1st post, 1st thread, prop 19 failed, f#uck it I'm getting my card tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
I've heard Romulan is amazing and more than likely it's the real deal if your going to be paying money for it. If you don't mind me asking are clones out their expensive or mid-range. I was told the clones I got could go for 100 but I got them for 25. Seems like a dramatic markup.


Well-Known Member
A good average price around here is $15. You can find them for 10-12 bucks at some places (they want more customers) and up to 20 at some places. Some places don't get rid of their clones and they sit for a bit vegging and become "teens." Teens go for like 25-30 bucks depending on where you're at. I've heard the same thing about Romulan but I've never smoked it myself. I know it's one of the more expensive ounces around here at some dispensaries.


Well-Known Member
I am so jealous that you have all them clones at your finger tips.

Guess i need to drive down to Cali soon.

Funny your ex military too. I served a few years in the army not to long ago.


Well-Known Member
Hooah! Glad to see another patriot in here.

It's funny, I've never thought of growing my own medicine and the law passed 14 years ago. I never thought of how hard it might be for people in the midwest or the south east to get clones. I guess around there you have to know somebody and I'm sure all the growers are secretive. It's probably real pricey around those areas. Arizona just passed medicinal MJ laws today. Passed with something like 4k votes, a real close one, and a step in the right direction.



Well-Known Member
I lived in NY. Its hard to "meet" people. i eventually did, and me and him are still good friends.
and i agree with what the guy above said, i wish i can get my hand on a romulan


Well-Known Member
So I fixed a turrible problem. My buddy came over and we ph'd the water..... 8.2 OUTTA THE TAP HERE!!!

I just flushed my baby with 1/4 strength nutes (with shit tons of run-off) of water ph'd down to 6.1. After testing the water and figuring how much ph down I need for a gallon I came to 5 ml of ph down to get me to 6.1.-6.2.

I added the botanicare cns17 grow at 1/4 listed on the bottle, superthrive at 1ml per gallon and a 1/2 strength mix of great white for some bennies.

I was noticing multiple deficiencies at once. Mg deficiency, N deficiency.. Only thing I could put my finger on was a terrible ph. Sure enough 8.2 outta the tap. I'm sure it's hard as hell as well. After adding the nutes I let the gallon jug set for a bit, shaked it up and tested the ph. Stable at 6.1, the nutes seemed to be ph balanced themselves.

Anyways, pics of my noobed beginnings lady:

Calling and hopefully going down to the clone place tomorrow and grabbing 2 clones. I think I have my eye on the Poisen and the UK Cheese, although True OG and the Abusive OG seem tempting for some personal smoke. As you can see in the first picture I have 3 pots waiting for 2-3 special ladies. 2 hopefully tomorrow and guess what MY BEAN CRACKED, I have it in a small clear medicine bottle that I put coco in and watered slightly with 6.1 ph'd water. I made sure to drill some holes at the bottom of the little clear pill bottle for drainage. I put the baby on top of my cable box (stays warm) and I have a little case between it for a little insulation. should be warm and toasty. As soon as I see any sign of top growth I'm switching to light so I can keep the stretch down on the little girl. I watched a few videos on youtube, tried a couple methods of getting the seed to crack, but it looks like after puting it in a glass of water on my cable box cracked it in 6 hours after it being in a paper towel.. I'm thinking I'm going to crack seeds in just water from now on. I faced the bean down in the soil a few hours ago and it's now staying nice and toasty.

Btw, she's sitting under a 1k watter there (messing up the camera) because I want her to transpire her current water from herself and add the correctly ph'd water.



Well-Known Member
Ok, quick update; 12 hours have passed and there's a little helmet sticking outta the soil! This little fucker is ready to live!


Well-Known Member
So I fixed a turrible problem. My buddy came over and we ph'd the water..... 8.2 OUTTA THE TAP HERE!!!
I have the same. I was using a cheap liquid and vial test kit and it was really inaccurate.
Good luck on picking a clone, hope things work out.


Active Member
What a sexy looking Kryptonite plant! Lookin healthy and green all over! I foresee frosty nugs in your future, man!


Active Member
Tell me how that Great Shark works out for you! Right now im using a liquid root enhancer and it seems to show good progress, but i would like to compare! keep updating RIU!


Well-Known Member
I'll get a good update tomorrow. I plan on getting my clones then as well and there will be pics~

The seedling's doing well, I used some tweezers and pried the seed casing off the plant. I'm heading back out there to turn the light back on my Kryptonite clone at midnight. The new PH'd water is working its magic I saw improvements all day until I turned the lights out.


Well-Known Member
Heading to the clone shop right now!~!

I'll be consolidating the information on this page and starting a new thread. The next post from me should have the new thread and not this prop 19 crap :D