1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.


Well-Known Member
i would keep them together than just to see what happens also i have been seeing alot of these twin plants off one seed, mabye its genitcs from the breeder

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fish are tooooooooooooo small! lots, granted, but toooooo small!

look at LF and all his fancy prfessional printed out labeling :P i justs have to get a real good idea on what the plants look like and assume 3 months down the line i'm still looking at the right thing :P


Well-Known Member
oi oi! lookin good i like the mop bucket idea, good for getting shit started, would look halarious to have a fully grown lady popping out of that thing haha would be a bit cramped tho eventually!! yeah man i share the paranoia about getting fucked, always keeping up to date on uk raids just go onto google news: cannabis raids . loads of info, when you see some of the crazy shit the po po are tied up with it makes me feel a lot better. As long as your not the head of some epic chinese warehouse op hehe.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
fish are tooooooooooooo small! lots, granted, but toooooo small!

look at LF and all his fancy prfessional printed out labeling :P i justs have to get a real good idea on what the plants look like and assume 3 months down the line i'm still looking at the right thing :P
i tried that but threw away my prime WW clone :( got the labeller from work so thought i might as well use it. all my plugs and connectors for the 400/600 ballast are labeled up embarisingly but thats so i dont blow myself up coz i'm dangerous with stuff like that lol

How is it going mate?

All looking wonderful here.
thanks bro, gonna upload some pics later of the flower room

oi oi! lookin good i like the mop bucket idea, good for getting shit started, would look halarious to have a fully grown lady popping out of that thing haha would be a bit cramped tho eventually!! yeah man i share the paranoia about getting fucked, always keeping up to date on uk raids just go onto google news: cannabis raids . loads of info, when you see some of the crazy shit the po po are tied up with it makes me feel a lot better. As long as your not the head of some epic chinese warehouse op hehe.
cheers bro, loving the good vibes ;)

think it would look pretty mental having a full grown lady in the bucket, tempted 2 give it a go for next time lol

come back later if u see me post again, gonna go take some pics of the flowering girls in a bit. 5weeks today i flipped the light ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Just been reading the whole of this jornal and so far its looking sweet man,can't wait for the piccy's :D.
thanks bro, must of taken u a while 2 read through the crap lol

:joint: here for wen u get back lol.
puff puff pass bro, sendin some freshly made bubble ur way ;)

Lemon Haze, sticky, lemony, hazy. Does what it says on the tin.

Blue Cheese

Blue Cheese

Sophie, looking frosty already but much smaller buds. Gonna pull this girl early but not fussed as want the room any way for my possible uk.

Lemon in Airpot 2weeks 12.12 2moro. Filled the screen now so no more pulling under, just gonna let her rip from now. been feeding her with the nutes that i've been feeding the others with, she's been taking 1.8- 2.0ec for 2weeks with no problems. hamerhead and everything.

sorry about the pics guys had 2 do em with my phone after lights off but u can roughly see whats going on lol

edit -

just thought i'd share this lol. 20 micron

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lookin great fingerez buddy, you getting the boost pumped in?

bubble looks saaaweeeeeeeeeeeet

mad props on the ghetto bubbler man whats the missus gonna say when she wants to mop the floor though!!!! hahahahahah :lol:

one thing i would suggest if you havent already, cover the open part so the roots arent getting light.


Well-Known Member
u still could have made some hash with that moldy trim or even oil usinf iso it will kill all the mold

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lookin great fingerez buddy, you getting the boost pumped in?

bubble looks saaaweeeeeeeeeeeet

mad props on the ghetto bubbler man whats the missus gonna say when she wants to mop the floor though!!!! hahahahahah :lol:

one thing i would suggest if you havent already, cover the open part so the roots arent getting light.
yep bro booooosting it at full wack, 4ml per L, hammerhead at 2ml per L ec2.2 yesterday, thats my full wack bro, dont go no higher ;)

edit - loving the new avatar don, is that home made? made me chuckle bro ;)

well just share away, that looks scrummy, i just lost 100g of cheese/ak trim/popcorn to mould so no hash for a while longer still :(
how comes u didnt freeze it bro i froze all mine last time apart from the stuff i dried out. i dont think it makes any difference, i'm high as a kite right now lol

u still could have made some hash with that moldy trim or even oil usinf iso it will kill all the mold
not sure i'd smoke that but i'm funny like that lol, maby the oil hehehe :bongsmilie:

looking good buddy!! check out my grow in my sig,i got new pics
thanks bro, have had a little look, will pop back when a little less lean lol

Got the camera working, only takes a few pics the dies but at least its better than my shitty work phone.



