1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so turning the airstone on full and getting rid of the dripper might be a bad thing for me? i looked at integra's setup and his look like there just above maby slightly inside the water. have kinda done the same. by looking at his pics i recon i need more bubbles 2 :)
i need more bubbles tooooo, never enough bubbles. got 2 spare pump outlets available in the attic so might throw another stone into each.

the actual bubble splashing action is only used during rooting, the idea being that the splashing bubbles will wet the net pot and rockwool cube. i imagine there is too much hydroton pebbles in your pot for any bubble splashing to effect the wetness of the rockwool etc. once you have roots out of the thing, they will hit the water and after that, so long as there are bubbles, it doesn't matter about the water level or splashing.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Some beautiful pics up there bru. Really nice indeed. DST
thank you for the good vibes mr DST! got a couple of pics Sat of the lemon in the bath, when my mate saw the pic he was like "is that urs"? lol

i need more bubbles tooooo, never enough bubbles. got 2 spare pump outlets available in the attic so might throw another stone into each.

the actual bubble splashing action is only used during rooting, the idea being that the splashing bubbles will wet the net pot and rockwool cube. i imagine there is too much hydroton pebbles in your pot for any bubble splashing to effect the wetness of the rockwool etc. once you have roots out of the thing, they will hit the water and after that, so long as there are bubbles, it doesn't matter about the water level or splashing.
thanks mate again, the growth seems to be accelerating now the roots are in the water. i've got another air pump but couldnt find it, a bit noisy though lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

Lemon taking her bath, 30+ ph'ed water and boost :)

Lemon in the bath again. yes my house did smell a bit after lol

Just thought i'd share MBP's embedded twist tie, inspired my Sir Bender, lord of the bendy girls (i'm high lol). stuck in there good, cant get it out without damaging probs so it can stay. can kinda see the super cropping effect like it did on benders. hope ur good bro?

some clarification please. i flipped the light to 12/12 on a monday evening at 10pm, then turned back on at 10am tues. which day is day ONE of 12/12?

so 62/63 days 2moro nearly 9weeks. flushed and a little Ripen 2day.

lifted the airpot 6week lemon today and in its tray where these little white moving things, small like a grain of sand white and shaped like a grain of rice. as i said they where moving, well not for long. sprayed em with neem oil 5ml to 1L water and flushed the little fuckers down the toilet. any ideas what they could be and where they come from?




Well-Known Member

Lemon taking her bath, 30+ ph'ed water and boost :)

Lemon in the bath again. yes my house did smell a bit after lol

Just thought i'd share MBP's embedded twist tie, inspired my Sir Bender, lord of the bendy girls (i'm high lol). stuck in there good, cant get it out without damaging probs so it can stay. can kinda see the super cropping effect like it did on benders. hope ur good bro?

some clarification please. i flipped the light to 12/12 on a monday evening at 10pm, then turned back on at 10am tues. which day is day ONE of 12/12?

so 62/63 days 2moro nearly 9weeks. flushed and a little Ripen 2day.

lifted the airpot 6week lemon today and in its tray where these little white moving things, small like a grain of sand white and shaped like a grain of rice. as i said they where moving, well not for long. sprayed em with neem oil 5ml to 1L water and flushed the little fuckers down the toilet. any ideas what they could be and where they come from?


That'll be larvae...probably gnats of some description. I got rid of all my trays as the run off from the pots tend to sit in there and the dark and damp attract gnats which will lay larvae down there...then you got a constant stream of little fukkers. Since I removed mine I still get gnats, but only a few. I now remove every plant that I possibly can and water over a mesh tray and bucket so there is no run off when they go back under the light.

That Lemon Haze is a pretty looking girl Fingerez. Pukka lad.



Well-Known Member
yes thats gnats. i had them to easy to rid of though.they comeo most the time due to over watering, so let the soil dry up a lil more then usael before watering and mabye water less. also i water my plant with the neem oil one time to suffacate the larvea. i also hung a fly trap for the flyers. also after the neem i put 3 raw patato cuts into the soil almost completey coverd by the top layer of soil. the poatato attracts the larvea cuz it is moist. after a few hours if u have them bad u should see a buch of them on the potato so just throw it away when its dryed up. this way worked great for me. the neem is what did the mot to help it. the poatao is just to get extras


Well-Known Member

i always tie with as little stress as possible and a bit looser to avoid the strings cutting in as the pic shows above ;). but as you can se they cope fine in most cases :)

so when we toking bro j.j

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
epic mate! looks sticky icky icky! props on the new style, ill be taking after your and benders by the time i get mine back up n running.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks bro, hoping my mate will let me take a pic of my blue cheese scrogged airpot. (in his room now) was in veg a fair while biggest lady i've seen. will upload some pics in a bit. 9 weeks 2 days :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
This updates for you bro :) hope ur good mate?

Lemon Haze turning (mc)Purple :)

Lemon Top Shot

Lemon Side

6Week Lemon, i think thats gonna be a beast of a bud lol.

blueberry not so cheesy (blue cheese)

Shattered hard core so no long speach 2nite. pretty tired like. :) lemon i broke off is tasting really hazey. keeper, still got another week i recon though :(

Hope ur all good?


edit - forgot to say aint it funny how one branch is really going purple but the rest are slowly. i'm pretty much sure that the severe bending accident was on that branch? might break another to find out, kinda agressive supercropping ( lol @ don g&t)


Well-Known Member
dam plants are lookin great, im likein the (mc) purple LOL. and th3 blus cheese is really getting fat it looks like. great job with the great growing, keep up the great work


Well-Known Member
What McPurps said.(lazy reply, soz, seems like we iz all cream crackered bru)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks brothers :) hmmm a little curious about the weight myself now. the lemon looks tight but when it drys its not so heavy, my mates brought his pans round, the small ish top but i snapped of was 3.3g which i was a little surprised with, it looked huge. cant knock the smoke though. yesterday just dry was hazy and strong, today (overnight in a baggie) can taste the lemon pushing through with the haze, lean of one zoot :) thinking of a little glass bong but i'm hazardous and would blatently get spilt on my carpet lol fuck stinkin bong water days.

having a kip i'm shattered :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck me mate!!! That all looks awesome.
Are you gonna use that ripen stuff? IMO it adds weight in the last week coz the buds really harden up, well they did on the cheese

I'll rep you when it lets me