchased seeds from WWMS and Attitude, so will start germination and update those as well.

I think that about sums up the last 4 weeks. Courteous questions and comments are welcome =)



Active Member
I use my girlfriend's camera so can post pics till this weekend, but still wanted to update how the grow is going. All three are approx. 10" tall and they are really showing me that they are in the vegetative stage. I got a Milwaukee pH meter today and pH is reading at about 5.8. Think I'll try to get that up to about 6 even, or does it matter?

The trained plant is starting to show some pre-flowers. Actually I see just two little white hairs growing on just one internode. On some of the other branches, I think I see little stubs that resemble male pre-flowers. Hermi or just different sexes on different branches? I will definitely take pics ASAP. I think I will flower them in about a week or two. Tomorrow I will feed them half str. nutrients (don't think I should go full str. because the plants are not responding to well to them). Should I start using Tiger Bloom now? I can try to make FF's feeding schedule work, but would like to know if anyone has personal experience with FF 3 pack nutrients and FF Ocean Forrest Soil (side note, next time I think I will cut half FF Ocean Forrest and half FF Light Warrior)

Update on Seeds from Seed Banks

I received my seed from WWMS on 3/15 YAY!!! I ordered on the 5th and delivery confirmation was sent on the 9th. 10 days tho like they said (7-10 days usually). I germinated an Easy Ryder Fem. on the 16th and it showed the white tip later on that night!! (16hrs or so) I figure the auto-flower will only take about 90 days to harvest and is not affected by light cycle, so by the time it is veg. my current three will go under 12/12 w/hps and I'll just let it go wit that cycle. These seeds grow best under 20/4 lighting according to the Joint Doc. :-( It's OK tho.. I have plenty seeds and the first one is kind of a test run.

Will update more soon as I get the camera. In the meantime.... bongsmilie

Also check out the buds that are in Colorado on my review site:



Active Member
Here are some pics I just took about an hour ago. I took pics of the internodes and pics of how the "topping" and "FIM" is turning out. The last pics are of clones and the "Easy Ryder" that is sprouting.



Active Member
So it has been 6 weeks and 2 days since I germinated these plants from seed (except for the topped plant), and I think I am going to turn the light cycle 12/12 and use 400w hps now. Probably a bit early (1 plant's leaves are still not growing asymmetrical) but they are almost 14" tall and it might double or triple that right!?!? Makes me kinda paranoid to think they get too tall since my grow room height is limited to little less then 6ft (that is not including distance needed for light and heat from bulb).

Tomorrow, I'm going to water them and feed them Grow Big nutrients for the last time and start Tiger Bloom as soon as I see signs of the white pistils.

My light just turned off so I'm going to go change the MH to HPS :mrgreen:

Here are some pics of today, the last day of veg. I will keep updating the flowering cycle!!



Active Member
Well It looks like the plant on the right might be a male :-( I added pics of what I think are pre-flowers, and that plant has little nubs without the 2 white hairs coming from it. It is still early to tell for sure, but I will keep a close eye on that one.

The one in the in the middle is not showing any pre-flowers yet so I don't know. I really hope it's a female :???:

The "topped" one should be a female since I saw one branch with 2 little white hairs on it. Hoping it's not a hermi though.

This morning I fed them Grow Big for the last time and will leech the soil next watering. When ever I get a better sign of the sex, I will remove the males, and start giving Tiger Bloom to hopefully more than 1 female.

The Easy Ryder is doing good as well. It will be 1 week tomorrow and I hope it built a lush and healthy root system :-P I will post pics of it soon.



Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant's and set up mate. Im with ya for this one. Like ya said only a day or so between us so lets grow and see how they turn out.



Well-Known Member
What light are you using ...? I use 600 watts hps for years and years .. Dec 2009 i got hps 1000 for xmas .. dude 1000 hps light doing 3 time more yeild .. ( I had to make growing room bigger ) it soo crazy :)... are you using all foxfarm nutes? keep up good work ...


Active Member
Nice looking plant's and set up mate. Im with ya for this one. Like ya said only a day or so between us so lets grow and see how they turn out.


Sounds good Dan. I hope your grow goes great, and will keep looking at your updates. I will post new pics of my updates soon. TY 4 stopping by.


Active Member
What light are you using ...? I use 600 watts hps for years and years .. Dec 2009 i got hps 1000 for xmas .. dude 1000 hps light doing 3 time more yeild .. ( I had to make growing room bigger ) it soo crazy :)... are you using all foxfarm nutes? keep up good work ...
I am using a 400w hps/MH light system from HTG. Long time ago, I did a closet grow and used a 1000w hps and exp. too much heat and plant stretching, since the lights were so far away. When I get a bigger grow area, I will upgrade my lighting. I also use 2 x 2 foot t5 high output for the side growth.

I am using FoxFarm nutes. Do you have exp. using this product?


Active Member
Here are some updated pics from last night. The last image of the smaller one is the Easy Ryder. That one is growing very quickly.