Overall ;) gonna prop that airpot up with something at some point lol

Mop bucket version 2, the "net" pot is bigger, the hole is covered up and i can move the whole top section. can just be transfered to pretty much any bucket now, although, i'm gonna have 2 get another mop bucket pmsl ;)

The pic of Sophie was crap so heres a pic of my congo frog posing for a pic lol. he/she is pretty small, just dont really look like it lol:eyesmoke:

gonna roll a zoot, read some posts and hit the sack. night/morning peeps ;)


Well-Known Member
hey fingerez, congrats on the twins, now that is gonna be interesting, just like my Thelma and Luois (or Lois since it ended up having balls) Good luck with it lad.


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
mop bucket part 2 looks the business man!

sadly its not my finger tache or my boston terrier
thanks man, still need 2 set it up now with my possible uk clone. dog's still funny as foook mate lol

hey fingerez, congrats on the twins, now that is gonna be interesting, just like my Thelma and Luois (or Lois since it ended up having balls) Good luck with it lad.

ahhh i started reading ur thread but never got through the whole lot, did wonder what happened to the other lol. the smaller twin isnt doing so good, still hasent really opened properly, might just be a mini version lol but i doubt it.

have burned the blue cheese (smells more like blueberry than cheese imo) just a little like, gave her a good flush in the bath and fed the others a little less nutes :( lol

have taken a little bud of the lemon, one that wasnt getting much light, know its gonna taste like hay but getting board after 2 weeks bubble lol. probs end up pulling sophie early...

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
well its nice to be high and not mongy stoned for a change. fair doo's cheese is a good stone but i get board of it as it kills my motivation 2 do anything.

5 and a half week Lemon as expected, tasted "home grown" (the old skool stuff, not OUR home grown lol), could taste the haze a little and the lemon wasnt really there at all yet. I picked some of at 6 weeks last time with my old blue cheese and it didnt taste as good as 2days little one so hoping for a good smoke.

gonna pot up the possible uk clone anyway, just worried about the smell more than anything. there's a little smell coming from my airing cuboard, where the aircooled light is vented. think i must have holes/gaps in the 4 joins that i have in the tent. the girls are getting there last of the 400w 2day, gonna pack it away for winter, will get some ducting clips etc when i re do it. got this air purifier thing, a timed air freshener and a nutradol smelly thing. couldnt really smell it when i got back today.

going to work 2moro but linking up with that bird i took out for lunch a few weeks ago for a smoke after work. hopefully getting some L.S.D weed 2nite, of the same guy i smoked a zoot with. expensive though, 55 for a q lol random price but 110 for half, going halves with a pal.

have a good weekend peeps :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, how you been. All is well here, just extremely busy lately.

Everything is looking superb mate. Dude Congo seems tight as hell, in the pic Congo seems to be looking out at the MJ.

I know what you mean about different strains responding differently to the same nutes, I never realized how different strains can eat. It is a pain in the ass to grow multiple strains, unless they are quite similar.

I have had my eyes on the blue cheese for while, since SnowWhite's grow, fuck ehhh, haven't seen that dude in ages.

From the pics I couldn't tell if the BC had any nute burn, I could see some Cal-Mag def signs though.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
cheers bro was thinking that about the cal-mag but wasnt sure, any one else agree with bender? think its coz of the de-ionised water i use. gonna feed em normal tap water for a week or so. thanks. the mad yellowing leaves starting apearing yesterday, since then only one has formed since i flushed it. others are turning but i think i caught it at the right time, thank fooook i check em so often hey Oscar bro lol

edit looks like the lsd might be falling through but there's some power plant and cheese for 100's ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
been thinking about the space in my tent for my next round and am leaning towards two seedlings in one 10L airpot. i could understand people not wanting to put 2 seedlings in a normal 10L pot but thinking it may work?

your opinions please....

this is my inspiration lol

For your weekend viewing plesure :) Lemon Haze 5.5 weeks 12.12

Going to do a 6 week update in the next few days, charging the batts now ;)